Closed zhongwencool closed 7 months ago
please describe what happens after the error. is it restarted by the supervisor? is it going to cause error escalation to the supervisor ?
please describe what happens after the error. is it restarted by the supervisor? is it going to cause error escalation to the supervisor ?
I use a gen_server to monitor this udp pid. when this udp process exit, the monitor will exit too, then the whole supervisor will be restarted.
init([Size, Port]) ->
SupFlag = #{strategy => rest_for_one, intensity => 300, period => 6},
PoolSpecs =
id => emqx_udp_monitor,
start => {emqx_udp_monitor, start_link, [Size, Port]},
restart => permanent,
shutdown => infinity,
type => worker
id => emqx_dispatcher_sup,
start => {emqx_dispatcher_sup, start_link, [Size]},
restart => permanent,
shutdown => infinity,
type => supervisor,
modules => [?MODULE]
{ok, {SupFlag, PoolSpecs}}.
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]).
start_link(Size, Port) ->
gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [Size, Port], []).
init([Size, Port]) ->
{ok, Pid} = open_udp(Size, Port),
_ = process_flag(trap_exit, true),
erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
{ok, #{port => Port, udp => Pid}}.
handle_info(Request, State = #{}) ->
?SLOG(emergency, #{
msg => "udp_monitory_receive_unknown_msg_cause_udp_restart",
request => Request
{stop, Request, State}.
terminate(_Reason, _State = #{port := Port}) ->
_ = close_udp(Port),
code_change(_OldVsn, State = #{}, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
open_udp(Size, Port) ->
Options = [
%% esockd is not support acceptors option, acceptors is always 1.
{acceptors, 1},
{shutdown, brutal_kill},
{udp_options, [
{active, true},
{mode, binary},
{sndbuf, 81920},
{recbuf, 81920}
%{debug, true}
MFA = {emqx_custom_udp_xxx, start_link, [Size]},
esockd:open_udp(?MODULE, Port, Options, MFA).
close_udp(Port) ->
esockd:close({?MODULE, Port}).
Mem leak! Should change to receive EXIT messages instead To support hot-beam upgrade, the DOWN clause should be kept.
Mem leak! Should change to receive EXIT messages instead To support hot-beam upgrade, the DOWN clause should be kept.
Never mind, there is already a EXIT handler
we may receive udp_error or udp_closed:
Test cert file is expired at 2024 Jan 13, so we update to 2034