Volunteer section to be designed and built for the homepage. This should match the wireframe as close as possible and be the sixth section of the homepage.
Business value: drive people into volunteering with us. This is aimed at techies and anyone interested in joining the team.
Section as a partial and included on the homepage. This should be the sixth section on the homepage, after the Team section.
Signing off should be done by design, UX and QA.
Should we need to focus on getting volunteers into the team, it would be good to measure and AB test engagement with this section.
Volunteer section to be designed and built for the homepage. This should match the wireframe as close as possible and be the sixth section of the homepage.
Business value: drive people into volunteering with us. This is aimed at techies and anyone interested in joining the team.
Section as a partial and included on the homepage. This should be the sixth section on the homepage, after the Team section.
To Do