emsesp / EMS-ESP

ESP8266 firmware to read and control EMS and Heatronic compatible equipment such as boilers, thermostats, solar modules, and heat pumps
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
302 stars 96 forks source link

any send causes CRC error #176

Closed oli747 closed 4 years ago

oli747 commented 5 years ago

I have some issues with the EMS bus.

I have the code running on a wemos D1R2 mini. I use the EMS interface board from bbqkees (I ordered a soldered and tested one, before he started to ship the complete setup with the esp8266 included). I power the wemos with a 5V power supply, and connect to the bus using EMS screw terminal to the Nefit topline aquapower CW5 boiler / Nefit Easy thermostat. I tried the resistor jumper setting in both positions and see no difference. B.t.w. I compiled the code on Arduino (needed to change a few include headers from <> to " " but no real code changes).

EMS-ESP system stats: System logging set to Verbose LED is on, Listen mode is off Boiler is disabled, Thermostat is disabled, Solar Module is disabled, Shower Timer is disabled, Shower Alert is disabled

EMS Bus stats: Bus is connected Rx: # successful read requests=0, # CRC errors=17 Tx: Last poll=2.500 seconds ago, # successful write requests=0


From looking at the logging (set to verbose), I think it reads messages correctly, but it fails to send messages (any send causes a CRC error). But perhaps I interpret the logs wrong. This is a typical log:

(00:00:09.900) Sending raw: 8B 88 02 00 20 00 (00:00:09.910) Corrupt telegram: 8B 4C 00 20 74 (00:00:11.368) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x18, telegram: 18 88 18 00 18 (CRC=C5) #data=1 (00:00:11.404) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x18, telegram: 08 18 18 00 07 01 80 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 89 01 D9 01 6C 00 00 0E 30 48 00 CB 00 00 (CRC=94) #data=24 (00:00:11.443) 0x08 -> all, type 0x07, telegram: 08 00 07 00 03 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (CRC=76) #data=13 (00:00:12.775) Sending read of type 0x02 to 0x30:telegram: 0B B0 02 00 20 (CRC=65) #data=142 (00:00:12.785) Corrupt telegram: 0B 13 00 20 65 (00:00:18.130) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 01 80 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 89 01 D9 01 6C 00 00 0E 30 48 00 CB 00 00 00 (CRC=6D) #data=25 <--- UBAMonitorFast(0x18) (00:00:18.349) 0x08 -> all, type 0x34, telegram: 08 00 34 00 38 01 D9 01 D9 21 00 00 03 00 00 DC 14 00 26 26 00 80 00 (CRC=23) #data=19 <--- UBAMonitorWWMessage(0x34) (00:00:18.575) Sending read of type 0x02 to 0x38:telegram: 0B B8 02 00 20 (CRC=25) (00:00:18.584) Corrupt telegram: 0B 13 00 20 25 (00:00:27.843) 0x08 -> all, type 0x07, telegram: 08 00 07 00 03 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (CRC=76) #data=13 (00:00:28.155) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 01 80 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 89 01 D9 01 6D 00 00 0E 30 48 00 CB 00 00 00 (CRC=09) #data=25 <--- UBAMonitorFast(0x18) (00:00:28.424) 0x08 -> all, type 0x34, telegram: 08 00 34 00 38 01 D9 01 D9 21 00 00 03 00 00 DC 14 00 26 26 00 80 00 (CRC=23) #data=19 <--- UBAMonitorWWMessage(0x34) (00:00:29.525) Sending read of type 0x02 to 0x02:telegram: 0B 82 02 00 20 (CRC=EC) (00:00:29.535) Corrupt telegram: 0B 30 20 20 EC (00:00:36.368) 0x08 -> all, type 0x07, telegram: 08 00 07 00 03 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (CRC=76) #data=13 (00:00:37.625) Sending read of type 0x02 to 0x08:telegram: 0B 88 02 00 20 (CRC=BC) (00:00:37.635) Corrupt telegram: 0B 4C 00 20 BC

Anybody an idea what I should try next?

proddy commented 5 years ago

As the board came from bbqkees I can assure you its been thoroughly tested and Rx/Tx is wired correctly. I trust this is version 1.8.x so also have a look at https://github.com/proddy/EMS-ESP/wiki/Troubleshooting.

The boiler is 0x18 and Rx is working I see. Also try querying it directly with send 0B 90 02 00 20

proddy commented 5 years ago

Also, bbqkees's boards come with firmware installed. Did it work before you built the firmware yourself? And to rule out any build errors since you're not using the official pio method, try flashing with one of the firmware bin's from https://github.com/proddy/EMS-ESP/releases

oli747 commented 5 years ago

Also, bbqkees's boards come with firmware installed.

as I tried to explain: I ordered the bbqkees board a few months ago, when he offered just the ' level shifter' board without the esp8266 and the voltage converter.

I will try the firmware bin, and I will try to do the raw send.

thanks for your support, it is much appreciated!

oli747 commented 5 years ago

I now have your 1.8.3 build running, result is exactly the same (so it seems the build was good).

