emsec / ChameleonMini

The ChameleonMini is a versatile contactless smartcard emulator compliant to NFC. The ChameleonMini was developed by https://kasper-oswald.de. The device is available at https://shop.kasper.it. For further information see the Getting Started Page https://rawgit.com/emsec/ChameleonMini/master/Doc/Doxygen/html/_page__getting_started.html or the Wiki tab above.
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FULL DISCLOSURE: The com.proxgrind.chameleon Android app is malware??? #271

Closed maxieds closed 4 years ago

maxieds commented 4 years ago

It has come to me that BugTraq, the late once formerly great, is defunct as of this year. Sadly that would have been the best outlet for this sort of report. This is, I suppose, the next best place to voice my position and discovery of this abhorrent attitude on the part of the Proxgrind developers. This report comes well after the BugTraq-era window I communicated to the vendor in light of the fact that that security following conscience is no longer centralized. Their complete disregard for users, and knowledge that this has gone on is so disgustingly apparent that it's harming more folks than not by not reporting it.

Please clone my summary repository, and make sure it cannot disappear, by running the following command at your terminal of choice:

git clone https://github.com/maxieds/ChameleonProxgrindAndroid-FullDisclosure.git

I believe this all speaks for itself. What my reverse engineering skills have not allowed me to master is how to run the APK on an emulator (rooted device?), isolate all resources, and see what exactly is getting put on the system after installing this beast. If I am off, or otherwise have missed something crucial, please join me in a lively follow-up discussion about what should be done about this?

maxieds commented 4 years ago

@quantum-x; Gentlemen, anything you want to add to the discussion given your might in making sure these devices ended up in my possession this year? Really, this is a big f*cking deal, boys!!

david-oswald commented 4 years ago

Hi @maxieds

I'm also not sure what is the best place to report this kind of things, maybe try reaching out on the discord channel to them?

The issue you describe seems more like dynamic code loading to obfuscate their app - but yeah it could of course be misused to load arbitrary code.

maxieds commented 4 years ago

@david-oswald I am going to go farther than what you did to insinuate that this app loads malware. Based on my public inspection of the obfuscated reversed engineered APK sources to the com.proxgrind.chameleon app (see below), it is evident to me that the following is correct: The vendor app is nothing more than a store front installer for more backdoor hooks into the system to come. Not unlike some of the services Facebook puts on a droid with their characteristically interpreted, but more commonplace, spyware application.

If I were a concerned user, or otherwise security conscious person, I would take the following course of action about having unwittingly been duped into installing this app on my Android device under the premise that it is legitimate, good natured vendor code to control my new (pricey) Chameleon device with Bluetooth:

  1. Uninstall the application
  2. Report the problem and your concerns to Google Play Store for them to investigate (including a link to this discussion should be sufficient verbosity to motivate that report) -- Make sure they are aware that users are very concerned!
  3. Perform a factory reset of the device to remove all backdoor malware and suspicious hidden activities it could have put on your system
  4. Let the Proxgrind developers and the merchant your purchased the Proxgrind device from know you are unhappy

In principle, users that were forced into using the vendor application to get otherwise obscured, and incomplete, BLE Bluetooth connections to their Proxgrind Chameleon can expect that ability from my app some time in the future. With respect to BT not working in the CMLD app (again, my original GPL, freely available open source Android alternative to the vendor), it is not going to be readily possible without more specific documentation about the BT BLE device from the vendor. I have inquired about getting these details, but they have chosen on their own volition to blow me off. This could be an artifact of my choice of 4-letter language at them when I discovered this malware feature set in their closed-source Droid app. If you want them to communicate more about these specs to me to get BT working in the CMLD, please do drop them a line and let them (and their CTO) know you are unhappy.

Screen Shot 2020-08-23 at 8 36 33 AM

It also makes me nervous that unlike the AVR firmware sources, the OTG Bluetooth firmware is conspicuously closed-source and tenuously available to users only in binary form. Again, if that makes you nervous, like it does to me, please drop the Proxgrind vendors an issue and let them know you are unhappy about it.

