empowerhack / DrawMyLife-Service

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Research: Integrating the Koppitz system, Leuven Scale, SDQ into our data #179

Open krissy opened 7 years ago

krissy commented 7 years ago


Confirm how we want to integrate popular art therapy metrics, the Koppitz system's emotional indicators (https://www.researchgate.net/file.PostFileLoader.html?id=594cba07dc332de1f026f70b&assetKey=AS%3A508304230227969%401498200580979), the Leuven Scale (http://www.magicnursery.co.uk/pdf_documents/LevelsofWellBeing.pdf) and SDQ (Strength & Difficulties Questionaire) (http://sdqinfo.org/) into DML, including integration of observational mental health 'themes' such as PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), violence, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), parental attachment, post-natal depression (young women), anger management etc.


krissy commented 6 years ago

Have started collating notes in https://www.notion.so/General-research-existing-mental-health-data-efforts-for-refugee-children-de9c8e50e1b745b5893e7a336a076ac1

Biggest finding is existence of the Koppitz system for analysing 30 emotional indicators in children's drawings of the human body, and details of the research conducted in this very relevant study: Bahçeşehir Study of Syrian Refugee Children in Turkey. Worth a read in its entirety for insights on how this study was conducted and how data was collated, but have extracted some key points into the doc above.

This system may be potentially useful for identifying relevant objects in images via crowdsourcing. We should definitely use our conversations with art therapists to valid this system's use today.