emsesp / EMS-ESP32

ESP32 firmware to read and control EMS and Heatronic compatible equipment such as boilers, thermostats, solar modules, and heat pumps
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Unrecognized EMS device (Device ID:0x17 Product ID:0 Version 00.00) - Thermostat Buderus, RC 10 #383

Closed chriscaloudis closed 2 years ago

chriscaloudis commented 2 years ago

Hello all, I hope I posted in the right section... I managed to set up my S32 gateway (via connection to the thermostat wires).

The problem that I am facing is that my thermostat (RC10) is not recognized, so I get no current or setpoint temperature readings. The reading next to THERMOSTAT is Device ID:0x17 Product ID:0 Version 00.00 .

This is my dashboard image

The connection looks fine as per the following picture image

I am running firmware version 3.3.1 image

These are the ems-esp settings image

Similar(?) issue I found on Github https://github.com/emsesp/EMS-ESP32/issues/160

Please let me know if any additional information is required! Any help will be greatly appreciated!

MichaelDvP commented 2 years ago

The RC10 as generic thermostat is a fallback for Tado thermostats not sending any version info, introduced in #174, but this is not compatible with HT3 boilers. It's strange that your thermostat does not reply to version request. The RC10 in #160 sends a product-id, your's not. Please try to identify your thermostat, send a photo of front, and/or type-plate, check in thermostat menu if you find any version info. Please also make a a log with loglevel all of more than a minute, download it and attach here. I'm not sure about all the changes from v3.3.1 to current 3.4-dev, I think it's worth trying first to update and make the checks/logs with the dev. (reload web-page in browser after update).

chriscaloudis commented 2 years ago

I updated firmware to v3.4.0b7. Behavior remains the same.


Therefore, as per your kind request, this is the front and back of the thermostat.



I also uploaded the log with loglevel all (with Tx mode set to EMS). log.txt

I'm not sure about one thing, please let me know what you think. I should stick to Tx mode set to EMS, is that right? Picture below is EMS Bus and Activity Status with Tx mode set to EMS


MichaelDvP commented 2 years ago

The settings are looking ok to me. I have not known that a Buderus thermostats works on HT3 systems, always learning... The thermostat sends 0xAE telegrams, seems to be the same as in #160, but we do not get a version info to identify it. Can you go to Help and download system info (and post it) to make sure it is ht3 protocoll. The tx-errors are zero! If there is no reply to version (like tado) this should give a single tx-error, so i expect that there is a real answer to version request, but the thermostat sends product-id zero. Can you please check with telnet the reply to commands : read 17 2 and read 8 7

@proddy : For now i see two possible solutions.

Any other ideas?

proddy commented 2 years ago

both would do the trick, but first like to see what read 17 2 comes back with

chriscaloudis commented 2 years ago

I really appreciate your prompt replies, I hope you forgive my ignorance.

I am trying to connect to ems-esp.local via putty from windows, but all I get is Network Error:Connection Refused



Is there something I am missing with regards to the connection? Thanks

MichaelDvP commented 2 years ago

In v3.4 there is a checkbox in settings to enable telnet. Also you have to use connection type telnet on port 23 (not SSH). If mDNS (ems-esp.local) fails, try also the ip address, there is another issue in discussion, that mDNS fails after network connection is reconnected.

chriscaloudis commented 2 years ago

Yeap, had to enable telnet console in the settings.

So, this is the output to the commands 'read 17 2' and 'read 8 7'


Moreover, I seem to have missed to upload system info..I am uploading it here... emsesp_info.txt

MichaelDvP commented 2 years ago

So we have the tx-fail on requesting the version, the thermosttat is not answering, but the boiler has recognized the thermostat. My first solution will not work. Can you now send the the help/system info to check the bus protocol.

chriscaloudis commented 2 years ago

I edited my last post to include the system info...I am re-posting it here. emsesp_info.txt

chriscaloudis commented 2 years ago

ho ho ho...some sort of miracle happened.. I switched to Tx mode HT3 and restarted the EMS-ESP...this is what popped-up!


MichaelDvP commented 2 years ago

Oh, wow, so now the thermostat have a version info. That's good, the info with connection type Buderus killed my second solution. Looks like the issue is solved, but the zero tx-fails before are strange. Also the ht3-boiler with buderus thermostat is something that makesme wonder. Please post the system-info and system-settings again with the right tx-mode.

chriscaloudis commented 2 years ago

As per your request, I am uploading system-info and system-settings with Tx mode set to HT3. emsesp_info.txt emsesp_settings.txt

I would also like to report that I am getting EMS Writes(Tx) for the first time. image

chriscaloudis commented 2 years ago

So, given the fact that the module works fine, I guess it is time to close the issue. I'd like to thank everyone that took interest in the case and contributed in any way!