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EM_ASYNC_JS didn't end as expected when listen dom event #23036

Open Perter-Zhang opened 5 days ago

Perter-Zhang commented 5 days ago

I am currently simulating a modal dialog.

In CPP code,I will create a H5

element. There is a close button on the dialog. and i bind event listeners for close button by embind style.

When click "close" button, the dialog will be close and continue subsequent follow.

To achieve the blocking effect, I used the macro EM_ASYNC_JS to implement it.

In EM_ASYNC_JS Function, I will create a Promise and listen "close" event for dialog element. If the "close" event be triggered, The function will return a result.

But when actually executing, The close event is triggered but it will not be returned to CPP

Version of emscripten/emsdk: 3.1.69

emcc (Emscripten gcc/clang-like replacement + linker emulating GNU ld) 3.1.25 (febd44b21ecaca86e2cb2a25ef3ed4a0a2076365)
clang version 16.0.0 (https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project effd75bda4b1a9b26e554c1cda3e3b4c72fa0aa8)
Target: wasm32-unknown-emscripten

Full link command and output with -v appended: emcc example.cpp exampleexport.cpp -o a.js -g -s ASYNCIFY --bind

// example.h
#pragma once
#include <emscripten.h>
#include <emscripten/val.h>

class example

  void DoModal();
  static void OnEvent(emscripten::val event);
  void HandEvent(emscripten::val event);
// example.cpp
#include "example.h"
#include <emscripten/html5.h>
#include <emscripten/bind.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>



EM_ASYNC_JS(int, WaitingClose, (), {
  console.log("waiting close begin");
  var p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    console.log("addEventListener for dialog");
    var dialogElem = document.getElementById("modal-dialog");
    dialogElem.addEventListener("close", ()=> {

  let obj = await p;
  console.log("waiting close end");
  return obj;

void example::DoModal()
  emscripten::val documentElem = emscripten::val::global("document");
  emscripten::val newDialogelem = documentElem.call<emscripten::val>("createElement", std::string("dialog"));
  newDialogelem.set("id", std::string("modal-dialog"));
  newDialogelem["style"].set("width", "600px");
  newDialogelem["style"].set("height", "400px");
  newDialogelem["style"].set("background-color", "#a0a0a0");

  emscripten::val newCloseElem = documentElem.call<emscripten::val>("createElement", std::string("div"));
  newCloseElem.set("id", std::string("modal-dialog-close"));
  newCloseElem.set("data-context", (uintptr_t)this);
  newCloseElem["style"].set("width", "25px");
  newCloseElem["style"].set("height", "25px");
  newCloseElem["style"].set("float", "right");
  newCloseElem["style"].set("background-color", "#ffffff");

  newDialogelem.call<void>("appendChild", newCloseElem);
  documentElem["body"].call<void>("appendChild", newDialogelem);

  newCloseElem.call<void>("addEventListener", emscripten::val("click"), emscripten::val::module_property("eventlistener"), false);

  emscripten::val dialogElem = documentElem.call<emscripten::val>("getElementById", std::string("modal-dialog"));
  if (false == dialogElem.isNull() || false == dialogElem.isUndefined())

  std::cout << "before" << std::endl;
  int result = WaitingClose();
  std::cout << "close result: " << result << std::endl;
  std::cout << "after" << std::endl;

void example::OnEvent(emscripten::val event)
  uintptr_t uDataContext = event["target"]["data-context"].as<uintptr_t>();
  example* pExample = (example*)uDataContext;
  if (pExample)

void example::HandEvent(emscripten::val event)
  std::string strEvent = event["type"].as<std::string>();
  if (strEvent == "click")
    emscripten::val documentElem = emscripten::val::global("document");
    emscripten::val dialogElem = documentElem.call<emscripten::val>("getElementById", std::string("modal-dialog"));
    if (false == dialogElem.isNull() || false == dialogElem.isUndefined())



  emscripten::function("eventlistener", &example::OnEvent);
#include "example.h"
#include <emscripten/emscripten.h>
#include <emscripten/bind.h>

        .function("DoModal", &example::DoModal);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="utf-8">

  <meta charset="UTF-8" />
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
  <title>Test Demo</title>

  body {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

  var webReportCtrl = undefined;
  Module = {};
  Module.onRuntimeInitialized = async function () {
    webReportCtrl = new Module.example();

<script src="./a.js"></script>


After check the output result, I found it will output warning and error in terminal. The output result as following:

waiting close begin
addEventListener for dialog
a.js:941 Aborted(Assertion failed: Cannot have multiple async operations in flight at once)
a.js:964 Uncaught RuntimeError: Aborted(Assertion failed: Cannot have multiple async operations in flight at once)
waiting close end

If I not use embind to bind event listeners for "close" button

EM_JS(void, BindFun, (), {
  var elem = document.getElementById("modal-dialog-close");
  elem.addEventListener("click", ()=> {
      var dialogElem = document.getElementById("modal-dialog");

 //newCloseElem.call<void>("addEventListener", emscripten::val("click"), emscripten::val::module_property("eventlistener"), false);

The result is right. The output result as following:

waiting close begin
addEventListener for dialog
waiting close end
 close result: 1

Does anyone have any idea about this issue? If I use embind to bind events, how do I adjust my EM_ASYNC_JS function?

I am a beginner in emscripten and may not know much about it. If there is anything wrong in my description, please forgive me.

brendandahl commented 1 day ago

I don't see anything immediately wrong with the example, but I do notice your output for emcc -v shows emscripten 3.1.25 which is very old. Maybe try a more recent version/ensure you're actually building with 3.1.69 like you mention.