emsesp / EMS-ESP

ESP8266 firmware to read and control EMS and Heatronic compatible equipment such as boilers, thermostats, solar modules, and heat pumps
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
302 stars 96 forks source link

MQTT - first setup - publishing after reboot of device #670

Closed GrexAut closed 3 years ago

GrexAut commented 3 years ago

Bug description As the title says, MQTT activated, MQTT is connected, but nothing publishing (checked with MQTT Explorer). mosquitto log shows me, that ems-esp is connected: New client connected from as ems-esp (c1, k60, u'emsesp').

Steps to reproduce 1.) Flash esp8266 2.) Connect to Wifi 3.) Activate MQTT, setup hostname, user, password 4.) check with MQTT explorer for published topics, will not appear. 5.) Change format from nested to "Home Assistant", there will be topics published, set it back, there are no topics with hostname / ems-esp 6.) reboot the device 7.) ems-esp will show up in MQTT Explorer

Expected behavior MQTT should be beginning of publishing after it is activated, and not to reboot

Screenshots I think it is not needed

Device information /api?device=system&cmd=report.* ==>Invalid cmd /api?device=system&cmd=report is working: { "System": { "version": "2.1.0", "uptime": "000+00:09:05.235", "freemem": 44, "fragmem": 20 }, "Settings": { "enabled": "on", "publish_time_boiler": 10, "publish_time_thermostat": 10, "publish_time_solar": 10, "publish_time_mixer": 10, "publish_time_other": 10, "publish_time_sensor": 10, "mqtt_format": 2, "mqtt_qos": 0, "mqtt_retain": "off", "tx_mode": 1, "ems_bus_id": 11, "master_thermostat": 0, "rx_gpio": 13, "tx_gpio": 15, "dallas_gpio": 14, "dallas_parasite": "off", "led_gpio": 2, "hide_led": "off", "api_enabled": "on", "bool_format": 1, "analog_enabled": "off" }, "Status": { "bus": "connected", "bus protocol": "HT3", "#telegrams received": 1385, "#read requests sent": 82, "#write requests sent": 0, "#incomplete telegrams": 0, "#tx fails": 3, "rx line quality": 100, "tx line quality": 100, "#MQTT publish fails": 0, "#dallas sensors": 0 }, "Devices": [ { "type": "Boiler", "name": "Junkers Logamax Plus/GB192/Condens GC9000 (DeviceID:0x08 ProductID:208, Version:01.04)", "handlers": "0x10 0x11 0x14 0x15 0x16 0x18 0x19 0x1A 0x1C 0x2A 0x33 0x34 0x35 0xD1 0xE3 0xE4 0xE5 0xE6 0xE9 0xEA" }, { "type": "Thermostat", "name": "RC300/RC310/Moduline 3000/1010H/CW400/Sense II (DeviceID:0x10, ProductID:158, Version:18.06)", "handlers": "0xA3 0x06 0xA2 0x2A5 0x2B9 0x2AF 0x2A6 0x2BA 0x2B0 0x2A7 0x2BB 0x2B1 0x2A8 0x2BC 0x2B2 0x2F5 0x31B 0x31D 0x31E 0x23A 0x267 0x240" }, { "type": "Mixer", "name": "MM100 (DeviceID:0x20, ProductID:160, Version:24.05)", "handlers": "0x2D7" }, { "type": "Mixer", "name": "MM200 (DeviceID:0x21, ProductID:161, Version:29.04)", "handlers": "0x2D8" }, { "type": "Mixer", "name": null, "handlers": "0x2D9" }, { "type": "Gateway", "n

proddy commented 3 years ago

oh, that's not normal behaviour. Could you try connecting to the Console via Telnet, with log all and see if there are any MQTT connection errors? Also worth upgrading to the latest dev release (2.1.1) which fixes many issues, although 2.1.0 should just work out of the box.

GrexAut commented 3 years ago

MQTT is working fine after frist reboot, so it is working for me, maybe this information helps someone, who not did "try it to turn it off and on again" ;)

Output of log all: ` ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ EMS-ESP version 2.1.0 │ │ https://github.com/proddy/EMS-ESP │ │ │ │ type help to show available commands │ └──────────────────────────────────────────┘