But your remark that Rx does work and Tx does not made me try to change the tx_mode setting, and setting this to 1 worked! thanks again for your support!

proddy commented 5 years ago

Ok great. Strange that it didn't work with tx_mode 0. If you have time would you mind trying out version 1.9. Just take the bin. The whole tx_mode has gone and there is new logic to support writing (Tx). It'll be interesting to hear if it works on your EMS bus.

oli747 commented 5 years ago

No luck with 1.9.0b5, and no tx_mode setting so I don't know how to get this to work. Here is some general info, if you want me to try some things, please let me know.

system ESP8266 System stats:

[APP] EMS-ESP version: 1.9.0b5 [APP] MyESP version: 1.2.0 [APP] Build timestamp: 2019-08-26 23:16:06 [APP] Uptime: 0 days 0 hours 7 minutes 24 seconds [APP] System Load: 6% [WIFI] WiFi Hostname: ems-esp [WIFI] WiFi IP: [WIFI] WiFi signal strength: 70% [WIFI] WiFi MAC: CC:50:E3:17:2E:17 [MQTT] is disconnected [SYSTEM] System is Stable [SYSTEM] Board: PLATFORMIO_D1_MINI [SYSTEM] CPU frequency: 80 MHz [SYSTEM] SDK version: 2.2.1(cfd48f3) [SYSTEM] CPU chip ID: 0x172E17 [SYSTEM] Core version: 2_5_2 [SYSTEM] Boot version: 6 [SYSTEM] Boot mode: 1 [SYSTEM] Last reset reason: Restart from terminal [SYSTEM] Restart count: 0 [SYSTEM] rtcmem status: blocks:2 addr:0x60001280 [SYSTEM] rtcmem 00: 1163087990 [SYSTEM] rtcmem 01: 65536 [FLASH] Flash chip ID: 0x164020 [FLASH] Flash speed: 40000000 Hz [FLASH] Flash mode: DIO [FLASH] Flash size (CHIP): 4194304 [FLASH] Flash size (SDK): 4194304 [FLASH] Flash Reserved: 4096 [MEM] Firmware size: 674000 [MEM] Max OTA size: 2465792 [MEM] OTA Reserved: 16384 [MEM] Free Heap: 24400 bytes initially | 8488 bytes used (34%) | 15912 bytes free (65%)

info EMS-ESP system stats: System logging set to None LED is on, Listen mode is off Boiler is disabled, Thermostat is disabled, Solar Module is disabled, Shower Timer is enabled, Shower Alert is enabled

EMS Bus stats: Bus is connected Rx: # successful read requests=0, # CRC errors=15 Tx: Last poll=2.450 seconds ago, # successful write requests=0

Boiler stats: Boiler: Hot tap water: off Central heating: off Warm Water activated: ? Warm Water circulation pump available: ? Warm Water selected temperature: ? C Warm Water desired temperature: ? C Warm Water current temperature: 48.9 C Warm Water current tap water flow: 0.0 l/min Warm Water # starts: 9768 times Warm Water active time: 39 days 3 hours 22 minutes Warm Water 3-way valve: off Selected flow temperature: 7 C Current flow temperature: 34.7 C Return temperature: 35.6 C Gas: off Boiler pump: off Fan: off Ignition: off Circulation pump: off Burner selected max power: 0 % Burner current power: 0 % Flame current: 0.0 uA System pressure: 1.4 bar System service code: 0H (203) Heating temperature setting on the boiler: ? C Boiler circuit pump modulation max power: ? % Boiler circuit pump modulation min power: ? % Boiler temperature: 36.6 C Pump modulation: 0 % Burner # starts: 44426 times Total burner operating time: 587 days 0 hours 22 minutes Total heat operating time: 547 days 21 hours 0 minutes

Shower stats: Shower is off

autodetect Started scan on EMS bus for known devices Requesting type Version(0x02) from dest 0x02 Requesting type Version(0x02) from dest 0x08 Requesting type Version(0x02) from dest 0x09 Requesting type Version(0x02) from dest 0x10 Requesting type Version(0x02) from dest 0x11 Requesting type Version(0x02) from dest 0x17 Requesting type Version(0x02) from dest 0x18 Requesting type Version(0x02) from dest 0x20 Requesting type Version(0x02) from dest 0x21 Requesting type Version(0x02) from dest 0x30 Requesting type Version(0x02) from dest 0x38 Requesting type Version(0x02) from dest 0x48 (00:09:50.523) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 01 5B 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 91 01 E9 01 64 00 00 0E 30 48 00 CB 00 00 00 (CRC=C3) #data=25 <--- UBAMonitorFast(0x18) (00:09:50.767) 0x08 -> all, type 0x34, telegram: 08 00 34 00 38 01 E9 01 E9 21 00 00 03 00 00 DC 2A 00 26 28 00 80 00 (CRC=C1) #data=19 <--- UBAMonitorWWMessage(0x34) (00:09:52.043) Sending read of type 0x02 to 0x02, telegram: 0B 82 02 00 20 (CRC=EC) (00:09:52.311) Corrupt telegram: 0B 82 02 00 20 EC 00 08 00 07 00 0B 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (CRC=00) #data=19 (00:09:52.786) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x16, telegram: 18 88 16 01 02 (CRC=E5) #data=1 (00:09:52.799) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x16, telegram: 08 18 16 01 41 41 (CRC=F7) #data=2 (00:09:52.986) 0x08 -> all, type 0x07, telegram: 08 00 07 00 03 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (CRC=76) #data=13 (00:09:53.204) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x06, telegram: 18 08 06 00 13 08 11 1D 0D 09 03 01 (CRC=6E) #data=8 (00:09:53.436) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x1C, telegram: 18 88 1C 00 08 (CRC=C5) #data=1 (00:09:53.455) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x1C, telegram: 08 18 1C 00 91 08 0E 16 30 00 00 00 (CRC=14) #data=8 (00:09:53.614) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x1A, telegram: 18 08 1A 00 00 00 (CRC=7B) #data=2 (00:09:53.836) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x35, telegram: 18 08 35 00 11 (CRC=1C) #data=1 (00:09:54.036) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x33, telegram: 18 88 33 02 01 (CRC=74) #data=1 (00:09:54.048) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x33, telegram: 08 18 33 02 37 (CRC=BF) #data=1 (00:09:55.193) Sending read of type 0x02 to 0x08, telegram: 0B 88 02 00 20 (CRC=BC) (00:09:55.233) Corrupt telegram: 0B 88 02 00 20 BC 00 08 0B 02 00 73 05 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 (CRC=00) #data=16 (00:09:55.486) 0x08 -> all, type 0x07, telegram: 08 00 07 00 0B 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (CRC=5A) #data=13 (00:09:55.893) Sending read of type 0x02 to 0x09, telegram: 0B 89 02 00 20 (CRC=B4) (00:09:55.927) Corrupt telegram: 0B 89 02 00 20 B4 00 09 0B 02 00 72 01 (CRC=03) #data=9

