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New words for US/CA - 2015-03-26 #106

Closed marcoagpinto closed 9 years ago

marcoagpinto commented 9 years ago


Kevin, I have entered feature freeze for en_GB and next week I am going to release it.

Here is the 600+ words not found in US.

In this version I have added dozens of names since names is a weakness in the dictionaries.


Kind regards from your friend,

Marco A.G.Pinto

Aintree ainhum cholelithiasis cholecystitis pancreatitis cardiomyopathy pericardial mammalogy mammalogist mammalogists mammalogist's supinate supinates supinating supinated supination pronate pronates pronating pronated pronation pronator pronators acrocentric submetacentric malperformance loti maloti butterbur butterbur's extremophile extremophiles archaebacterial toxigenicity botulinum variola variolar variolous Smoot Smoot's RISC click-throughs clientelism followee followees aggressivity ballistically hydroforming SourceForge SourceForge's newfound Harington sightlessness Bayamón cockboat ripstop longstop Barclays Barclays's peggy peggies Darwinists Fräulein multiheaded Grozny's Ivorians Gurkhali Gorkhali vallecula valleculae Nibelungenlied Nibelung Nibelungs Nibelungen Cassidy Cassidy's Longmire Longmire's Eurocard lightwork lightworker lightworkers lightworker's Kenney exclusivism exclusivist exclusivists excogitate excogitates excogitating excogitated excogitation antidisestablishmentarian antidisestablishmentarians exceptionalism ecclesial interreligious penates penannular zoomorphic zoomorphism biomorphic Dawkins Dawkins's Sacrobosco Sacrobosco's MKV AVI FLV MK3D MKA mkv mk3d mka streamable MOV Vorbis Vorbis's ogg oga Ogg WMA AAC ambisonic ambisonics DirectShow DirectShow's Netherhampton microchannel microchannels photoresist photoresists photolithography photolitho photolithographic photolithographically microminiature oligonucleotide oligonucleotides polynucleotide polynucleotides polynuclear Woburn Woburn's acrylamide toxicant toxicants immunogenetic immunogenetics immunogenetical browntop androsterone oestradiol oestrogenic progestin progestins translocation translocations mistranslate quadrate quadrates trabecula trabeculae trabecular trabeculate intergrowth intergrowths intergrow intergrew intergrown limonite limonitic pseudomorph pseudomorphs pseudomorphic pseudomorphism pseudomorphous Charron Theophrastus Theophrastus's Parmenides Parmenides's Kircher Kircher's Cetacea Odontoceti odontocete odontocetes Mysticeti mysticete mysticetes rorqual rorquals Bryde Bryde's Hywel Antin Antin's medusa medusas medusae planula planulae apoptosis apoptotic radioiodine gastrocolic apoprotein apoproteins aposematic aposematism herbarium herbaria angiospermous gymnospermous monocot monocots dicot dicots dicrotic phosphodiesterase methotrexate HPV kindergartener kindergarteners Fulghum Fulghum's overparted overpaint overpaints overpainting overpainted Baconian Baconians inductivism inductivist inductivists inductivist's consequentialism consequentialist consequentialists Bosphorus deontology deontological deontologist deontologists PHP PHP's php CGI Gerhart Gerhart's Crébillon Henrik Henrik's flaunter flaunty Pouncey Pouncey's phospholipase linolenic chitosan oropharynx oropharynges oropharynxes oropharyngeal fungiform vallate adventitia adventitial Adventism Riegl Riegl's Venkova admass Lifford ambisexual ambisexually cufflink cufflinks monobrow monobrowed Hayek Hayek's Darger Darger's anomalistic ascidian ascidians Cloney Cloney's Walney Walney's razorfish razorfishes APC Bukrin Otway Otway's Amfreville defenceman defencemen commodification Killarney Killarney's peloton pelotons blueliner multisensory Bayern Hašek Hašek's multiplet multiplets diborane boride borides borane boranes intermetallic silicide silicides hepatocyte hepatocytes immunoglobulin immunoglobulins cellularity pleomorphism pleomorphic eosinophilic mucinous eosinophil eosinophils chargee chargeback chargebacks McGlynn McGlynn's Daytona Daytona's McRae McRae's