ems-esp:/$ log all Log level = all 000+00:24:51.126 D 0: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/thermostat_data_hc2 (#1006 , attempt #1, size 151, pid 1) 000+00:24:51.327 D 1: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/thermostat_data_hc3 (#1007 , attempt #1, size 155, pid 1) 000+00:24:51.528 D 2: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/mixer_data_hc1 (#1008, att empt #1, size 82, pid 1) 000+00:24:51.609 D 3: [emsesp] No telegram type handler found for ID 0xCBD (src 0x48) 000+00:24:51.729 D 4: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/mixer_data_hc2 (#1009, att empt #1, size 81, pid 1) 000+00:24:51.930 D 5: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/mixer_data_hc3 (#1010, att empt #1, size 83, pid 1) 000+00:24:53.388 D 6: [emsesp] Received RC300Monitor 000+00:24:53.576 D 7: [emsesp] Received RC300Monitor 000+00:24:54.217 D 8: [emsesp] Received RC300Monitor 000+00:24:56.662 D 9: [emsesp] Received MC10Status 000+00:24:56.984 D 10: [emsesp] Received UBAMonitorWW 000+00:24:57.293 D 11: [emsesp] Received UBAMonitorFast 000+00:24:57.526 D 12: [emsesp] Received UBAMonitorFast 000+00:25:00.025 D 17: [telegram] Tx read request to device 0x08 for type ID 0x33 000+00:25:00.025 D 18: [emsesp] Fetching values for device ID 0x09 000+00:25:00.025 D 19: [emsesp] Fetching values for device ID 0x10 000+00:25:00.025 D 20: [telegram] Tx read request to device 0x10 for type ID 0x2A5 000+00:25:00.025 D 21: [telegram] Tx read request to device 0x10 for type ID 0x2B9 000+00:25:00.025 D 22: [telegram] Tx read request to device 0x10 for type ID 0x2A6 000+00:25:00.025 D 23: [telegram] Tx read request to device 0x10 for type ID 0x2BA 000+00:25:00.025 D 24: [telegram] Tx read request to device 0x10 for type ID 0x2A7 000+00:25:00.025 D 25: [telegram] Tx read request to device 0x10 for type ID 0x2BB 000+00:25:00.025 D 26: [telegram] Tx read request to device 0x10 for type ID 0x2F5 000+00:25:00.025 D 27: [telegram] Tx read request to device 0x10 for type ID 0x31B 000+00:25:00.025 D 28: [telegram] Tx read request to device 0x10 for type ID 0x23A 000+00:25:00.025 D 29: [telegram] Tx read request to device 0x10 for type ID 0x240 000+00:25:00.025 D 30: [emsesp] Fetching values for device ID 0x20 000+00:25:00.025 D 31: [telegram] Tx read request to device 0x20 for type ID 0x2D7 000+00:25:00.025 D 32: [emsesp] Fetching values for device ID 0x21 000+00:25:00.025 D 33: [telegram] Tx read request to device 0x21 for type ID 0x2D8 000+00:25:00.025 D 34: [emsesp] Fetching values for device ID 0x22 000+00:25:00.025 D 35: [telegram] Tx read request to device 0x22 for type ID 0x2D9 000+00:25:00.025 D 36: [emsesp] Fetching values for device ID 0x48 000+00:25:00.177 D 37: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/boiler_data (#1011, attempt #1, size 559, pid 1) 000+00:25:00.359 D 38: [telegram] Sending read Tx [#83], telegram: 8B 88 14 00 20 2C 000+00:25:00.378 D 39: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/boiler_data_ww (#1012, attempt #1, size 427, pid 1) 000+00:25:00.391 D 40: [emsesp] Last Tx read successful 000+00:25:00.395 D 41: [emsesp] Received UBATotalUptime 000+00:25:00.579 D 42: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/thermostat_data (#1013, attempt #1, size 160, pid 1) 000+00:25:00.780 D 43: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/thermostat_data_hc1 (#1014, attempt #1, size 151, pid 1) 000+00:25:00.958 D 44: [telegram] Sending read Tx [#84], telegram: 8B 88 16 00 20 24 000+00:25:00.981 D 45: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/thermostat_data_hc2 (#1015, attempt #1, size 151, pid 1) 000+00:25:01.016 D 46: [emsesp] Last Tx read successful 000+00:25:01.021 D 47: [emsesp] Received UBAParameters 000+00:25:01.182 D 48: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/thermostat_data_hc3 (#1016, attempt #1, size 155, pid 1) 000+00:25:01.383 D 49: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/mixer_data_hc1 (#1017, attempt #1, size 82, pid 1) 000+00:25:01.434 D 50: [telegram] Sending read Tx [#100], telegram: 