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New words for US/CA - 2015-12-25 #134

Closed marcoagpinto closed 8 years ago

marcoagpinto commented 8 years ago

Hello Kevin,

I have entered feature freeze for the forked en_GB.

Here is the list of words missing in US/CA (599 words): Horatian explicator explicatory Palladian Palladianism Orcadian Orcadians Trumland Caithness Caithness's Rousay Rousay's Shapinsay Shapinsay's Oddie Oddie's Govan Govan's overanalysis overanalyse overanalyses overanalysing overanalysed diegesis diegeses diegetic Harring Harring's dieffenbachia dieffenbachias unreviewed unversioned autoconfirm autoconfirms autoconfirming autoconfirmed autoconfirmation vandalistic vandalistically wikiquette reasonability Reagle Reagle's BlackBerry BlackBerries BlackBerrying BlackBerried wolfberry wolfberries bloodletter bloodish bloodshedder bloodshedding blepharitis keratitis iritis atherosclerotic atheroma atheromatous distensibility distensible haemodynamic haemodynamically haemodynamics electromedical ferritic martensite martensitic martempering martempered martellato Martello Martellos Napoleonism Napoleonically Napoleonist outrightly geniculate antennule antennules concavo-convex prosome copepod copepods mantid mantids prothorax prothoracic prothonotaryship protonotary protonotaries prothonotary prothonotaries protonosphere geocorona geocoronal geocratic geocyclic cadastral occurrent Washingtonologist interdimensional Carrolton Galactica Galactica's Okrand Okrand's Ragnar Ragnar's Redbeard Redbeard's Schulman Schulman's Angelus angelus Corbin Corbin's apostolate apostolates charism charisms Smithers Smithers's Dostoyevsky Dostoyevsky's fusionist fusionists fusionism Greenock Greenock's Crawfurd Crawfurd's Gourock Gourock's greenlet greenless Greenlandman Greenlandish Greenlander Greenlanders greenlandite greenlandit mezzotint mezzotints mezzotinting mezzotinted mezzotinter mezzotinters mezzotinter's Morland Morland's STI STIs papillomavirus protozoal ureaplasma ureaplasmas mycoplasma mycoplasmas mycoplasmata metronidazole polyisoprene isoprene presymptomatic Salvarsan arsphenamine auricula auriculas avens Ayurvedic backbeat backbeats balustraded biscuity blackshirt blackshirts Jabotinsky Jabotinsky's Clarkson Clarkson's Dara Dara's nutraceutical nutraceuticals neurobiological neurobiologist neurobiologists neurobiochemistry neurobics neurobehavioural psychopharmacology psychopharmacological psychopharmacologist psychopharmacologists Enigmail Enigmail's misenter misenters misentered misentering rewrap rewraps rewrapping rewrapped logfile logfiles posey mimeo Berrigan Berrigan's detachability performative performatives performativity constative constatives polysiloxane phenylmethyl rebuffer rebuffers rebuffered rebuffering upsample upsamples upsampled upsampling blockiness downsample downsamples downsampling downsampled choosable bootboy bootboys outsole outsoles Thinsulate minibreak minibreaks minicell minicar minicars minichain minichromosome minicircle kinetoplast kinetoplasts kinetoscope kinetoscopes Leysdown unrefuted photocycle reorganizational reorganizationist reovirus enteric ante-mortem mediastinum mediastina mediastinal mediastinoscopy prereform postreform tragical bathypelagic octopod octopods blastocyst blastocysts blastula blastulae denticulation denticulations septal atrioventricular endocardial parapophysis parapolitical parapolar parapod polyamine polyamidation polyamide polyamides adipic adipoceration adipocere hypotensive normotensive vagus vagi ventifact ventifacts erraticism sublibrary sublibraries subrectangular subsensible suboption suboptions suborganization suborganizations suborganisation