emvaized / selecton-extension

Selecton provides popup with actions on text selection in all major browsers
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Selecton preview box #57

Closed Clemens-Ratte-Polle closed 1 day ago

Clemens-Ratte-Polle commented 1 year ago

Selecton also should have the ability to make a search in a layer. So nobody has to open always a new tab. It would raise productivity :) You could make it like Link Previewer with a previewer box https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/link-previewer/hhnejjlimgamhpolpjnjdkdcoclldhli

Best with a keyboard shortcut like alt+s thx

emvaized commented 1 year ago

Hi there!

I like this idea, but implementation becomes problematic. I worked with iframe popups for link preview before, and in my opinion they are quite unreliable and doesn't work with many websites due to securiy concerns.

Also the UX could become quite messy – for example, if we reveal the popup on hovering the search button, it will replace the current popup for another search options. If we reveal it next to another sewrch option on hover – the whole interface will become quite cluttered and messy, and also what about the default search button?

I better like the idea of opening the search page in new unmaximized window, for example when you shift+click button – this way all these issues could be solved, wgile still allowing you to search for text without opening the new tab. But here I don't like that this new window will have all browser controls, such as addressbar and tab bar. And if we will tell the window to hide them (by setting the window type "popup"), when there's no option to copy it's url or reopen it as a new tab in the main origin window...

So, lot of things to think about with this idea

Clemens-Ratte-Polle commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot :) I can imagine what you mean but i am not firm too much with that ;)

Here are inspirations of addons that use similar techniques them you probaly know:

spotlight action popup (registration needed?) https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/spotlight/khfahkmjbdcfknfnfckndoijcbpfnfgi

or the total screen popup thing by Saka https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/saka/nbdfpcokndmapcollfpjdpjlabnibjdi

- I testet many addons like yours and here are some that perhaps could help you with other "popups":

Link Previewer https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/link-previewer/hhnejjlimgamhpolpjnjdkdcoclldhli

TabFloater: Picture-in-Picture for any tab! https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tabfloater-picture-in-pic/iojgbjjdoanmhcmmihbapiejfbbadhjd

For copying the URL of a popup there are many addons. Copy link address https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/copy-link-address/kdejdkdjdoabfihpcjmgjebcpfbhepmh?hl=de

- OK, i do not want to mess up with links so i hope that you keep on going :) You should also show a link for spending "a cup of coffe" :D

emvaized commented 1 year ago

Thanks for enhanced feedback. Yeah, the TabFloater idea looks the most similar to what I had on my mind. However, the problem of this idea still remains — imagine you opened such popup window with search, then clicked few links, changed few pages, and now you found something you want to save for further reading and get back to your main window.

Your solution is installing another extension, which adds "Copy page url" entry in the context menu — but it doesn't sound very convenient (because you still have to close the popup, create new tab and paste the url), and it requires installing another extension. Sure, Selecton could do it on itself, adding such context menu entry — but it would be useful only in this specific use cases, and some users may find it unneccessary bloat. Maybe it should rather inject some javascript in every page opened as a popup, in order to show small floating button in bottom right corner, which would allow on click to close the popup and open page in new tab in main window? Not sure...

I would probably explore this idea a bit more, maybe create another extension solely for this purpose, and if I find a working formula maybe I'll include this as option in Selecton. But could not promise anything, as I don't actively use and develop Selecton now (probably should better mention that somewhere)

Clemens-Ratte-Polle commented 1 year ago

thank you :)

emvaized commented 7 months ago

I created a small addon for Firefox Open Link in Popup Window which implements this idea as I see it now. If you're still interested in this feature, please feel free to test and give your thoughts on it. This addon adds context menu entry to open any link in popup window, and in the popup window itself it adds a context menu entry "Open link in main window". Popup window also gets automatically closed if user focused the origin window (can be disabled in settings).

Clemens-Ratte-Polle commented 6 months ago

thy, perhaps also as Chrome Addon not only Firefox addon? :)

emvaized commented 6 months ago

thy, perhaps also as Chrome Addon not only Firefox addon? :)

Here's version you can install in Chrome. But you'll have to install it manually on the Extensions page (it may require to enable Developer mode on the same page): 0.0.6 (beta).zip

It also includes functionality to view images in popup window, which is currently published on Firefox as a separate extension. But I haven't decided yet whether it's better to merge them in one single extension.

emvaized commented 1 day ago

In the version 3.7.9 tooltip buttons were converted to behave like regular links (<a> html element). It is possible now to use any third-party extension to preview them or open in a popup window. I believe it to be much better solution than incorporating popup previewing logic in the Selecton itself.

I also published my experimental extension under the name Open In Popup Window. With it installed and configured, you can quickly open any Selecton button in a popup window by using Shift + Click on it:
