empowerhack / RecordOnTheGo

Portable health record for long term refugee health care
MIT License
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Implement ability to register as a user (front end) #25

Open neraks opened 8 years ago

neraks commented 8 years ago

As a Patient, I want to be able to register as a Patient user through a web portal so that I can become a user of Record on the go.

Acceptance criteria 1: Given I am an unregistered user When I browse to the Record on the Go working prototype Then I see a link on the homepage to register as a patient.

Acceptance criteria 2: Given I am an unregistered user When I click on the link to register as a patient Then I am taken to a page with the following labeled fields

Acceptance criteria 3: Given I am an unregistered user When I am on the Registration page Then each input field has a max length of 255 characters

Acceptance criteria 4: Given I am an unregistered user When I enter an invalid username Then I see an error message in red text telling me what is wrong with my username

Acceptance criteria 6: Given I am an unregistered user When I enter a valid username and not matching passwords Then I see an error message in red text that Password and Retype Password input fields must match.

Acceptance criteria 5: Given I am an unregistered user When I enter a valid username and matching password and retype password Then I am able to register as a user.

Acceptance criteria 7: All data is sent securely