suborganisations suboval subovoid suboptimum suboperation suboperations Ascher Ascher's Plohman Gervase Gervase's PEPs PEP's penectomy orchiectomy orchiectomies orchidectomy orchidectomies curette curettes curetting curetted electrodesiccation osteotome osteotomes cerumen zoster photosensitivity omeprazole bing Bing OneDrive Silverlight subparagraph subparagraphs sublicensee sublicensees Satya Satya's Nadella Nadella's MSDN Bellevue Bellevue's Ballmer Ballmer's Gartner Gartner's Klawe Klawe's TCO Issaquah Issaquah's Gilman Gilman's regauge regauges regauging regauged Sammamish Sammamish's regelate regelated regelation calorifically smokelessly tostada tostadas tostado tostados tosylate tosylates nonactivated adrenergic histaminic muscarinic hyperreactivity submucosal muscularis tunica tunicae insectile insectarium insectariums insectary insectaries avicularium avicularia Earlybird woodsmoke workless worklessness worklessness's Wordsworthiana bowie bowies bradycardia carabiniere carabinieri carboxyl carboxy catheterization catheterisation bacteriuria prostatitis pyelonephritis pyelonephritic pyuria haematuria cedarwood VLC VLC's bidimensional tridimensional coromandel lacquerware lacquerwork Jap Japs arse-licking arse-licker postlanding believingly freezingly bobbish breaktime nanofibre nanofibres oxysulphide cashpoint cashpoints classmanship clicket clubbability costermonger costermongers cream-crackered decenary decinary decennary declinatory eyeable faceache fandabidozi Fenians Fenianism fibrescope fibrescopes flasket flaysome flyman flymen foretop foretops forjudge forejudge formularise formularises formularising formularised forspeak garibaldi garibaldis gastropub gastropubs gemminess gyratory gyratories elevatory incubatory modificatory pulsatory clarificatory denigratory Obi-Wan's Kenobi Kenobi's Anakin Anakin's Skywalker Skywalker's Jedis Sith Sith's McCallum McCallum's Ewan Ewan's Portman Portman's McDiarmid McDiarmid's Lucasfilm Lucasfilm's workprint lightsaber lightsabers Coruscant Coruscant's Palpatine Palpatine's Padmé Padmé's Colton Colton's Chewbacca Chewbacca's Kamino Kamino's refilm refilms refilming refilmed animatic animatics pre-visualize previsualise previsualize Shepperton Shepperton's Elstree Elstree's armlock armlocks Gillard Gillard's Oldman Oldman's Smithee Smithee's Grauman Grauman's Rosenbaum Rosenbaum's outgross outgrosses outgrossing outgrossed Elsey Elsey's Gooley Gooley's Razzie Razzie's Windu Windu's Sidious Sidious's Leia Leia's Jaina Jaina's provene Bridger Bridger's Katarn Katarn's Qui-Gon Qui-Gon's Organa Organa's Jacen Jacen's unlogical Twichell Twichell's Corso Corso's McKinnon McKinnon's Tomkins Tomkins's Elmwood Elmwood's Medford Medford's Georgie Georgie's Pedrick Pedrick's Bucksch Koelmeyer Grandon Grandon's rammelly rambly Fernhout xlsx UX uxoricide uxoricidal uxoriously uxoriousness uxorilocal matrilocal matrilocality

kevina commented 8 years ago

@biljir have anything to say about these?

biljir commented 8 years ago

Words from this list worthy of consideration/discussion:

BlackBerry - as a noun. I don't know how common the verb is. Dostoyevsky - Apparently SCOWL thinks this is an alternate spelling. It appears that Wikipedia disagrees. It seems like the right spelling to me, but I see my own private list of names spells it Dostoevsky, so apparently when I compiled that list I disagreed. suboptimum Jap - One always hesitates with adding racial slurs, but this one was so popular during World War II that it is pretty likely to show up in historical writing about that war. outgross

kevina commented 8 years ago

Thanks Alan, I added BlackBerry and Jap.

I will revisit Dostoyevsky.