oli747 commented 5 years ago

please let me know if you want me to test anything on 1.9, otherwise I'll revert the install to 1.8 and continue to integrate the setup in my home logging.

proddy commented 5 years ago

thanks for offering to help. I removed tx_mode from the new web interface as I was pretty confident the new tx code (mode 2) would work for all EMS devices but looks like there are a few exceptions. I'll add it back to the 1.9 and do a build tomorrow called 1.9.0b7 so you can use that. If you have any suggestions for the project let me know!

susisstrolch commented 5 years ago

Sorry for the late reply against that already closed issue - was busy with other projects...

(00:09:52.043)` Sending read of type 0x02 to 0x02, telegram: 0B 82 02 00 20 (CRC=EC) (00:09:52.311) Corrupt telegram: 0B 82 02 00 20 EC 00 08 00 07 00 0B 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (CRC=00) #data=19

That's definitely not a problem of the sender! Instead, the from the echo wasn't handled properly - either by timing or by protocol violation (sendig w/o poll acknowledge).

As you can see, the corrupt telegram consists of two parts: the echo of the send package and a new telegram from 0x08 to all:

echo: 0B 82 02 00 20 EC 00 telegram: 08 00 07 00 0B 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

The 00 at the end of the echo is either a misdetection of emsuart (which I don't believe) or simply a handling issue in ems-esp functions.

In those cases it's pretty helpfull to "set log j" - jabbermode - which shows what's going on on the EMS-bus.

proddy commented 4 years ago

@oli747 doing what @susisstrolch suggested is a good start (log j) to see if the breaks are detected. The code does (should) handle the echo correctly.

oli747 commented 4 years ago

log j Unknown command. Use ? for help.

I guess I need to reflash to the beta first?

proddy commented 4 years ago

I'm pretty sure Jabber was in 1.9.0 but I could be mistaken. Anyway always good to use the latest version from the dev branch which is now 1.9.1b3. The web interface should detect it and upload automagically. Otherwise grab it from the Releases page

susisstrolch commented 4 years ago

log j Unknown command. Use ? for help.

I guess I need to reflash to the beta first?


In those cases it's pretty helpfull to "set log j" - jabbermode - which shows what's going on on the EMS-bus.

proddy commented 4 years ago

@oli747 if you're brave would you mind checking 1.9.1 again to see if you still get those CRC errors?

proddy commented 4 years ago

closing - if this is still a problem please re-open

oli747 commented 4 years ago

sorry it took so long (since I cannot switch between 1.8 and 1.9 without physical access it takes more time). I've tried 1.9.2b3

EMS Bus stats: Bus is connected, protocol: Buderus Rx: # successful read requests=0, # CRC errors=5 Tx: no signal

