Closed ogamespec closed 8 months ago
Overall looks like no problems, except for this one:
// Regular posedge DFF (dual rails)
module seq_dff_posedge_comp ( d, clk, cclk, q );
input d;
input clk;
input cclk;
output q;
reg val;
initial val = 1'bx;
// XXX: Initially, clk and cclk were mixed up when parsing the netlist. So read here cclk as clk. Not a very nice mix-up, but this is always the case with clk.
always @(posedge cclk) begin
val <= d;
assign q = val;
endmodule // seq_dff_posedge_comp
We need to verify that CLK trees are correctly represented and their polarity is treated correctly in all project materials.