8B 88 16 19 20 16 000+00:25:01.467 D 51: [emsesp] Last Tx read successful 000+00:25:01.470 D 52: [emsesp] Received UBAParameters 000+00:25:01.584 D 53: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/mixer_data_hc2 (#1018, attempt #1, size 81, pid 1) 000+00:25:01.785 D 54: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/mixer_data_hc3 (#1019, attempt #1, size 83, pid 1) 000+00:25:01.986 D 55: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/heartbeat (#1020, attempt #1, size 142, pid 1) 000+00:25:02.059 D 56: [telegram] Sending read Tx [#85], telegram: 8B 88 19 00 20 18 000+00:25:02.117 D 57: [emsesp] Last Tx read successful 000+00:25:02.122 D 58: [emsesp] Received UBAMonitorSlow 000+00:25:02.559 D 59: [telegram] Sending read Tx [#101], telegram: 8B 88 19 19 20 2A 000+00:25:02.590 D 60: [emsesp] Last Tx read successful 000+00:25:02.594 D 61: [emsesp] Received UBAMonitorSlow 000+00:25:02.717 D 62: [emsesp] Received UBAMonitorFast 000+00:25:02.976 D 63: [emsesp] Received UBAMonitorFast 000+00:25:03.484 D 64: [telegram] Sending read Tx [#86], telegram: 8B 88 33 00 20 B0 000+00:25:03.527 D 65: [emsesp] Last Tx read successful 000+00:25:03.531 D 66: [emsesp] Received UBAParameterWW 000+00:25:03.984 D 67: [telegram] Sending read Tx [#87], telegram: 8B 90 FF 00 20 01 A5 12 000+00:25:04.081 D 68: [emsesp] Last Tx read successful 000+00:25:04.085 D 69: [emsesp] Received RC300Monitor 000+00:25:04.509 D 70: [telegram] Sending read Tx [#102], telegram: 8B 90 FF 19 20 01 A5 DA 000+00:25:04.578 D 71: [emsesp] Last Tx read successful 000+00:25:04.582 D 72: [emsesp] Received RC300Monitor 000+00:25:05.034 D 73: [telegram] Sending read Tx [#88], telegram: 8B 90 FF 00 20 01 B9 0E 000+00:25:05.120 D 74: [emsesp] Last Tx read successful 000+00:25:05.124 D 75: [emsesp] Received RC300Set 000+00:25:05.534 D 76: [telegram] Sending read Tx [#89], telegram: 8B 90 FF 00 20 01 A6 11 000+00:25:05.626 D 77: [emsesp] Last Tx read successful 000+00:25:05.631 D 78: [emsesp] Received RC300Monitor 000+00:25:06.159 D 79: [telegram] Sending read Tx [#103], telegram: 8B 90 FF 19 20 01 A6 D9 000+00:25:06.236 D 80: [emsesp] Last Tx read successful 000+00:25:06.240 D 81: [emsesp] Received RC300Monitor ems-esp:/$ 000+00:25:06.692 D 82: [emsesp] Received UBAMonitorFast 000+00:25:06.884 D 83: [telegram] Sending read Tx [#90], telegram: 8B 90 FF 00 20 01 BA 0D 000+00:25:06.969 D 84: [emsesp] Last Tx read successful 000+00:25:06.974 D 85: [emsesp] Received RC300Set 000+00:25:07.075 D 86: [emsesp] Received UBAMonitorFast 000+00:25:07.337 D 87: [emsesp] Received MC10Status 000+00:25:07.634 D 88: [emsesp] Received UBAMonitorWW 000+00:25:07.983 D 89: [telegram] Sending read Tx [#91], telegram: 8B 90 FF 00 20 01 A7 10 000+00:25:08.076 D 90: [emsesp] Last Tx read successful 000+00:25:08.081 D 91: [emsesp] Received RC300Monitor 000+00:25:08.584 D 92: [telegram] Sending read Tx [#104], telegram: 8B 90 FF 19 20 01 A7 D8 000+00:25:08.655 D 93: [emsesp] Last Tx read successful 000+00:25:08.660 D 94: [emsesp] Received RC300Monitor 000+00:25:09.084 D 95: [telegram] Sending read Tx [#92], telegram: 8B 90 FF 00 20 01 BB 0C 000+00:25:09.172 D 96: [emsesp] Last Tx read successful 000+00:25:09.176 D 97: [emsesp] Received RC300Set 000+00:25:09.608 D 98: [telegram] Sending read Tx [#93], telegram: 8B 90 FF 00 20 01 F5 42 000+00:25:09.691 D 99: [emsesp] Last Tx read successful 000+00:25:09.697 D 100: [emsesp] Received RC300WWmode 000+00:25:10.109 D 101: [telegram] Sending read Tx [#94], telegram: 8B 90 FF 00 20 02 1B AA 000+00:25:10.155 D 102: [emsesp] Last Tx read successful 000+00:25:10.160 D 103: [emsesp] Received RC300WWtemp 000+00:25:10.238 D 104: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/boiler_data (#1021, attempt #1, size 561, pid 1) 000+00:25:10.440 D 105: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/boiler_data_ww (#1022, attempt #1, size 427, pid 1) 000+00:25:10.641 D 106: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/thermostat_data (#1023, attempt #1, size 160, pid 1) 000+00:25:10.683 D 107: [telegram] Sending