emqx / emqx-operator

A Kubernetes Operator for EMQX
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Add support for EMQX `.spec.config` from existing Secret or Configmap #1039

Closed onedr0p closed 2 months ago

onedr0p commented 2 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

I would like to use the templating features of ESO in order to populate the .spec.config field in the EMQX resource and it would be great if the .spec.config could read from an existing secret or configmap to achieve this.

Describe the solution you'd like

Consider the following ...

EMQX resource

apiVersion: apps.emqx.io/v2beta1
kind: EMQX
  name: emqx5
  namespace: database
  image: public.ecr.aws/emqx/emqx:5.6.0
  # New Option
    - type: secret
      name: emqx-config-secret
      replicas: 3

External Secret resource

This will create a Kubernetes secret and ESO would replaced {{.LDAP_USERNAME}} and {{.LDAP_PASSWORD}} with my external secret from my provider.

apiVersion: external-secrets.io/v1beta1
kind: ExternalSecret
  name: emqx-config
    kind: ClusterSecretStore
    name: onepassword-connect
    name: emqx-config-secret
      engineVersion: v2
        config: |
          authentication {
            backend = "ldap"
            mechanism = "password_based"
            method {
              type = hash
              password_attribute = "userPassword"
              is_superuser_attribute = "isSuperuser"
            server = ""
            query_timeout = "5s"
            username = "{{.LDAP_USERNAME}}"
            password = "{{.LDAP_PASSWORD}}"
            pool_size = 8
            base_dn = "uid=${username},ou=testdevice,dc=emqx,dc=io"
            filter = "(objectClass=mqttUser)"
    - extract:
        key: emqx
    - extract:
        key: ldap

I could then use the secret in the EMQX resource using configFrom as shown in my example.

Rory-Z commented 2 months ago

Hi @onedr0p I'm sorry I don't know too much for external secrets, looks it is a community operator? I think we will not support it soon. EMQX support use environment variables to configure, check this document: https://docs.emqx.com/en/enterprise/latest/configuration/configuration.html#environment-variables So maybe you can try set K8s secret to EMQX pod environment, I think it will be work.

onedr0p commented 2 months ago

This really isn't about ESO, it's more about consuming the config from an existing secret or configmap. I was just explaining my use-case with ESO.

Rory-Z commented 2 months ago

OK, can environment variables meet your needs?

onedr0p commented 2 months ago

I suppose so