Telltale signs that the com.proxgrind.chameleon Android application is doing malicious things

Explanation of dynamic code loading (possibilities versus reality)

It is possible based on my reading of the reversed engineered Java code for the app that it uses a dynamic loader to import functionality from pre-compiled .so (shared object) files, presumably obtained from C source, under a number of platform-specific variants (e.g., processor types). This could be explained by the app's builtin mfoc (Mifare offline cracker) functionality. In other words, it is possible that whomever developed this Android app was either inexperienced, or just plain lazy, and did not realize that the C/C++ sources for that code can be directly imported and included in native code mode. However, the presence of other shared object libraries included with the APK binary is concerning. In general, this sort of procedure on Android is bad practice, on the order of at least a code smell, and should be discouraged, possibly with the exception of those who would have signed keys and can write system apps -- but even then, I don't like this layer of obfuscation. I continue below with other symptoms of malware functionality.

No a priori semblance of Android BT functionality in the app before dynamically loading remote object from com.qihoo.util

The lack of apparent standard Android Bluetooth library code in the initial app suggests that since BT connectivity does work in the vendor app, something immediately gets side-loaded the first time the app is run by the user. That there is a clear link to the packages from the Qihoo company (see also here for evidence of past bad behavior) is very disconcerting given the bad reputation and track record from that source.

Presence of troublesome on-boot (and DFU) services and options in the manifest file

See the description of DFU functionality and the following snippet taken from the com.proxgrind.chameleon Android manifest file uploaded here:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package="com.proxgrind.chameleon" platformBuildVersionCode="29" platformBuildVersionName="10" android:versionCode="105" android:versionName="2020-06-03_1803" android:compileSdkVersion="29" android:compileSdkVersionCodename="10">
    <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="19" android:targetSdkVersion="29"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.NFC"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
    <uses-permission-sdk-23 android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
    <application android:theme="@style/AppTheme" android:label="@string/app_name" android:icon="@drawable/chameleon_green_128dp" android:name="com.stub.StubApp" android:allowBackup="false" android:supportsRtl="true" android:resizeableActivity="false" android:roundIcon="@drawable/chameleon_green_128dp" android:appComponentFactory="androidx.core.app.CoreComponentFactory">
        <service android:name="com.proxgrind.chameleon.services.RestartService" android:enabled="true" android:process=":restart"/>
        <service android:name="com.proxgrind.chameleon.services.DfuService">
                <action android:name="no.nordicsemi.android.action.DFU_UPLOAD"/>
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
        <service android:name="com.proxgrind.chameleon.services.BondService" android:exported="false"/>
maxieds commented 4 years ago

On second read of the third point above, it is possible that the DFU service is how they flash the BT firmware? But, WTF is the restart --service-- about? I am very concerned that this app has the capability to turn my Droid into a remote drone.

Let me also reiterate the insensitive manner in which I was responded to by the Proxgrind developer contact point (as of yet, not word, nor input from a very prominent merchant in the EU about their status on this, at least to me):

Re: Concerns with the Proxgrind Android app (com.proxgrind.chameleon)

So what am I suppose to do or what can I do to help with your problem ?

I think it is better you state your concerns and bulletin it so I can go to my CTO with a more details on your concerns and how we can achieve more together ?


"My problem" seems to be an innate concern for users in the Chameleon Mini community, to which I have been readily forthcoming and able to contribute my software piece, for years. How absolutely irresponsible and reckless would I need to be to stay silent about this?

maxieds commented 4 years ago

At someone's suggestion today, I am trying to be more polite to strangers. Some strangers deserve it, others clearly do not. I am therefore appealing to a subset of the group of smart masses here with raw data. My opinion about this app being malicious is stated above. Please do feel free to draw your own educated opinions based on the following data:

Preliminary reconnaissance: Google search provides links

I have a few other sparse links searching around for more information:

Anyone want to sign up for a Pro account to get dumped memory strings?

