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[FEATURE] Seperately configure N64's analog X-axis and Y-axis? #62

Open NintendoManiac64 opened 3 years ago

NintendoManiac64 commented 3 years ago

When setting the analog to "tilt" on a wii remote by itself held sideways, there are many racing games and the like where having the Y-axis mapped to tilt is quite undesirable not to mention is generally inconvenient for menus.

The ideal solution for such games would be the ability to map the N64's analog X-axis and Y-axis independently, such as mapping X-axis to "tilt" and Y-axis to "dpad" as mentioned in issue #58. It would also allow the user to easily configure whether they're holding the wii remote sideways or "TV remote" style.

This would also work well in-conjunction with issue #53 for games where you have to use the analog stick for menu control.

Ideally this could be an option for all of the controller options, but as mentioned it'd probably be the most useful for a wii remote by itself considering that it lacks an analog stick altogether.


(OK now I think I'm done junking up the github issue tracker with my crappy ideas)

carnage702 commented 3 years ago

dont you think you are overdoing it? in like 3 days you made 11 request for features... this and wiisxrx, so many requests in a row usually turn off developers instead of motivating them... and most of them arent needed or even useful they are just stuff you prefer.

imo anyone that prefers to play a racing game from n64 with tilting controls should be put down with extreme prejudice...

NintendoManiac64 commented 3 years ago

It's probably my autism+OCD combination (officially medically diagnosed FYI) that's partly to blame here whereby I feel like I'm leaving things on the table if I don't "get them out of my head".

It also probably doesn't help that I can't code worth a darn but have a lot of computer electronics expertise (including hardware modding), so these sorts of things end up building in my head without any way to act upon them. And no, learning to code doesn't help as I'm already 30+ year old and I've already realized over the last 2 decades that software coding isn't really compatible with me (I have issues enough using a terminal), yet by comparison unbending a few dozen of CPU pins or even delidding a CPU IHS with nothing but a razer all without damaging it is quite easy for me (I went years with having the Home button on a classic controller physically removed in order to prevent accidentally pressing it and causing Nintendont to reboot the game until a reddit user offered a custom build that disables that function, so I literally just added the Home button back in all of 5 minutes ago).

So yeah, I don't really care if such things just sit on an issue tracker for years and years completely unfulfilled as long as such concepts aren't bottled up in the head of a person that can't even do anything with them.


Regarding tilting controls, keep in mind that Wii64 and Not64 already include that feature. But as mentioned, this is also useful with the idea of mapping the N64 analog stick to the dpad since it allows the user to configure whether the wii remote is held upright or sideways.

EDIT: ; To help sort the wheat from the chafe I've gone back and labeled the things that are clearly not bugs or the like with "[FEATURE]" to match an existing issue submission by a different user on the WiiSX RX issue tracker so as to easily identify the crap that can be safely ignored.