empowerhack / DrawMyLife-Service

API and Admin system for the Draw My Life initiative - Volunteers: check README and GitHub Projects to get started.
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Research/prototype Rotate & Crop tools for uploaded drawings #159

Open CathMollie opened 7 years ago

CathMollie commented 7 years ago

Blocked by #163




To Do

rocioleon commented 7 years ago

Regarding #88 and #89 @EChesters both issues are now merged Here are the updates Download Google Material Icons or attached files

https://material.io/icons ic_crop_black_24dp.zip ic_crop_rotate_black_24dp.zip ic_crop_white_24dp.zip ic_file_upload_black_24dp.zip ic_flip_black_24dp.zip ic_mode_edit_black_24dp.zip ic_person_pin_black_24dp.zip ic_picture_in_picture_black_24dp.zip ic_rotate_left_black_24dp.zip ic_rotate_left_white_24dp.zip ic_rotate_right_black_24dp.zip ic_rotate_right_white_24dp.zip

rocioleon commented 7 years ago

Desktop 1-dml-issues-88-89-desktop 2-dml-issues-88-89-desktop 3-dml-issues-88-89-desktop

rocioleon commented 7 years ago

Mobile 1-dml-issues-88-89-mobile 2-dml-issues-88-89-mobile 3-dml-issues-88-89-mobile

CathMollie commented 7 years ago

Look really good @rocioleon and great basis to work from. Next step is for Dev to pick up and look at actual tools for rotate and crop and play back suggestions to team. Cloudinary (new image & upload service) is a good starting point.