webinterface sais: EMS Bus Connected but Tx is not working

with log v I don't see corrupted messages (00:15:54.011) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 00 E5 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 71 01 E8 00 F1 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 00 (CRC=90) #data=25 <--- UBAMonitorFast(0x18) (00:15:54.230) 0x08 -> all, type 0x34, telegram: 08 00 34 00 38 01 E8 01 E8 21 00 00 03 00 00 E0 7D 00 27 63 00 80 00 (CRC=D6) #data=19 <--- UBAMonitorWWMessage(0x34) (00:15:58.624) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x16, telegram: 18 88 16 01 02 (CRC=E5) #data=1 (00:15:58.637) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x16, telegram: 08 18 16 01 41 41 (CRC=F7) #data=2 (00:15:58.817) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x06, telegram: 18 08 06 00 13 0A 12 09 03 0D 02 01 (CRC=B5) #data=8 (00:15:59.049) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x1C, telegram: 18 88 1C 00 08 (CRC=C5) #data=1 (00:15:59.068) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x1C, telegram: 08 18 1C 00 91 08 0E 16 30 00 00 00 (CRC=14) #data=8 (00:15:59.252) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x1A, telegram: 18 08 1A 00 00 00 (CRC=7B) #data=2 (00:15:59.374) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x35, telegram: 18 08 35 00 11 (CRC=1C) #data=1 (00:15:59.624) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x33, telegram: 18 88 33 02 01 (CRC=74) #data=1 (00:15:59.636) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x33, telegram: 08 18 33 02 37 (CRC=BF) #data=1 Starting scheduled query from EMS devices (00:16:03.986) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 00 E5 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 71 01 E8 00 F0 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 00 (CRC=F4) #data=25 <--- UBAMonitorFast(0x18) (00:16:04.205) 0x08 -> all, type 0x34, telegram: 08 00 34 00 38 01 E8 01 E8 21 00 00 03 00 00 E0 7D 00 27 63 00 80 00 (CRC=D6) #data=19 <--- UBAMonitorWWMessage(0x34) (00:16:04.599) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x18, telegram: 18 88 18 00 18 (CRC=C5) #data=1 (00:16:04.635) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x18, telegram: 08 18 18 00 07 00 E5 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 71 01 E8 00 F0 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 (CRC=54) #data=24 (00:16:14.011) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 00 E5 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 71 01 E8 00 F0 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 00 (CRC=F4) #data=25 <--- UBAMonitorFast(0x18) (00:16:14.230) 0x08 -> all, type 0x34, telegram: 08 00 34 00 38 01 E8 01 E8 21 00 00 03 00 00 E0 7D 00 27 63 00 80 00 (CRC=D6) #data=19 <--- UBAMonitorWWMessage(0x34) (00:16:15.724) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x18, telegram: 18 88 18 00 18 (CRC=C5) #data=1 (00:16:15.760) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x18, telegram: 08 18 18 00 07 00 E5 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 71 01 E8 00 F0 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 (CRC=54) #data=24 (00:16:24.024) 0x08 -> all, type 0x07, telegram: 08 00 07 00 03 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (CRC=76) #data=13 <--- UBADevices(0x07) (00:16:24.237) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 00 E5 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 71 01 E8 00 F0 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 00 (CRC=F4) #data=25 <--- UBAMonitorFast(0x18) (00:16:24.539) 0x08 -> all, type 0x19, telegram: 08 00 19 00 80 00 00 F9 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 AF 42 0C F2 7F 00 00 00 0C 12 02 00 87 DF 00 00 (CRC=D7) #data=27 <--- UBAMonitorSlow(0x19) (00:16:24.786) 0x08 -> all, type 0x1C, telegram: 08 00 1C 00 91 08 0E 16 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (CRC=4D) #data=25 (00:16:25.005) 0x08 -> all, type 0x34, telegram: 08 00 34 00 38 01 E8 01 E8 21 00 00 03 00 00 E0 7D 00 27 63 00 80 00 (CRC=D6) #data=19 <--- UBAMonitorWWMessage(0x34) (00:16:34.037) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 00 E5 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 71 01 E8 00 F0 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 00 (CRC=F4) #data=25 <--- UBAMonitorFast(0x18) (00:16:34.255) 0x08 -> all, type 0x34, telegram: 08 00 34 00 38 01 E8 01 E8 21 00 00 03 00 00 E0 7D 00 27 63 00 80 00 (CRC=D6) #data=19 <--- UBAMonitorWWMessage(0x34) (00:16:44.012) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 00 E5 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 71 01 E8 00 F0 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 00 (CRC=F4) #data=25 <--- UBAMonitorFast(0x18) (00:16:44.230) 0x08 -> all, type 0x34, telegram: 08 00 34 00 38 01 E8 01 E8 21 00 00 03 00 00 E0 7D 00 27 63 00 80 00 (CRC=D6) #data=19 <--- UBAMonitorWWMessage(0x34) (00:16:54.012) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 00 E5 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 71 01 E8 00 F1 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 00 (CRC=90) #data=25 <--- UBAMonitorFast(0x18) (00:16:54.330) 0x08 -> all, type 0x34, telegram: 08 00 34 00 38 01 E8 01 E8 21 00 00 03 00 00 E0 7D 00 27 63 00 80 00 (CRC=D6) #data=19 <--- UBAMonitorWWMessage(0x34)

log j gives huge amount of output, attached a few seconds (is that good enough?):


oli747 commented 4 years ago

b.t.w. I have 1.9.2b3 still on the flash now, so I can make more logging, but I'll soon flash it back to the (working) 1.8 release.

proddy commented 4 years ago

Thanks for checking @oli747 . I understand having a dysfunctional system is annoying so I appreciate you trying out the latest build while 1.8.3 worked fine. In all the new releases I don't want to break backward compatible but with all the changes and the difficulty to test on physical devices some things do sometimes break. So we need to get Tx fixed with your system because we know it worked before.

So can you try tx_mode 1 and 2 and restart. And with each do a autodetect quick with logging enabled?


oli747 commented 4 years ago

tx_mode is not avilable on 1.9, is that correct? so I have to test this on 1.8 ?

what level of logging do you need?

oli747 commented 4 years ago

autodetect quick on 1.9 gives me this (log level v):

