empowerhack / DrawMyLife-Service

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Email the following art therapy orgs with aim of arranging focus group/interview #181

Open CathMollie opened 6 years ago

CathMollie commented 6 years ago


The following organisations are based in London and offer art therapy for vulnerable children. They may be able to provide us with priority user needs, to help us refine our data set.


Email the contact point for each org. Email should be short and reiterate the following:


To Do

London Art Therapy Centre Children experiencing personal issues - no particular emphasis on displaced children [emailed 26 Oct] http://arttherapycentre.com/art-therapy/art-therapy-with-children/
Contact: info@arttherapycentre.com

The Institute for Arts in Therapy and Education https://artspsychotherapy.org/therapy-courses/child-therapy/. Contact: info@artspsychotherapy.org [emailed 26 Oct]

Young Minds: Addressing Adversity Project https://youngminds.org.uk/what-we-do/our-projects/addressing-adversity/ Does not mention art therapy but focus of the project is on raising awareness about the impact on trauma on the mental health of young people. Plus we have actual contacts! Contact: Bianka Kuhn - Project Manager: bianka.kuhn@youngminds.org.uk tel: 07415 874 317 Alice Yeates - Project Coordinator: alice.yeates@youngminds.org.uk tel: 0207 089 5056 [emailed 26 Oct]

CORAM - Young people's projects Emphasis on equipping young people to understand youth rights and become ambassadors in the campaign to have their voices heard http://www.coram.org.uk/how-we-do-it/supporting-young-people
Contact: http://www.coram.org.uk/contact-us