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Milestone 4 feedback #3

Open kandarpksk opened 7 years ago

tjke commented 7 years ago

Team A1: Katsudon

Ashley I was confused by the purpose of the app, specially because of the word ‘playlist’. That word makes me think of songs and it had me lost for a bit. Also, I like the clarity and simplicity of Christy’s prototype.

Michael I was confused on whether a user could use a pre-made playlist and modify it on-the-go. For example, if a user wanted to skip a location on a playlist, would they be able to do so or replace it with something nearby on the fly? It seems like something like that is possible by creating a creating a new playlist, but what about one that is currently being used?

Scott I was confused by the location aspect of the app. Would you have to go to the next location to hear the next song or is this more like a multiple itinerary sort of thing with different playlists at each location. I think it’d be pretty cool if it’s like you have to travel to a new place to hear the next song. In this way, it could be more gamified, if that is in line with the app’s direction. If not, than it could be a possible feature.

Tina I was confused by the term “playlist” for the lists, and also interested in why that term was chosen. When I first hear of “playlist”, I think of it as music related. But from looking at the proposal and paper prototype sketches, the app’s list functionality doesn’t seem to do with music. Your team could either 1) add other components related to a “music”-like theme, or 2) rename the term, maybe to “itinerary” or “travel plan”.

tiffallen commented 7 years ago

Feedback from team A6 - Strawberry Jam

Jason I was confused when: Arlen: For the map view, as a user, I might be confused by the relationship between the pins and the playlists. Is there a way to see individual stops/destinations on the map, rather than just starting locations? How would combine different list? Mohsin: Is the only way to search moods by swiping left/right? This might limit the number of moods that would be feasible. Also, how are the playlists for a certain mood sorted?

Jimmy Arlen: Good idea overall, I was just confused when I read the “playlist near you message”, when I open a music app I usually don't think of playlists being in a specific location. It would be nice if the app would explain what it does first or explain how the playlist locator function of the app works.

Christy: It seems very nice, and simple. However im confused on how adding and finding a playlist works. Will the user need to go to a specific location to be able to listen to the playlist or will he/she be able to listen to any playlist they find? I was a bit confused on the transition between the first three pages is the playlist suggested based on the location you choose? And does the playlist you chose also chose a path for you to take?

Emily: Mohsin: Seems very simple however it would be better to see a mpa that better implemented.

Tiffany I was confused about how the app organises the playlists. Is it by both mood and location? Does it make having the map vital to the functionality of the app? Christy: I like the thoroughness of this prototype and how it showed every possible flow of the app’s use. Maybe a thing to add is to edit a pre-existing list so that if the user finds a new location that fits a list they already have, they can modify it instead of creating a whole new list. Mohsin: I really like the UI on the left side where the user can search based upon mood. It was easy to visualize and didn’t seem that cluttered. Maybe have a list of potential “feelings” that are preset because I feel like if the user does not swipe to their intended mood within a few swipes, they will give up (it would take to long to swipe through all of the moods). For the playlist on the right, maybe implement collapsible lists. I feel like if you list every possible location under the type of activity the page can get really cluttered very fast (especially if it is on a mobile device and there are more than 2 possible locations).

Stephanie I was confused when: Overall I wish there was a description to go with the pictures so that I could get more information of the overall design. Arlen: I like the explore UI, but am confused on what the filters will be. Will there be list of popularity (more than 200+ followers ect). There is a lot going on in this picture so its a bit hard to figure out what goes where. Apart from that however I like the details that have been thought out such as the tag features and how it expands across the map and the general playlist page. Also the logged in/logged out menu is very thorough as well which i appreciate

Emily I really like the display for this one where it shows the UI for the playlist. The design of this is clear and easy to follow, and the design is clean. I am confused with the benefit of zooming into the playlist. Also for the play and pause button, what causes a location to be completed? Just going to that location/nearby? Would it be self checked out