emqx / CocoaMQTT

MQTT 5.0 client library for iOS and macOS written in Swift
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CocoaMQTTWill not always installed #502

Closed clm57 closed 1 year ago

clm57 commented 1 year ago

Trying to develop an App with MQTT. Looking at code examples they use CocoaMQTTWill, which on my new app doesn't get included in the files when I do a pod install. When I do the pod install on the example code, it does get included. So it would appear there is a setting in my Xcode project that causes CocoaMQTTWill not to be included. Tried ios vs MacOs and it doesn't seem to do it.

Can anyone tell me setting is likely to cause this?

thanks in advance!

leeway1208 commented 1 year ago

Hello . ‘CocoaMQTTWill’ has already updated to ’CocoaMQTTMessage‘ in the new version.

clm57 commented 1 year ago

Thanks! I still don't understand why I get different results when I do a fresh pod install for different projects, I get different source codes. The CocoaMQTT checkout identifier was the same in both cases. But knowing that the CocoaMQTTWill has been updated tells me I just need to move beyond that, so thank you!