autodetect quick

(04:40:58.420) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x16, telegram: 18 88 16 01 02 (CRC=E5) #data=1 (04:40:58.433) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x16, telegram: 08 18 16 01 41 41 (CRC=F7) #data=2 (04:40:58.688) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x06, telegram: 18 08 06 00 13 0A 16 09 1C 0D 02 01 (CRC=CD) #data=8 (04:40:58.870) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x1C, telegram: 18 88 1C 00 08 (CRC=C5) #data=1 (04:40:58.889) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x1C, telegram: 08 18 1C 00 91 08 0E 16 30 00 00 00 (CRC=14) #data=8 (04:40:59.097) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x1A, telegram: 18 08 1A 00 00 00 (CRC=7B) #data=2 (04:40:59.269) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x35, telegram: 18 08 35 00 11 (CRC=1C) #data=1 (04:40:59.495) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x33, telegram: 18 88 33 02 01 (CRC=74) #data=1 (04:40:59.507) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x33, telegram: 08 18 33 02 37 (CRC=BF) #data=1 Starting scheduled query from EMS devices (04:41:00.757) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 01 BC 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 AB 02 2D 01 D9 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 00 (CRC=13) #data=25 <--- UBAMonitorFast(0x18) (04:41:00.976) 0x08 -> all, type 0x34, telegram: 08 00 34 00 38 02 2D 02 2D 21 00 00 03 00 00 E0 9C 00 27 65 00 80 00 (CRC=58) #data=19 <--- UBAMonitorWWMessage(0x34) (04:41:01.370) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x18, telegram: 18 88 18 00 18 (CRC=C5) #data=1 (04:41:01.406) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x18, telegram: 08 18 18 00 07 01 BC 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 AB 02 2D 01 D9 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 (CRC=AB) #data=24 (04:41:10.782) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 01 BC 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 AB 02 2D 01 D9 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 00 (CRC=13) #data=25 <--- UBAMonitorFast(0x18) (04:41:11.001) 0x08 -> all, type 0x34, telegram: 08 00 34 00 38 02 2D 02 2D 21 00 00 03 00 00 E0 9C 00 27 65 00 80 00 (CRC=58) #data=19 <--- UBAMonitorWWMessage(0x34) (04:41:12.495) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x18, telegram: 18 88 18 00 18 (CRC=C5) #data=1 (04:41:12.531) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x18, telegram: 08 18 18 00 07 01 BC 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 AB 02 2D 01 D9 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 (CRC=AB) #data=24 (04:41:20.807) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 01 BC 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 AB 02 2D 01 D9 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 00 (CRC=13) #data=25 <--- UBAMonitorFast(0x18) (04:41:21.026) 0x08 -> all, type 0x34, telegram: 08 00 34 00 38 02 2D 02 2D 21 00 00 03 00 00 E0 9C 00 27 65 00 80 00 (CRC=58) #data=19 <--- UBAMonitorWWMessage(0x34) (04:41:23.545) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x18, telegram: 18 88 18 00 18 (CRC=C5) #data=1 (04:41:23.581) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x18, telegram: 08 18 18 00 07 01 BC 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 AB 02 2D 01 D9 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 (CRC=AB) #data=24 (04:41:30.819) 0x08 -> all, type 0x07, telegram: 08 00 07 00 03 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (CRC=76) #data=13 <--- UBADevices(0x07) [EMS] Detected new EMS Device with ID 0x08 Requesting type Version(0x02) from dest 0x08 [EMS] Detected new EMS Device with ID 0x09 Requesting type Version(0x02) from dest 0x09 [EMS] Detected new EMS Device with ID 0x18 Requesting type Version(0x02) from dest 0x18 (04:41:31.032) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 01 BC 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 AB 02 2D 01 D8 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 00 (CRC=77) #data=25 <--- UBAMonitorFast(0x18) (04:41:31.334) 0x08 -> all, type 0x19, telegram: 08 00 19 00 80 00 02 01 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 AF 44 0C F2 9E 00 00 00 0C 12 02 00 87 DF 00 00 (CRC=B8) #data=27 <--- UBAMonitorSlow(0x19) (04:41:31.545) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x19, telegram: 18 88 19 00 02 (CRC=DB) #data=1 (04:41:31.558) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x19, telegram: 08 18 19 00 80 00 (CRC=51) #data=2 (04:41:31.607) 0x08 -> all, type 0x1C, telegram: 08 00 1C 00 91 08 0E 16 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (CRC=4D) #data=25 (04:41:31.826) 0x08 -> all, type 0x34, telegram: 08 00 34 00 38 02 2D 02 2D 21 00 00 03 00 00 E0 9C 00 27 65 00 80 00 (CRC=58) #data=19 <--- UBAMonitorWWMessage(0x34) (04:41:33.827) Sending read of type 0x02 to 0x08, telegram: 0B 88 02 00 20 (CRC=BC) (04:41:33.866) Corrupt telegram: 0B 88 02 00 20 BC 00 08 0B 02 00 73 05 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 (CRC=00) #data=16 (04:41:34.119) 0x08 -> all, type 0x07, telegram: 08 00 07 00 0B 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (CRC=5A) #data=13 <--- UBADevices(0x07) (04:41:34.377) Sending read of type 0x02 to 0x09, telegram: 0B 89 02 00 20 (CRC=B4) (04:41:34.411) Corrupt telegram: 0B 89 02 00 20 B4 00 09 0B 02 00 72 01 (CRC=03) #data=9 (04:41:35.394) 0x08 -> all, type 0x07, telegram: 08 00 07 00 03 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (CRC=76) #data=13 <--- UBADevices(0x07) (04:41:37.127) Sending read of type 0x02 to 0x18, telegram: 0B 98 02 00 20 (CRC=3C) (04:41:37.165) Corrupt telegram: 0B 98 02 00 20 3C 00 18 0B 02 00 CA 02 (CRC=13) #data=9 (04:41:37.419) 0x08 -> all, type 0x07, telegram: 08 00 07 00 0B 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (CRC=5A) #data=13 <--- UBADevices(0x07) (04:41:38.144) 0x08 -> all, type 0x07, telegram: 08 00 07 00 03 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (CRC=76) #data=13 <--- UBADevices(0x07) (04:41:40.857) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 01 BC 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 AB 02 2D 01 D8 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 00 (CRC=77) #data=25 <--- UBAMonitorFast(0x18) (04:41:41.076) 0x08 -> all, type 0x34, telegram: 08 00 34 00 38 02 2D 02 2D 21 00 00 03 00 00 E0 9C 00 27 65 00 80 00 (CRC=58) #data=19 <--- UBAMonitorWWMessage(0x34) (04:41:50.832) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 01 BC 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 AA 02 2D 01 D8 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 00 (CRC=61) #data=25 <--- UBAMonitorFast(0x18) (04:41:51.051) 0x08 -> all, type 0x34, telegram: 08 00 34 00 38 02 2D 02 2D 21 00 00 03 00 00 E0 9C 00 27 65 00 80 00 (CRC=58) #data=19 <--- UBAMonitorWWMessage(0x34) (04:41:58.370) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x16, telegram: 18 88 16 01 02 (CRC=E5) #data=1 (04:41:58.383) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x16, telegram: 08 18 16 01 41 41 (CRC=F7) #data=2 (04:41:58.588) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x06, telegram: 18 08 06 00 13 0A 16 09 1D 0D 02 01 (CRC=C5) #data=8 (04:41:58.720) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x1C, telegram: 18 88 1C 00 08 (CRC=C5) #data=1 (04:41:58.739) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x1C, telegram: 08 18 1C 00 91 08 0E 16 30 00 00 00 (CRC=14) #data=8 (04:41:58.972) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x1A, telegram: 18 08 1A 00 00 00 (CRC=7B) #data=2 (04:41:59.145) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x35, telegram: 18 08 35 00 11 (CRC=1C) #data=1 (04:41:59.370) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x33, telegram: 18 88 33 02 01 (CRC=74) #data=1 (04:41:59.382) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x33, telegram: 08 18 33 02 37 (CRC=BF) #data=1 Starting scheduled query from EMS devices (04:42:00.782) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 01 BC 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 AB 02 2D 01 D8 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 00 (CRC=77) #data=25 <--- UBAMonitorFast(0x18) (04:42:01.001) 0x08 -> all, type 0x34, telegram: 08 00 34 00 38 02 2D 02 2D 21 00 00 03 00 00 E0 9C 00 27 65 00 80 00 (CRC=58) #data=19 <--- UBAMonitorWWMessage(0x34) (04:42:01.495) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x18, telegram: 18 88 18 00 18 (CRC=C5) #data=1 (04:42:01.531) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x18, telegram: 08 18 18 00 07 01 BC 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 AB 02 2D 01 D8 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 (CRC=99) #data=24 (04:42:10.807) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 01 BB 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 AB 02 2D 01 D8 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 00 (CRC=58) #data=25 <--- UBAMonitorFast(0x18) (04:42:11.026) 0x08 -> all, type 0x34, telegram: 08 00 34 00 38 02 2D 02 2D 21 00 00 03 00 00 E0 9C 00 27 65 00 80 00 (CRC=58) #data=19 <--- UBAMonitorWWMessage(0x34) (04:42:12.545) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x18, telegram: 18 88 18 00 18 (CRC=C5) #data=1 (04:42:12.581) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x18, telegram: 08 18 18 00 07 01 BB 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 AB 02 2D 01 D8 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 (CRC=02) #data=24 (04:42:20.757) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 01 BB 00 00 00

