emqx / CocoaMQTT

MQTT 5.0 client library for iOS and macOS written in Swift
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CocoaMQTT/Websockets cannot connect to wss host? Need help #406

Closed sonhd92 closed 1 year ago

sonhd92 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm facing this issue when using CocoaMQTT/Websocket by doing pod 'CocoaMQTT/WebSockets', '1.3.0-rc.2' to connect to my host at this url: wss://cpl-emqx-socket.staging-bitcastle.work:8083/mqtt

And this is what console log show for me:

2021-11-01 14:09:23.375234+0700 BitcastleApp[13709:570825] Task <ECC86E98-32B4-4C58-85D1-34BB7FC3C881>.<1> finished with error [-1003] Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1003 "A server with the specified hostname could not be found." UserInfo={NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=https://wss//dev-cpl-socket.staging-bitcastle.work:8083/mqtt, NSErrorFailingURLKey=https://wss//dev-cpl-socket.staging-bitcastle.work:8083/mqtt, _NSURLErrorRelatedURLSessionTaskErrorKey=( "LocalWebSocketTask <ECC86E98-32B4-4C58-85D1-34BB7FC3C881>.<1>" ), _NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey=LocalWebSocketTask <ECC86E98-32B4-4C58-85D1-34BB7FC3C881>.<1>, NSLocalizedDescription=A server with the specified hostname could not be found.}

Here is my code, why the url still has http/https before wss? Can someone explain for me where's wrong in my code:

import UIKit
import CocoaMQTT

class CPLMQTTManager: NSObject {
    var mqtt: CocoaMQTT?

    static let shared = CPLMQTTManager()
    var topic: String?

    private override init() {


    func startConnection() {
        let clientID = "BitCastle" + String(ProcessInfo().processIdentifier)
        let websocket = CocoaMQTTWebSocket(uri: "/mqtt")
        mqtt = CocoaMQTT(clientID: clientID, host: "wss://dev-cpl-socket.staging-bitcastle.work", port: 8083, socket: websocket)
        mqtt?.enableSSL = true
        mqtt?.username = ""
        mqtt?.password = ""
        mqtt?.willMessage = CocoaMQTTMessage(topic: "orderbook_BTC_USDT", string: "hello")
        mqtt?.keepAlive = 60
        mqtt?.delegate = self
        _ = mqtt?.connect(timeout: 60)

extension CPLMQTTManager: CocoaMQTTDelegate {
    func mqtt(_ mqtt: CocoaMQTT, didReceive trust: SecTrust, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) {

    func mqttDidPing(_ mqtt: CocoaMQTT) {


    func mqttDidReceivePong(_ mqtt: CocoaMQTT) {


    func mqttDidDisconnect(_ mqtt: CocoaMQTT, withError err: Error?) {


    func mqtt(_ mqtt: CocoaMQTT, didConnectAck ack: CocoaMQTTConnAck) {
        print("Connect HUHUH")

    func mqtt(_ mqtt: CocoaMQTT, didPublishAck id: UInt16) {
        print("publish HUHUHU")

    func mqtt(_ mqtt: CocoaMQTT, didPublishMessage message: CocoaMQTTMessage, id: UInt16) {


    func mqtt(_ mqtt: CocoaMQTT, didReceiveMessage message: CocoaMQTTMessage, id: UInt16) {
        print("HUHUHUH \(message.string?.description ?? "")")
        print("OPOPOP: \(message.topic)")

    func mqtt(_ mqtt: CocoaMQTT, didSubscribeTopics success: NSDictionary, failed: [String]) {
        if failed.count > 0 {
            print("UIUIUI \(failed)")
        }else {
            print("KOKOKO \(success)")

    func mqtt(_ mqtt: CocoaMQTT, didUnsubscribeTopics topics: [String]) {


leeway1208 commented 2 years ago

@sonhd92 hi, try these codes

   let clientID = "CocoaMQTT-\(animal!)-" + String(ProcessInfo().processIdentifier)
   let websocket = CocoaMQTTWebSocket(uri: "/mqtt")
   mqtt = CocoaMQTT(clientID: clientID, host: "cpl-emqx-socket.staging-bitcastle.work", port: 8083, socket: websocket)
   mqtt!.username = ""
   mqtt!.password = ""
   mqtt!.willMessage = CocoaMQTTMessage(topic: "/will", string: "dieout")
   mqtt!.keepAlive = 60
   mqtt!.delegate = self
   mqtt!.enableSSL = true 
pakito87 commented 2 years ago

@sonhd92 did you find any workaround? I have the same problem.

sonhd92 commented 2 years ago

@sonhd92 did you find any workaround? I have the same problem.

I use the solution of @leeway1208 above and it's worked for me