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Milestone 2 Feedback #1

Open alok-sm opened 7 years ago

alok-sm commented 7 years ago

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davidmoll commented 7 years ago

Team GuoDaddy (A2):

Location Feed: Not clear what the problem is that the alert system solves. In the setting, it seems that the person spontaneously contributes, but the storyboard lacks the "why". Also, without something bounding when notifications should be made, I could see that app getting very frustrating to use. Something which could help with this is providing an idea of what events should be logged, or allowing users to subscribe to certain channels/issues.

Campus Wait Time: Implementation details are well thought out, but maybe a bit too in depth for a storyboard! Usually storyboards strive to show scenarios in which the app would be used, but no specific details about what the app itself would look like. This helps keep the focus on user needs rather than UI decisions, which come later. Otherwise, great job showing a clear setting and solution. In terms of the app, it is definitely important to me that the wait time stays low, but I wonder how that might be tracked. Crowdsourced? Everyone having the app?

JoshuaKomala commented 7 years ago

Team 2 GuoDaddy :

Nearby Things to Do, by Arlen: I like the flow of the storyboard, but the drawings could be a little more descriptive. It was hard to tell what things are. You can maybe consider setting the scene a little bit better or picking a specific activity so you can show it on the storyboard. As of now it is a little vague. "I have an app for finding things in a certain area!". Consider narrowing it down in order to target and build a stronger user community.

RoadRunner, by Mohsin: The order of the speech bubbles is very confusing. They are written right to left instead of left to right. The drawings are really descriptive and easy to understand. You can possibly describe the replayability of the application and show the goal of catching the roadrunner. I can see this game being pretty fun, given that there is a competitive side and achievements or goals to fulfill. The storyboard has me asking a few questions though: Is the roadrunner the same on everyone's phone or is it simply a local thing? If there are multiple groups of people chasing the same roadrunner (similarly to Pokemon Go) you could have groups of random people coming together.

JustineLin commented 7 years ago

Team 2 - GuoDaddy

Emily - Nearby Events This idea can already sort of be done with Facebook or Instagram. I feel like events already follow the standards of posting event information on Facebook and Instagram to find nearby events that their friends are going to. Although it would be nice to have an application that everyone uses to post events, the likelihood of using it over the widely used Facebook is slight. I do think that it is a good idea to have a list of every nearby event based on location though!

Emily - Scavenger Hunt I think this is a good idea for new students especially on tours. Having everyone get on the site and try to find an item while going on the tour seems like a good way to interact and introduce students to the campus. It definitely could be integrated well with the many tours that UCSD holds, including middle school to new potential students. Although this seems like a good idea for new students on tours, it seems like there is only a rare chance that someone would use it again.

nhasjim commented 7 years ago

Team 2- GuoDaddy

Christy - Triton Day Scavenger Hunt: I think this is an interesting idea but I can only see a person using this app once or twice. What will they do once they complete the scavenger hunt and what will they do once they are familiar with the app? Also, the incentives are a great idea and think that will encourage freshmen and other newcomers to use the app. Could be a good idea to start thinking of incentives though. Maybe if you could partner with the school and if you complete the scavenger hunt and show it to your RA, your RA will have to give you free food or something.

Christy - Storyboard for nearby available study rooms idea: This is a great idea and maybe you can even expand it to just open seats in general. Study rooms might already be 100% booked during finals week, but this could help in non-finals week also! Also if this was integrated to UCSD’s room booking system that would be great. Also, maybe if it could be like a general heat map of certain study sections that would be cool. Like if it showed if 1st floor of geisel is packed, but 2nd floor isn’t. Or in general if it can show if geisel is packed and not worth going to.

m-chuang commented 7 years ago

Team 1 - Katsudon

We ran out of time during class and were unable to view their storyboards.

alok-sm commented 7 years ago

TA Feedback

Having a game where users can discovers interesting places on campus along with "traps" similar to the roadrunner show would be cool XD

cgwoun commented 7 years ago

Team YellowCow (A5) review:


Storyboard for Nearby Things To Do:

