Adding status of the ELMO delivered from the EMP. This is to be put on the same level as report or as a part of the report. This is possibly more important when we look at a new EMREX protocol where the EMC fetches the data from the EMP instead of the EMP POST-redirecting the user back to the EMC.
The main idea is to allow EMREX, or EMPs, to allow the token issued to the EMC to be active over a period of time and allow the EMC to subscribe to the results of a person. The EMC should in this case be able to know if the data it collects in complete or if there was an error, and the nature of that error, while fetching them.
<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="status">
<xs:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="code">
<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
<xs:enumeration value="FULL"/> <!-- All data collected -->
<xs:enumeration value="SELECTION"/> <!-- user selection of data -->
<xs:enumeration value="PARTIAL_TEMPORARY"/> <!-- Partial collection of data, expected to be more when system recoved -->
<xs:enumeration value="PARTIAL_PERMANENT"/> <!-- Partial collected data, never expected to retreve the rest -->
<xs:enumeration value="ERROR_TEMPORARY"/> <!-- Error during data collection, temporary nature -->
<xs:enumeration value="ERROR_PERMANENT"/> <!-- error during data collection, permanent nature -->
<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="message" type="PlaintextMultilineStringWithOptionalLang"/>
<!-- A message that can be read by the EMC to give the user additional information about what happened -->
Adding status of the ELMO delivered from the EMP. This is to be put on the same level as report or as a part of the report. This is possibly more important when we look at a new EMREX protocol where the EMC fetches the data from the EMP instead of the EMP POST-redirecting the user back to the EMC. The main idea is to allow EMREX, or EMPs, to allow the token issued to the EMC to be active over a period of time and allow the EMC to subscribe to the results of a person. The EMC should in this case be able to know if the data it collects in complete or if there was an error, and the nature of that error, while fetching them.