emre / dpoll.xyz

Decentralized poll app on the top HIVE blockchain
MIT License
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Escaped Character Code Rendered Between Markdown Backticks #97

Open tdreid opened 5 years ago

tdreid commented 5 years ago

Expected Behavior

An HTML character entitity between single backticks in markdown should render as the corresponding human legible symbol. For example, ' in That's not funny should be rendered as an apostrophe.

For example, this dPoll is rendered correctly on Busy.org.


Actual Behavior

On dPoll.xyz the character entitity code is shown in the rendered markdown.

The following image shows the same poll as rendered by the dPoll website.


Steps To Reproduce

  1. Create a new poll.
  2. Add Question.
  3. Add a Description, including an inline snippet enclosed by back ticks (`). There should be at least one HTML character that calls for entity encoding within the snippet. For example:
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. `This snippet's apostrophe shows the problem.`
  4. Add answers.
  5. Submit the poll.
emre commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the report. Labeling as a bug.