empowerhack / DrawMyLife-Service

API and Admin system for the Draw My Life initiative - Volunteers: check README and GitHub Projects to get started.
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Expose a CSV API endpoint of our aggregated drawings data to use with the HXL Proxy #147

Open krissy opened 7 years ago

krissy commented 7 years ago

Semi-blocked by: #146, #145 Relates to: #160


We are integrating with the Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX) - see the project/milestone description for background.

As a first step, we want to expose a public .csv endpoint holding data that conveys the "Number of displaced children and their conveyed moods in art therapy".

This will display HXL-formatted content using the database view we created in #145. Once this endpoint is ready, we can use it as a source to create a new HXL Proxy API, which will serve a JSON endpoint for our data visualization graphs to use going forward.

Please refer to the data in #146 for what to replicate. You can also check out the ticket details in #160 to see how this will eventually be used for context.

NB: Though this is blocked by completion of #146, you can already get a start on setting up the new route and CORS fix specified below.


Output and Test