With the introduction of OOTS and support for education processes within Single Digital Gateway, there is a need to provide duration of studies to the ELMO schema.
We propose to add a new element LearnerOpportunityInstance.duration, with a type of duration - restricted to days, weeks, months, years.
<xs:element name="duration" minOccurs="0">
This describes the normal duration in time for an education.
Here, issuers of ELMO can describe types of duration. The schema provides a predefined list of duration
<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
<xs:enumeration value="Day">
Duration in number of days
<xs:enumeration value="Week">
Duration in number of weeks
<xs:enumeration value="Month">
Duration in number of months
<xs:enumeration value="Year">
Duration in number of years
Meeting 28 June (Tor, Mirko, Jan-Joost, Geir)
With the introduction of OOTS and support for education processes within Single Digital Gateway, there is a need to provide duration of studies to the ELMO schema.
We propose to add a new element LearnerOpportunityInstance.duration, with a type of duration - restricted to days, weeks, months, years.