emukidid / pcsxgc

A port of the PS1 emulator, PCSX, to the Nintendo GC/Wii
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Fix Dithering setting saving #22

Closed saulfabregwiivc closed 11 months ago

saulfabregwiivc commented 11 months ago

This issue has always plagued WiiSX/CubeSX since forever, and i was always upset with that bug, so i decided to finally take the situation of this in my hands and after a lot of trial and error, i finally fixed it.

Now when you hit Save settings after changing the Dithering setting, the Dithering setting will be saved as it should be and will be loaded the next time you start the emulator.

The default value for the "Default" setting will be set by the cfg.c file of P.E.Op.S. Soft GPU (seems that iUseDither is set to 0 by default?)

pcercuei commented 11 months ago

Why not update iUseDither directly?

saulfabregwiivc commented 11 months ago

Because the emulator had a stupid bug since forever that even if you saved the Dithering configuration, the emulator will always be stuck at Enabled. This fixes said issue.

pcercuei commented 11 months ago

I know that, you wrote that above. That doesn't tell me why you did not use iUseDither instead.

saulfabregwiivc commented 11 months ago

Sorry for not claryfing that.

iUseDither by any reason it's not saved in the emulator settings (config) file and for be able to save and load that setting of iUseDither next time we start the emulator, we made a variable and an entry on the config file for make the Dithering setting to be able to be saved and loaded next time.

(Sorry i'm not good at explaining why did i made this for fix this)

pcercuei commented 11 months ago

Yes, my point is that you don't need the extra useDithering, just use iUseDither and you cut the patch size by half.

saulfabregwiivc commented 11 months ago

A more cleaner way for fix this issue was done in https://github.com/emukidid/pcsxgc/commit/2ef4f471418ec3f8a077682fe3e112ecc52f3b13.

Nice work. Closing this PR since it's useless now.