empus / armour

Armour -- an advanced eggdrop channel protection script for IRC
12 stars 11 forks source link

make floodnet bans use 'getmask' to not override blacklist/DNSBL/portscan bans #131

Open empus opened 1 year ago

empus commented 1 year ago


--> | edge (~kim18fem@ has joined #cservice
--> | Blownose (~bda@ has joined #cservice
 -- | Mode #cservice [+b *!~*@] by zen
<-- | zen has kicked Blownose (Armour: blacklisted (reason: (auto) join flood detected) [id: 215])
 -- | Mode #cservice [-b+b *!~*@ *!*@] by zen
<-- | zen has kicked edge (Armour: join flood detected)

Flodnet ban should have used !~@