read Tx [#95], telegram: 8B 90 FF 00 20 01 3A 8D 000+00:25:10.732 D 108: [emsesp] Last Tx read successful 000+00:25:10.736 D 109: [emsesp] Received RC300OutdoorTemp 000+00:25:10.813 D 110: [emsesp] Received RC300Floordry 000+00:25:10.842 D 111: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/thermostat_data_hc1 (#1024, attempt #1, size 151, pid 1) 000+00:25:11.043 D 112: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/thermostat_data_hc2 (#1025, attempt #1, size 151, pid 1) 000+00:25:11.046 D 113: [emsesp] Received RC300Monitor 000+00:25:11.244 D 114: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/thermostat_data_hc3 (#1026, attempt #1, size 155, pid 1) 000+00:25:11.445 D 115: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/mixer_data_hc1 (#1027, attempt #1, size 82, pid 1) 000+00:25:11.609 D 116: [telegram] Sending read Tx [#96], telegram: 8B 90 FF 00 20 01 40 F7 000+00:25:11.646 D 117: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/mixer_data_hc2 (#1028, attempt #1, size 81, pid 1) 000+00:25:11.691 D 118: [emsesp] Last Tx read successful 000+00:25:11.695 D 119: [emsesp] Received RC300Settings 000+00:25:11.787 D 120: [emsesp] Received RC300Monitor 000+00:25:11.847 D 121: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/mixer_data_hc3 (#1029, attempt #1, size 83, pid 1) 000+00:25:12.025 D 122: [emsesp] Received RC300Monitor 000+00:25:12.584 D 123: [telegram] Sending read Tx [#97], telegram: 8B A0 FF 00 20 01 D7 36 000+00:25:12.645 D 124: [emsesp] Last Tx read successful 000+00:25:12.649 D 125: [emsesp] Received MMPLUSStatusMessage_HC 000+00:25:12.763 D 126: [emsesp] Received RC300Monitor 000+00:25:13.002 D 127: [emsesp] Received RC300Monitor 000+00:25:13.558 D 128: [telegram] Sending read Tx [#98], telegram: 8B A1 FF 00 20 01 D8 19 000+00:25:13.619 D 129: [emsesp] Last Tx read successful 000+00:25:13.624 D 130: [emsesp] Received MMPLUSStatusMessage_HC 000+00:25:13.692 D 131: [emsesp] Received RC300Monitor 000+00:25:14.484 D 132: [telegram] Sending read Tx [#99], telegram: 8B A2 FF 00 20 01 D9 78 000+00:25:14.545 D 133: [emsesp] Last Tx read successful 000+00:25:14.549 D 134: [emsesp] Received MMPLUSStatusMessage_HC 000+00:25:14.645 D 135: [emsesp] Received RC300WWmode2 000+00:25:16.609 D 136: [emsesp] Received UBAMonitorWW 000+00:25:16.918 D 137: [emsesp] Received UBAMonitorFast 000+00:25:17.181 D 138: [emsesp] No telegram type handler found for ID 0x255 (src 0x21) 000+00:25:17.384 D 139: [emsesp] Received MMPLUSStatusMessage_HC 000+00:25:17.576 D 140: [emsesp] Received UBAMonitorFast 000+00:25:17.831 D 141: [emsesp] No telegram type handler found for ID 0x255 (src 0x22) 000+00:25:18.034 D 142: [emsesp] Received MMPLUSStatusMessage_HC 000+00:25:18.261 D 143: [emsesp] Received MC10Status 000+00:25:20.291 D 144: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/boiler_data (#1030, attempt #1, size 557, pid 1) 000+00:25:20.492 D 145: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/boiler_data_ww (#1031, attempt #1, size 427, pid 1) 000+00:25:20.693 D 146: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/thermostat_data (#1032, attempt #1, size 160, pid 1) 000+00:25:20.894 D 147: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/thermostat_data_hc1 (#1033, attempt #1, size 151, pid 1) 000+00:25:21.095 D 148: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/thermostat_data_hc2 (#1034, attempt #1, size 151, pid 1) 000+00:25:21.257 D 149: [emsesp] No telegram type handler found for ID 0xC4 (src 0x10) 000+00:25:21.296 D 150: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/thermostat_data_hc3 (#1035, attempt #1, size 155, pid 1) 000+00:25:21.497 D 151: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/mixer_data_hc1 (#1036, attempt #1, size 82, pid 1) 000+00:25:21.698 D 152: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/mixer_data_hc2 (#1037, attempt #1, size 81, pid 1) 000+00:25:21.899 D 153: [mqtt] Publishing topic ems-esp/mixer_data_hc3 (#1038, attempt #1, size 83, pid 1) ems-esp:/$ `

proddy commented 3 years ago

ok, worth mentioning indeed.