emyew / ACME

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Milestone 5 feedback #4

Open kandarpksk opened 7 years ago

jpon1 commented 7 years ago

Team A4: CatsCan

Annie: The next feature I want to see is an option for users to see how many people are on the same recommended itinerary in real time. It would be cool to add a social component incentive to this idea.

Jason: The next feature I want to see is: A way to order which destination you want the trip to take. Currently there is no way to order the selected destinations.

Jake: The next feature I want to see is an option for user to choose the startpoint for the paths for example, it can be from his current location or anywhere that he can choose on the map.

Jacob: The next feature I want to see is for users to be able to rate other lists or locations.

skrauselevy commented 7 years ago

Team A9

Great job! the layout is good. One suggestion is to allow the user to choose the order in which they visit the different locations. Also a suggestions list for different things such as meals and beaches to visit. Try making it so that the person can easily print or download a pdf of the directions.

Something to think about: What makes this app special? Right now it seems very similar to google maps accept there is no way to use it to navigate (people don't print directions anymore aside from my dad).

In terms of UI, maybe think about how this will look on mobile. I suggest having the directions below the map and have the map collapse a bit when you've picked your plan. I'd also suggest looking into changing the look of the default map for fun!