Nemechek Nemechek's dayside nightside astrobleme astroblemes polyacrylamide ethidium Timorese timocracy timocracies archegonium archegonia archducal archduchy archduchies Stringfield Stringfield's Lumberton Lumberton's Revenna exopolitics Moulton Moulton's Marden Marden's Westrum Westrum's Isadora Isadora's adoptee adoptees Zawadski Gavron Gavron's chromatid chromatids anaphase telophase prophase tankage birdshot Garda Gardai Moyross unjaded glowy glowier glowiest gloxinia gloxinias achimenes cohosh folic pteroylglutamic chalicothere chalicotheres glucagon fluctuant interpretability bacteriostat bacteriostats bacteriostasis bacteriostatic bacteriostatically sterilant sterilants Vincentian Vincentians Lazarist Lazarists Perryville Perryville's isethionic isethionate isentropic Chalmers Chalmers's microelectronically electropolar Simson Simson's Pathan Pathans Chaldean Chaldeans neologist neologists neologize neologizes neologizing neologized neologise neologises neologising neologised sonics Kourou Kourou's nullifidian uglify uglifies uglifying uglified uglification uglily streetscape streetscapes Trowbridge Trowbridge's Molesworth Molesworth's Nicholls Nicholls's Eindhoven Eindhoven's Bluefields Bluefields's Belém Belém's belemnite belemnites Flandrian auriferous downwelling downwellings nearshore nearshores nearshoring nearshored limitary limitative textualist textualists textualism Latham Latham's Humphreys Humphreys's osmotically Hoberman Hoberman's semipermeable hydrocolloid hydrocolloids subprocess subprocesses updatable Rappaport Rappaport's Sheldrick Sheldrick's upcoast upcase upcases upcased downcase downcases downcased Westerman Westerman's Scart SCART Oberth Oberth's Emme Emme's ESR GCC GCC's misexplanation misexplanations misexplain misexplains misexplaining misexplained Beatty Beatty's Delphine Delphine's misqualify misqualifies misqualifying misqualified cocreator cocreators cocreation vert verts Tallis Tallis's Flodden Moreton Moreton's Wulfsige Bardstown Bardstown's Asser Asser's Dermot Dermot's gramophonic trimerous pentamerous tetramerous cotoneaster broadleaf whitebeam whitebeams agapanthus pelargonium pelargoniums goosegrass Bedu McHale McHale's Aegon Aegon's pochard pochards Aragon Aragon's flappy flappier flappiest giftware Pattaya Pattaya's Chemnitz Chemnitz's Meara anemophilous anemophily hydrophilous hydrophily hydrophobicity intermembrane Zenobia Zenobia's cymbidium cymbidiums boneset knitbone intarsia Hendrick Hendrick's panstick denitrify denitrifies denitrifying denitrified denitrification bioreactor bioreactors wasabi cruciferous somniferous melliferous umbellifer umbellifers umbelliferous forestay staysail staysails Cowell Cowell's turnround Baudot Baudot's Baudrillard Baudrillard's Saavedra Saavedra's

kevina commented 9 years ago

@biljir care to comment on any of these words. If it will help you can copy and paste the list into http://app.aspell.net:/lookup-freq to rank them all against Google's ngrams corpus.

biljir commented 9 years ago

There is very little on this list with which I'm familiar. Words I actually recognize (not including computer-geek stuff) include: pancreatitis, extremophile, newfound (I think it's usually hyphenated), Barclays (not much used in USA, I suspect), Ivorians, Nibelung(etc) (would make opera-lovers happy), Dawkins (add him), medusa (etc), cufflink (I imagine this is more commonly hypehnated, or you'd have it already!), Hayek (important Libertarian thinker), chargeback, nightside, birdshot (perhaps more commonly 2 words?), Chaldean (for the historically inclined), wasabi. Other than Dawkins and maybe Hayek and wasabi, I'm not sure I can really recommend any even of these words.

Seeing misexplain on the list reminds me that mansplaining is a wonderful neologism.

kevina commented 9 years ago

Actually there where a good number of words on this last that were fairly common (4 starts based on my ranking system, see http://app.aspell.net/lookup-freq) that I added.

I also added Dawkins Hayek and "wasabi".