Closed marcoagpinto closed 9 years ago
Thanks for the list. My current plans are to review this list and other issues labeled "new words" and create a release sometime in July.
@biljir care to comment on this new set of words?
Comments on a few of these words:
I'm not sure how hyphenated words work in your list, but I urge inclusion of okey-dokey and okey-doke.
I believe that declaw and its forms should be added.
Qur'an/Quran and Quranic/Qur'anic are interesting. I have no doubt that Koran(ic) is more common, but Qur'an(ic) is clearly more authentic, and would be preferred in scholarly writing. I would recommend that Qur'an and Qur'anic be added.
lampstand is included in some ESL dictionaries. It might be primarily British - it didn't show up in the American dictionaries I checked.
meathead(s) and driveshaft(s) should probably be added. (At least one dictionary prefers drive shaft, however).
macrolanguage and macrolinguistics are maybe's.
I am handling Quran/Quranic using my standard policy far variants, that is only include one spelling in the main dictionary unless there is a very good reason to include two or the two spelling can not possible be confused with each other. On the second point this is a border line case so I opt to keep it out.
Quran, Quranic, Qur'an, Qur'anic are now all included in the level 1 variant list and can be easily added in a custom dictionary using this tool ( They will also now be included in the larger dictionary.
declaw/driveshaft/meathead are also added.
Hello Kevin Atkinson,
Here is the list of words not in US/CA, which will ship in the next en_GB update in a few days.
Kind regards,
understeer understeers understeering understeered oversteer oversteers oversteering oversteered WAP Tomaselli Tomaselli's Parello Parello's Dulwich Dulwich's drugget Liam Liam's Nadelmann Nadelmann's Dewhurst Dewhurst's Haider Haider's Ravenscroft Ravenscroft's Ede Ede's Aguila Aguila's Bowker Bowker's dribbly hyaline disodium intranuclear svn gzip gzips gzipping gzipped Walfield Gillmor Gillmor's Pescetti Pescetti's Galoppini Beaussier Valk Valk's CMS Henschel Henschel's Yutaka Yutaka's Philipp Philipp's Kewisch Kewisch's stargate stargates teleporter teleporters Redfern Redfern's Hopkinsville Hopkinsville's DipEd classily clastic fissility decompaction decompactions scombroid scombroids ciguatera parrotfish parrotfishes parrotbill parrotbills vegetational acridine ammoniated valerian valerians campanula campanulas cannabinol photoproduct photoproducts photoprotein photorealist photorealistic anamorphosis anamorphoses eccentrical gesso gessoes didymium Jena Jena's cullet Pyrenean carbamate carbamates organophosphate organophosphates organochlorine organochlorines arbitral riskless Shleifer Shleifer's chargehand chargehands Kuster Kuster's lampstand MacPherson MacPherson's moxibustion adaptogenic therapeutical therapeutist therapeutists glucosamine nicotinamide nicotinic catabolite catabolites catachresis catachreses catachrestic continuative continuatives basilect basilect's basilects acrolect's basilectal Coren Coren's antepenult penult Gellibrand Gellibrand's declinational declaw declaws declawing declawed enzootic epizootic epizoic epizoite epizoites Lachman Lachman's Lawrie Lawrie's dispiritingly suffixal suffixion aspectual trine trines Dorotheus midheaven Torrington Torrington's beachside Suttons Redcliffe Redcliffe's Klandasan meathead meatheads Hitchman Hitchman's Clegg Clegg's Rodwell Rodwell's Guiley Guiley's NDE NDEs dromos dromoi Bactrian bacteroid bacteroids semiformal semirural semierect semilethal semifeudal semivocal semideaf semiraw semioval Ashtaroth Ashtaroth's totemism totemist totemists totemistic Lacan Lacan's Lacanian Lacanians Lacanianism Havelock Havelock's Bergenfield Bergenfield's uprose uninterruptible uninterruptedness uninterestingness untestable unrequested unintellectual MacDiarmid MacDiarmid's Kerala Kerala's arrondissement arrondissements arriviste arrivistes arrivisme Bullen Bullen's yielder yielders Yiddishism Yiddishist Yiddishists anaphylactic camwood layshaft layshafts driveshaft driveshafts swingarm Hinkley Hinkley's GTA demeritorious photoelectricity Torness comminuted orthopaedist orthopaedists trochanteric trochanteral triacetate macrolanguage macrolanguages macrolinguistics protolanguage protolanguages paralanguage unilingual unilingualism unilingually Quebecer Quebecers Ogunquit Ogunquit's quebracho quebrachos agroforestry Brahmana Brahmanas branks araneous rankish rankless rankism crankish Breughel Brueghel dayan dayanim Bresson Bresson's Guamanians Qur'an Quran Koranic Qur'anic Quranic Mede Medes Chicagoland Chicagolands Chicagoland's Imola Imola's Handan Handan's Romina Romina's fritillary fritillaries Silverton Silverton's Tretikov Tretikov's Wikimedia Wikimedia's Solapur Solapur's Akshaya Akshaya's Iyengar Iyengar's pinboard pinboards Breightmet dev devs devkit devkits annulate annulated annulation annulations seta setae setaceous setal clayware epidermoid gastrula gastrulae gastrulation Cottesloe Cottesloe's Bonnybridge Grangemouth Grangemouth's Beckton Beckton's printworks Boroughbridge flashover flashovers oversaturated teleoperation teleoperate teleoperating teleoperated teleoperator chatterbot chatterbots cyberporn Danni Danni's cyberpet cyberpets Lolitas literality literalize literalise literalist literalists scientism scientistic barratry barrator barrators barratrous cusk-eel cusk-eels gorgonian gorgonians pipefish pipefishes pipeclay pipeclays pipeclaying pipeclayed trishaw trishaws Sharath Sharath's Penang Penang's shophouse shophouses Lovett Lovett's shopman shopmen shopworker shopworkers Burnham Burnham's obstructor obstructors Kingsford Kingsford's Jens Jens's postglacial peatland peatlands autorecovery autorecover anonymise anonymises anonymising anonymised anonymize anonymizes anonymizing anonymized anonymization anonymisation Kinsella Kinsella's Groff Groff's immunotoxic aflatoxin aflatoxins groundmass phenocryst phenocrysts xenocryst xenocrysts xenocrystic apomixis apomictic facultative facultatively auxotroph auxotrophs auxotrophic thiamin autocrine paracrine chemosensory sensillum sensilla campaniform palp palps palpi palpus palpal palpability multicentric mammographic deuteranopia bryology bryological bryologist bryologists Ruud Ruud's bryony bryonies coralroot coralroots thimbleberry thimbleberries bittercress fireweed waterweed silverweed willowherb rosebay Scythians Sarmatia Sarmatian Ossete Ossetes Ossetic Ossetia Ossetian Ossetians browbeater browbeaters Wolfowitz Wolfowitz's Broward chaffweed buffo buffos CRM croakily okey-dokey okey-doke Protista protist protists protistan protistans protistology unwalled embryogenesis embryogenic embryogeny explant explants explanted explantation concrescence concrescent intermedium intermedia griot griots oilstone Kidman Kidman's Sheehan Sheehan's capitulum capitula coracoid nematocyst nematocysts lancelet lancelets notochord notochords