empowerhack / DrawMyLife-Service

API and Admin system for the Draw My Life initiative - Volunteers: check README and GitHub Projects to get started.
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UX love for Drawing Upload page #150

Open EChesters opened 7 years ago

EChesters commented 7 years ago


Redesign the upload page where drawings are uploaded. The priority is the drawing, but the whole page needs to be considered together. In research they said it takes 5 minutes to upload the information about each drawing!

screen shot 2017-02-28 at 22 06 13


Wireframes, feedback, mockups, research, development, research


This needs to be done before April - before the next pilot in Greece

To Do

EChesters commented 7 years ago

MOBILE home drawing_selected

DESKTOP home_1 drawing_selected_1

CathMollie commented 7 years ago

Great work @EChesters! Only two comments from me:

EChesters commented 7 years ago

Happy to change the CTAs - I can remove the 'upload' from the first button too, which may lead to them thinking that's where it uploads (before filling out the form). I'm not too sure on 'Publish later' as it doesn't indicate why you would save it for later.

And the logo is only there, to show that the top bar is the navigation. Changing anything in there is out of scope for this ticket.

CathMollie commented 7 years ago

@EChesters Maybe we just say 'Finish later' rather than 'Publish later'. If not we'll keep with your original wording. Happy to go with your view on this.

rocioleon commented 7 years ago

@EChesters can you remind me where I can find the artwork file of this form? I can include this as an example to show the final logo.