emproof-com / nyxstone

Nyxstone: assembly / disassembly library based on LLVM, implemented in C++ with Rust and Python bindings, maintained by emproof.com
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The Doxygen Documentation Should be Included/Rendered #24

Closed tweidinger closed 8 months ago

tweidinger commented 8 months ago

For easier access and understanding the rendered documentation should be accessible without building it yourself.

I would suggest to do this automatically via Github workflow as required workflow step for each PR before allowing to merge into main and either render the documentation in a Github page or add the rendered docs folder to the repository.

I would propose something similar for the Rust bindings or link to the crates.io documentation, once released and published as a crate.

stuxnot commented 8 months ago

I've currently added a github action which updates the documentation automatically after a push to master, if the srcs have changed. This way, documentation updates only appear once (in the src code) in MRs. If you see any problems with this approach, I'm happy to change it :)

pkoppe commented 8 months ago

Docs are included now. They will also be published via GitHub Pages once the repo is public.