Storyboard for Location Feed Alerts:


Scavenger Hunt Idea: I like this idea. When I first came to UCSD, I was really lost because the campus is so HUGE! I like that you thought of making it like a game with rewards. I'm just curious of how you would differentiate your app from all the other scavenger hunt apps

Study Room Idea: I'm not too sure about this app. The library and the schools would have the data to show if a room is available or not and reservations should go through the school/library. Maybe this can be an app within the UCSD triton app to simplify the room reservation process. I think you could run into a lot of roadblocks because I don't know if the school will give students access to the required data

Comments for Emily's Story boards:

  1. Event Finder: I like the idea of having some kind of centralized location to post events for people to find. However I feel like you could find an idea that integrates the map/geographic elements more into the app. This one could almost be thought of as like a craigslist kind of thing where you can post your events and people can find them. But I think that overall idea is pretty good! Just think more about the features.
  2. Triton Tour: My main comment about this is that I don't know what this would offer to a new coming student that a virtual tour/the regular mandatory triton tour wouldn't offer. I'm fairly certain that those tours take people past almost all of the notable locations on campus. I do like the idea of somehow connecting the digital and the physical of this so perhaps thinking a bit more about a way to make this unique and have it offer something that students don't get otherwise.

Input on Moshin's idea RoadRuner: The game idea is really interesting and unique. The idea is simple but can be fun with the trap features. There are several challenges to the to the app idea. First, what kind of area map will the game be feasible. If the area has not much geographical features, would the game generate a boring map? Additionally, the board mentioned a trapping feature, this could be enhanced to have multi-player elements to make it more interesting. Campus Waittime: This idea is very similar to Yelp, which can be a good thing since there are many features can be borrowed from yelp. There are several problems to the idea in estimating the waittime. What kind of input can be gathered from the user that uses the app than can be useful to the predict the wait time? Will the app be actively on all the time? The battery consumption will be enormous.

Clairvoyantx commented 7 years ago


Board 1: I like the idea of finding events, but it doesn't seem too different from the current events insider? It already provides a list of campus events by college with the location. This app would add maps, but it wouldn't seem to be too integral for finding events if one already knows the campus/uses Google maps.

Board 2: It's a cool idea but it would depend on the implementation of the clues. I'm not too sure how the map would be relevant for the scavenger hunt (whether it pinpoints areas where the landmarks may be or whether it just displays your current location). In the former case, it may make the scavenger hunt easier than it should be. With proper implementation, this could be a cool app!

Board 3: This app seems way specific. what will be the use of this on days other than triton day? I suggest it would be for events in general. Also for the map, are the special things to find only on the virtual map or is it in the real world? I suggest the former, cause if it's only a map to find things that are in the real world, There might be people who organized that event handing out physical maps with hints to find those things and that would make this app more like an alternative rather than an actual need.

Board 4: available study rooms: cool idea, however, maybe you can go further and make it for reserving specific seats, although that would be tricky. I am saying this because the library already has a room reserve system, so that part of the app wouldn't be needed.

Board 5: Interesting concept, but from what website/database do you plan to pull the data from? Also it would be nice if the user got to choose what types of events that they want to see.

Board 6: Cool concept, but doesn't Google Maps already show when traffic accidents happen? If it is road based, Waze does something pretty similar. Maybe it should be more event oriented, such as: "Hey there's a guy on Lib Walk giving out free cookies, I'll drop a pin to let everyone know." Also this app might need to be crowd sourced before people will find it to be useful.

Board 7: This is a very good concept, and definitely would be a fun game. I would love too see you guys implement this idea. But what are the end goals to the game? The concept is great but I sense a lack of purpose.

Board 8: This is a very good idea as well, something that is very practical and useable for UCSD students, but the app will only be useful in UCSD and this app needs a lot of users for it to be useful. Also how do you plan to track the wait times: user input or something else?

Overall comments: I would like to see more ideas outside of the struggles of a college/incoming college student. It'd be cool to design for something that you're not already an expert of (being a student) and expand to broader apps.