proddy commented 4 years ago

Did you try different tx_mode settings with 1.9.1 or 1.9.2? I couldn’t see from the examples below.

Also you’re sure this worked with 1.8.3? If so which tx_mode was used in that version ?


On Wed, 9 Oct 2019 at 22:29, oli747 notifications@github.com wrote:

autodetect quick on 1.9 gives me this (log level v):

autodetect quick

(04:40:58.420) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x16, telegram: 18 88 16 01 02 (CRC=E5)


(04:40:58.433) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x16, telegram: 08 18 16 01 41 41 (CRC=F7) #data=2 (04:40:58.688) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x06, telegram: 18 08 06 00 13 0A 16 09 1C 0D 02 01 (CRC=CD) #data=8 (04:40:58.870) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x1C, telegram: 18 88 1C 00 08 (CRC=C5)


(04:40:58.889) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x1C, telegram: 08 18 1C 00 91 08 0E 16 30 00 00 00 (CRC=14) #data=8 (04:40:59.097) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x1A, telegram: 18 08 1A 00 00 00 (CRC=7B) #data=2 (04:40:59.269) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x35, telegram: 18 08 35 00 11 (CRC=1C)


(04:40:59.495) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x33, telegram: 18 88 33 02 01 (CRC=74)


(04:40:59.507) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x33, telegram: 08 18 33 02 37 (CRC=BF)


Starting scheduled query from EMS devices (04:41:00.757) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 01 BC 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 AB 02 2D 01 D9 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 00 (CRC=13)


<--- UBAMonitorFast(0x18) (04:41:00.976) 0x08 -> all, type 0x34, telegram: 08 00 34 00 38 02 2D 02 2D 21 00 00 03 00 00 E0 9C 00 27 65 00 80 00 (CRC=58) #data=19 <--- UBAMonitorWWMessage(0x34) (04:41:01.370) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x18, telegram: 18 88 18 00 18 (CRC=C5)


(04:41:01.406) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x18, telegram: 08 18 18 00 07 01 BC 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 AB 02 2D 01 D9 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 (CRC=AB)


(04:41:10.782) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 01 BC 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 AB 02 2D 01 D9 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 00 (CRC=13)


<--- UBAMonitorFast(0x18) (04:41:11.001) 0x08 -> all, type 0x34, telegram: 08 00 34 00 38 02 2D 02 2D 21 00 00 03 00 00 E0 9C 00 27 65 00 80 00 (CRC=58) #data=19 <--- UBAMonitorWWMessage(0x34) (04:41:12.495) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x18, telegram: 18 88 18 00 18 (CRC=C5)


(04:41:12.531) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x18, telegram: 08 18 18 00 07 01 BC 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 AB 02 2D 01 D9 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 (CRC=AB)


(04:41:20.807) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 01 BC 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 AB 02 2D 01 D9 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 00 (CRC=13)


<--- UBAMonitorFast(0x18) (04:41:21.026) 0x08 -> all, type 0x34, telegram: 08 00 34 00 38 02 2D 02 2D 21 00 00 03 00 00 E0 9C 00 27 65 00 80 00 (CRC=58) #data=19 <--- UBAMonitorWWMessage(0x34) (04:41:23.545) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x18, telegram: 18 88 18 00 18 (CRC=C5)


(04:41:23.581) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x18, telegram: 08 18 18 00 07 01 BC 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 AB 02 2D 01 D9 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 (CRC=AB)


(04:41:30.819) 0x08 -> all, type 0x07, telegram: 08 00 07 00 03 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (CRC=76) #data=13 <--- UBADevices(0x07) [EMS] Detected new EMS Device with ID 0x08 Requesting type Version(0x02) from dest 0x08 [EMS] Detected new EMS Device with ID 0x09 Requesting type Version(0x02) from dest 0x09 [EMS] Detected new EMS Device with ID 0x18 Requesting type Version(0x02) from dest 0x18 (04:41:31.032) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 01 BC 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 AB 02 2D 01 D8 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 00 (CRC=77)


<--- UBAMonitorFast(0x18) (04:41:31.334) 0x08 -> all, type 0x19, telegram: 08 00 19 00 80 00 02 01 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 AF 44 0C F2 9E 00 00 00 0C 12 02 00 87 DF 00 00 (CRC=B8) #data=27 <--- UBAMonitorSlow(0x19) (04:41:31.545) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x19, telegram: 18 88 19 00 02 (CRC=DB)


(04:41:31.558) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x19, telegram: 08 18 19 00 80 00 (CRC=51) #data=2 (04:41:31.607) 0x08 -> all, type 0x1C, telegram: 08 00 1C 00 91 08 0E 16 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (CRC=4D)


(04:41:31.826) 0x08 -> all, type 0x34, telegram: 08 00 34 00 38 02 2D 02 2D 21 00 00 03 00 00 E0 9C 00 27 65 00 80 00 (CRC=58) #data=19 <--- UBAMonitorWWMessage(0x34) (04:41:33.827) Sending read of type 0x02 to 0x08, telegram: 0B 88 02 00 20 (CRC=BC) (04:41:33.866) Corrupt telegram: 0B 88 02 00 20 BC 00 08 0B 02 00 73 05 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 (CRC=00) #data=16 (04:41:34.119) 0x08 -> all, type 0x07, telegram: 08 00 07 00 0B 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (CRC=5A) #data=13 <--- UBADevices(0x07) (04:41:34.377) Sending read of type 0x02 to 0x09, telegram: 0B 89 02 00 20 (CRC=B4) (04:41:34.411) Corrupt telegram: 0B 89 02 00 20 B4 00 09 0B 02 00 72 01 (CRC=03) #data=9 (04:41:35.394) 0x08 -> all, type 0x07, telegram: 08 00 07 00 03 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (CRC=76) #data=13 <--- UBADevices(0x07) (04:41:37.127) Sending read of type 0x02 to 0x18, telegram: 0B 98 02 00 20 (CRC=3C) (04:41:37.165) Corrupt telegram: 0B 98 02 00 20 3C 00 18 0B 02 00 CA 02 (CRC=13) #data=9 (04:41:37.419) 0x08 -> all, type 0x07, telegram: 08 00 07 00 0B 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (CRC=5A) #data=13 <--- UBADevices(0x07) (04:41:38.144) 0x08 -> all, type 0x07, telegram: 08 00 07 00 03 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (CRC=76) #data=13 <--- UBADevices(0x07) (04:41:40.857) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 01 BC 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 AB 02 2D 01 D8 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 00 (CRC=77)


<--- UBAMonitorFast(0x18) (04:41:41.076) 0x08 -> all, type 0x34, telegram: 08 00 34 00 38 02 2D 02 2D 21 00 00 03 00 00 E0 9C 00 27 65 00 80 00 (CRC=58) #data=19 <--- UBAMonitorWWMessage(0x34) (04:41:50.832) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 01 BC 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 AA 02 2D 01 D8 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 00 (CRC=61)


<--- UBAMonitorFast(0x18) (04:41:51.051) 0x08 -> all, type 0x34, telegram: 08 00 34 00 38 02 2D 02 2D 21 00 00 03 00 00 E0 9C 00 27 65 00 80 00 (CRC=58) #data=19 <--- UBAMonitorWWMessage(0x34) (04:41:58.370) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x16, telegram: 18 88 16 01 02 (CRC=E5)