Screen Shot 2020-08-24 at 7 12 27 PM

Interesting IP traffic from the default com.proxgrind.chameleon APK install

Screen Shot 2020-08-24 at 7 06 32 PM Screen Shot 2020-08-24 at 7 07 05 PM

Relevant PDF data (please read through 1 and 3!)

AndroidManifest.xml.pdf APKStaticAnalysis.pdf report-a8dc7c27a273a56dbc084bca7dcf03f5.pdf

maxieds commented 4 years ago

It also occurs to me to provide the dumped network traffic PCAP file downloaded from the analysis here. Enjoy!


Screen Shot 2020-08-24 at 7 24 40 PM

maxieds commented 4 years ago

For comparison, I am also remitting the analogous analysis for the previous (com_proxgrind_chameleon_2020-02-18_1547_02_17_2020.apk) APK, and for the record and comparison, for my app, the Chameleon Mini Live Debugger (my own local signed developer copy: app-free-release.apk):

report-1ae2b86c9ca728aee93fc699e3cb04b2.pdf -- Analysis of the older version of the com.proxgrind.chameleon APK -- MORE IPs LISTED

report-270665c7f6399bf6c4119808584eb0c5.pdf -- CMLD application: Verdict, CLEAN application!

Damn! To whomever is responsible for this malfeasance: Hot in Hell, ain't it!?! :fire: :anger: :godmode: :trollface: :speak_no_evil:

maxieds commented 4 years ago

@david-oswald: I lack a discord invite.

Unfortunately, I still have pertinent information that I feel is risky not to make available to users. I am particularly concerned given the following res/xml/arrays.xml entry:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <array name="chameleon_click_list">
    <array name="chameleon_size_list">
    <array name="chameleon_slot_list">
    <array name="chameleon_type_list">
    <array name="device_list_support">

In particular, this looks much like the profile from the RFIDTools Android app, a common controller for the Proxgrind3 and other NFC related devices (see screenshot below):

I am also concerned that if this same vendor is involved in making the next generation of NFC tools (e.g., proxmark devices), then this disturbing trend can easily persist. (UPDATE: no problems here with that app)

Other software available is concerning:

Screen Shot 2020-08-24 at 11 43 03 PM

AutomatedMalwareAnalysisExecutiveReport.pdf dump-9dac98579289a7e0ffbad3fef093f279.pcap.txt


N.b., I am not a security professional.

aveao commented 4 years ago

Disclaimer, note, whatever: I am not related to RRG, proxgrind, et al. I just want to ensure that the product I invested in is safe, just like you appear to be.

Second note: You're on the wrong repo btw, this is emsec's, not RRGs, which AFAIK is unrelated to RRG/proxgrind.

I'll be writing my stuff I've discovered over at Discord here too.

Firstly, regarding your post.

Regarding qihoo, I've found references to qihoo offering packing solutions on page 8 of https://arxiv.org/pdf/1801.01633.pdf, as this product: https://jiagu.360.cn/

While this is obviously undesirable, that alone doesn't jump directly to "malware" for me.

Regarding USB devices,

They are the following, in this specific order:

They all appear to be, well, UART and serial connectors. ChameleonMini/Tiny also works over USB and uses serial.

Several of these appear to be relics from development, and I assume only two or so of these are currently in use by production devices, but none of this appears malicious to me.

Explanation of dynamic code loading (possibilities versus reality)

No a priori semblance of Android BT functionality in the app before dynamically loading remote object from com.qihoo.util

Preliminary reconnaissance: Google search provides links

appears to be the same as qihoo point above.

Presence of troublesome on-boot (and DFU) services and options in the manifest file

I'm not sure what this is, though it might be related to updates. Restart might be about restarting the chameleon after an update, though I think dennis can say more about that.

Anyone want to sign up for a Pro account to get dumped memory strings?

You can likely dump these strings from a device yourself, I don't have any experience with that, but I might look into it if you think there's anything important there.

