emqx / CocoaMQTT

MQTT 5.0 client library for iOS and macOS written in Swift
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Installation fails - cannot import MqttCocoaAsyncSocket #497

Closed clm57 closed 1 year ago

clm57 commented 1 year ago

New user and I see where there has been an import issue before that was apparently fixed, but it will not compile for me due to import error: Installed MQTT with Podfile: use_frameworks! pod 'CocoaMQTT' ran pod install added to Cartfile: github "emqx/CocoaMQTT" "master" ran Carthage update --platform macos --use-xcframeworks

fails with code 65 and log file has error due to CocoaMQTT.swift command: import MqttCocoaAsyncSocket error: no such module 'MqttCocoaAsyncSocket' import MqttCocoaAsyncSocket ^ Carthage build info: Fetching CocoaMQTT Checking out CocoaMQTT at "1b53733e0d92e95f2f78a0e9164f2c3c8a20de8b" Checking out MqttCocoaAsyncSocket at "1.0.6" Checking out Starscream at "3.1.1" xcodebuild output can be found in /var/folders/5c/_kgrrymn4hx0glzk2g84ysrh0000gn/T/carthage-xcodebuild.XRrSpA.log Building scheme "Mac Framework" in MqttCocoaAsyncSocket.xcodeproj Building scheme "Starscream" in Starscream.xcodeproj Building scheme "Mac Framework" in CocoaMQTT.xcodeproj Task failed with exit code 65: Build Failed

log file error: CocoaMQTT.swift:10:8: error: no such module 'MqttCocoaAsyncSocket' import MqttCocoaAsyncSocket ^


Suggestions welcome

clm57 commented 1 year ago

Issue resolved itself when OS was upgraded from 12 to 13.0.1