(04:41:58.383) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x16, telegram: 08 18 16 01 41 41 (CRC=F7) #data=2 (04:41:58.588) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x06, telegram: 18 08 06 00 13 0A 16 09 1D 0D 02 01 (CRC=C5) #data=8 (04:41:58.720) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x1C, telegram: 18 88 1C 00 08 (CRC=C5)


(04:41:58.739) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x1C, telegram: 08 18 1C 00 91 08 0E 16 30 00 00 00 (CRC=14) #data=8 (04:41:58.972) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x1A, telegram: 18 08 1A 00 00 00 (CRC=7B) #data=2 (04:41:59.145) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x35, telegram: 18 08 35 00 11 (CRC=1C)


(04:41:59.370) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x33, telegram: 18 88 33 02 01 (CRC=74)


(04:41:59.382) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x33, telegram: 08 18 33 02 37 (CRC=BF)


Starting scheduled query from EMS devices (04:42:00.782) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 01 BC 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 AB 02 2D 01 D8 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 00 (CRC=77)


<--- UBAMonitorFast(0x18) (04:42:01.001) 0x08 -> all, type 0x34, telegram: 08 00 34 00 38 02 2D 02 2D 21 00 00 03 00 00 E0 9C 00 27 65 00 80 00 (CRC=58) #data=19 <--- UBAMonitorWWMessage(0x34) (04:42:01.495) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x18, telegram: 18 88 18 00 18 (CRC=C5)


(04:42:01.531) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x18, telegram: 08 18 18 00 07 01 BC 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 AB 02 2D 01 D8 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 (CRC=99)


(04:42:10.807) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 01 BB 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 AB 02 2D 01 D8 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 00 (CRC=58)


<--- UBAMonitorFast(0x18) (04:42:11.026) 0x08 -> all, type 0x34, telegram: 08 00 34 00 38 02 2D 02 2D 21 00 00 03 00 00 E0 9C 00 27 65 00 80 00 (CRC=58) #data=19 <--- UBAMonitorWWMessage(0x34) (04:42:12.545) 0x18 -> 0x08, type 0x18, telegram: 18 88 18 00 18 (CRC=C5)


(04:42:12.581) 0x08 -> 0x18, type 0x18, telegram: 08 18 18 00 07 01 BB 00 00 00 00 00 60 01 AB 02 2D 01 D8 00 00 0D 30 48 00 CB 00 00 (CRC=02)


(04:42:20.757) 0x08 -> all, type 0x18, telegram: 08 00 18 00 07 01 BB 00 00 00

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oli747 commented 4 years ago

I thought the 1.9 branch does no longer have a tx_mode setting? (You said so somewhere above?) The log posted above was with 1.9.2b3.

tx_mode 1 on release 1.8.3 works, and has been stable for several weeks (logging every second to influxdb)

proddy commented 4 years ago

Tx_mode was added back as there were still issues with Junkers Heatronics3.

Tx_mode 1 on 1.8.3 is the same as tx_mode 2 now on 1.9.x. I know. I confuse myself and others.

Your influxdb setup is interesting. Are you using HA or going direct from the mqtt broker ?

On Wed, 9 Oct 2019 at 23:20, oli747 notifications@github.com wrote:

I thought the 1.9 branch does no longer have a tx_mode setting? (You said so somewhere above?) The log posted above was with 1.9.2b3.

tx_mode 1 on release 1.8.3 works, and has been stable for several weeks (logging every second to influxdb)

— You are receiving this because you modified the open/close state. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/proddy/EMS-ESP/issues/176?email_source=notifications&email_token=AAJMO6AXS42U6AYBNZ46BYTQNZDK5A5CNFSM4IRTHSYKYY3PNVWWK3TUL52HS4DFVREXG43VMVBW63LNMVXHJKTDN5WW2ZLOORPWSZGOEAZN67I#issuecomment-540204925, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AAJMO6HBEJ3HUVHQS2JVLSDQNZDK5ANCNFSM4IRTHSYA .

oli747 commented 4 years ago

tx_mode 2 works with 1.9.2b3 !!

do you need any additional logging?

proddy commented 4 years ago

awesome! thanks so much for checking. It was a bug in 1.9.0 when I decided to change "tx_mode 2" to the default "tx_mode 1" and forgot to change it one place.

One last thing, what does devices show you? I'm interested in the product ID and version for your Nefit Topline Aquapower CW5 so I can add it the database.

oli747 commented 4 years ago


These device IDs are on the EMS Bus: 0x08 0x09 0x18 and 3 were recognized by EMS-ESP as: Nefit Topline Compact/Buderus GB162 (DeviceID:0x08 ProductID:115 Version:05.08) BC10 Base Controller (DeviceID:0x09 ProductID:114 Version:01.03) Logamatic TC100/Nefit Moduline Easy (DeviceID:0x18 ProductID:202 Version:02.19)

oli747 commented 4 years ago

b.t.w. about the influxdq setup: I wrote a mqtt gateway for influxdb, that also reduces the number of entries in the database for fields that did not change. For every mqtt field it has a conversion to influxdb measurement, and a setting how much change is needed for a new value in influxdb.

proddy commented 4 years ago

right, nice. I'm using influxdb with gafana too but letting Home Assistance populate it. Not as efficient as your setup.

BTW I'm working on changing the thermostat topics for the publishing data since with the support for multiple Heating Circuits the ESP is running out of TCP stack. Hope it doesn't break your config too much.

If you feel the issue can be closed (CRC error related) please do...