Interesting IP traffic from the default com.proxgrind.chameleon APK install

Those are Google IPs, so I assume they're just pinging google to verify that network is connected, that'd also explain the DNS query.

maxieds commented 4 years ago

@aveao What alarms me the most out of the reactions I'm getting is that no one seems outraged! Throwing :shit: against the wall to see what sticks, or otherwise obfuscates things beyond all recognition, is not going to fly with me on this day. I do however respect you up front for debating this with me in public. This is not about you personally. The insinuation that burden of malice is on me is not a good attitude, and moreover, given the evidence I have documented above it has already been done.

To paraphrase Marvel comics,


Let me respond to what you just wrote again in slightly different wording:

What I am now proposing after some reading is that parts of the Android source for the com.proxgrind.chameleon application are based (loosely) on the open source RFIDTools Droid app. This explains the UART devices you mentioned found in the specs for the /res/raw/device_filter.xml above. It also explains to some extent the entries in /res/xml/arrays.xml referenced above here.

The sandboxed run of the com.proxgrind.chameleon app run from a fresh install is here (as linked above). It contains some very unnerving traffic over the web. Additionally, through ports 53 and 123, which make it very suspect for malicious intent -- though not conclusively so just based on that. NTP is one option. There are other techniques under which these ports get used to bypass otherwise stringent firewall rulesets. Why is there network traffic being initiated by the app anyway? If it's just a loader for .so binaries to protect proprietary investments in code (as suggested by your arXiv link), then everything they need to load is already in the APK's included assets folder, right? This all smells very bad to me.

What is most disconcerting to me is the Bluetooth issues linked here:

  1. The BT firmware for the Proxgrind devices is closed-source. Why? Also, it is either broken, or a very proprietary build of a BLE device spec that doesn't play nicely with others. Documentation does not exist and is not forthcoming from the Proxgrind developer people.
  2. When you look at the JADX reverse engineered APK sources (in Java, Kotlin, shared object binary form) from here, there is ABSOLUTELY NO Bluetooth functionality from the standard Android BT stack. One then gets very suspicious what put together this all means?

Re: packing solutions on page 8 of https://arxiv.org/pdf/1801.01633.pdf:

What exactly in the Proxgrind app needs to be protected in this way? Things like the mfcrack32.so are (should be) based on the open source MFOC tool written in C/C++. What is being hidden here? What I'm saying, having done a lot of Android hacking myself, is that it is so abnormal to have no traces of the Android BT libraries controlling the BT functionality in the app, that it is almost impossible that this StubApp is doing legit things.

Compare this output with the output of this tool on the RFIDTools APK (off Play Store). Night and day really. One wreaks of malware, the other is a typically packaged Droid app, for example. They both have pre-compiled binary .so assets! Similar technique. The difference is one is completely lacking the Android backing declared in the AndroidManifest.xml. See also this link for a general evasive procedure.

There is also again a point to make about the issue with web traffic initiated by the app. See the sandbox sites output. Things are not as innocent as they appear. Run it for yourself with a suspicious eye considering what I have written and seen so far above!

maxieds commented 4 years ago

Another very conspicuous sign of foul play to me is evidenced by a subtle declaration of the permissions in com.proxgrind.chameleon:

Screen Shot 2020-08-25 at 8 29 20 AM

As specified in the Android BT docs, the application either needs to declare a location permission like ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION (missing in the vendor app), or otherwise use the CompanionDeviceManager API to handle BT pairing. However, as noted in the docs, to use this secondary method, we require the following missing addition to the AndroidManifest.xml for the app:

<uses-feature android:name="android.software.companion_device_setup"/>

It stands to reason that this is a clear demonstration that the BT functionality in com.proxgrind.chameleon does not go through the Android APIs. Another highly suspect insight into the vendor app not behaving itself well on my system (anthropomorphism implied). QED

david-oswald commented 4 years ago

I'll close this issue now, as it doesn't really relate to the Chameleon development in this repo.