emrspecialistsamer / aws-glue-workshop

Repository for AWS Glue Workshop
Apache License 2.0
30 stars 29 forks source link

Maintenance Improvements #8

Open eebomarsi opened 2 years ago

eebomarsi commented 2 years ago

This PR makes it easy to deploy and test workshop code changes including cloudFormation templates, startup scripts, and notebooks.

  1. Parameterize source bucket/path for maintenance. Now you can launch from your own s3 path, or default to the current s3://emr-workshops-us-west-2/glue_immersion_day/
  2. Add stack prefix to resources to avoid naming collisions.
  3. Fix notebook paths from "module" to "Module" so source matches s3://emr-workshops-us-west-2/glue_immersion_day/

Testing with own source:

git clone -d aws-glue-workshop_fork
<modify source templates, scripts>
aws s3 sync . s3://ebo-cft/glue-workshop-source/ --delete

Create new CloudFormation stack:

template: https://ebo-cft.s3.amazonaws.com/glue-workshop-source/cloudformation/glue_workshop_cfn.yml
S3BucketName: glue-workshop-1228f 
SourceBucket: ebo-cft
SourcePrefix: glue-workshop-source
StackPrefix: glue-workshop-1228f

Wait for stacks to deploy and notebook instance to be ready...