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Words missing in US - 2017-10-26 #203

Closed marcoagpinto closed 6 years ago

marcoagpinto commented 7 years ago

Hello Kevin!

Here is the list of missing words in US.

As usual, some may be GB only.


captionless Spiegelman Spiegelman's interpretational McNeer McNeer's Heckman Heckman's Labunski Labunski's Elbridge Elbridge's revisal revisory eighthly ninthly minoritarian Barnette Barnette's Furman Furman's Talton Talton's euthanise euthanises euthanising euthanised eutopia eutopian eutrophication eutrophicate eutrophicates eutrophicating eutrophicated eutrophy dystrophic strigil strigils stridulate stridulates stridulating stridulated stridulation stridulations stridulant stridulatory inspiratory arachnology arachnologist schloss epistrophe polyptoton polysyndeton polysymptomatic chronicity bronchospastic histopathology histopathological histopathologically histopathologist histopathologists histonomy histomorphology histometabasis permineralized permineralised permineralization permillage permie permy Permic vermian vermis nodulus pyramis nodum NOED noegenetic noegenesis Daqing Daqing's Heilongjiang Heilongjiang's Heilbronn Heilbronn's heightism heightist heightists fattism fattist Nanking Nanking's Jiangsu Jiangsu's Shanxi Shanxi's Wapnick Wapnick's Renard Renard's Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 duchesse slub slubs slubbing slubbed houndstooth houndstooths dobby dobbies shirtlifter shisha shishas hubble-bubble Catalonian Catalonians Jochen Jochen's Saalfeld Saalfeld's Seibert Seibert's Gildernew Gildernew's Milliband Milliband's Carwyn Carwyn's Rojava Rojava's Puigdemont Puigdemont's manifestant Anhui Anhui's Fujian Fujian's Gansu Gansu's Guangxi Guangxi's Zhuang Zhuang's Nanning Nanning's Guizhou Guizhou's Hainan Hainan's Haikou Haikou's Hebei Hebei's Henan Henan's Hubei Hubei's Hunan Hunan's Liaoning Liaoning's Nei Nei's Ningxia Ningxia's Yinchuan Yinchuan's Qinghai Qinghai's Xining Xining's Shaanxi Sichuan Sichuan's Xinjiang Xinjiang's Uygur Uygur's Xizang Xizang's Zhejiang Zhejiang's Hefei Hefei's typal chipotle chipotles draughtspeople underinflation unflawed unfleshed Utterson Utterson's unlockable unrushed unrung unruptured unrumpled unrummaged unrulable Dodwell Dodwell's unruinable unruined Grimeston Grimeston's unruffle unruffles unruffling nutter's nuttery nuttish nuttallite scapolite nutshelly nutrose nutriture nutrix nutritor nutritionalist nutritionalists physicotherapy physiatrical physiatrics physharmonica physeter physalis physaliphorous physaliferous physalin physa unsymmetrically unsystematically untag untags untagging untagged untack untacks untacking untacked veraciousness Zhytomyr prelogical prelogic preludial preludium praeludium prelumbar Robley Robley's prelusion prelusively prelusory premandibular revolute revoluted revoluble revoltingness revolter revolutioneering revolutioner revoltive revoice revoices revoicing revoiced revalescence revalorize revalorizes revalorizing revalorized revalorise revalorises revalorising revalorised revaluate revaluates revaluating revaluated revanchard revanchism revanchist revanchists paramilitarism parametrium parametron parametritis metritis metrifonate metriphonate phosphonate phosphonates helminth helminths helminthic helminthoid schistosome schistosomes schistosomiasis schizanthus calceolaria calceolarias nemesia nemesias godetia godetias godfatherhood godfathership godfatherly Godfull Godful perichoresis hypostasis hypostases hyposplenism hypospadias hypopigmentation hypopituitarism hypopituitary achondroplastic achondroplasic achondroplasia achondroplasiac infecund infecundity infectuous infectress infectum infecture infeed umbilicuses umbilicate pulsatility insertional velocimeter velocimeters velocimetry velocipedist velocipedists draisine velociraptor velociraptors Odeon Odeon's fabulosity fabrosaurid ornithischian ornithischians fabrosaur prefabricator Hakewill Hakewill's prefactor postfactor postface postethmoid ethmoid ethmoturbinal turbinated concha conchae conchiolin conchology conchological conchologist conciliatoriness frontierless depilator depilators dephlogisticated muriatic muriate muricacean muricid muricidal VirtualBox VirtualBox's how-tos infeudation infibulate infibulates infibulating infibulated infibulation peltast peltately peltate peltation pelterer peltiform pelta peltae peltage pelage pelagial peladic Allbutt Allbutt's pelade areata alopecian alopecist alopecy alopecoid wherryman wherrymen plafond placophoran placodont placodonts placoderm placoderms symphyseal symphysial posteroventral posteroventrally landlessness landnam landscapist landscapists lawned lawny oarage oarer oarfish oarfishes ländler endergonic exergonic exercycle happenable happenchance happiless hapaxanthic haphazarder haphazardry haplobiont haplobiontic haplochromine haplochromines fluviatile perthitic wacke albite porphyrous porphyropsin porphyroid porphyrogeniture porphyrogenite porphyrogenitus porphyroclast porphyroclastic porphyroblast porphyroblastic nondeterminism nondescriptness nondeterministic redbone redberry redbeard redbelly redate redates redating redated redargutive redargution redargue redargues redarguing redargued redactorial redactoral redan vitrifiable tumefy tumefies tumefying tumefied tumefaction tumefacient humify humifies humifying humified humification humiliator humiliators humint hummel pescatarian pescatarians pescetarian pescetarians quoddity quodlibetal quodlibetical Fulke Fulke's quodlibetic quoiler fenestrated fenestrate autozooid autozoom autoxidization autotypic autotypy hemiparasite hemiparasites hemipenis hemipenes hemiplegia hemiplegic hemiparesis hemipode hemipodes sandgrouse Madeiran Madeirans madeleine madeleines Proustian Proustiana proustite Prout Prout's wham-bam whammo thumbless wood-hoopoe wood-hoopoes savanilla Goode Goode's Attenborough Attenborough's ichthyoid ichthyoids marvellingly pernickety germophobic germaphobic germophobia germaphobia germophobe germaphobe germless grazier graziers dysphasia dysphasic dysphonia laryngoscope laryngoscopes laryngoscopy endotracheal endotracheally ventilatory sheiling borealis Lofoten Lofoten's Portree Portree's Matheson Matheson's shinty shinties Murdo Murdo's Minch Minch's Seaforth Seaforth's Hebridean Hebrideans Finlay Finlay's rigueur trixie Coyle Coyle's whirler whirlers whirlingly whiptail whiptails whipstitch whipstitches whipstitching whipstitched whippy whippier whippiest whippiness whippiness's whimperer whimperers whimperingly Hudsonian whicker whickers whickered whickering wheelback dyno dynos dynoing dynoed dyno'd dynamometer dynast dynasts spirulina botryoid botryolite botriolite botrytis botryose botrytized botrytised Botswanan Botswanian bottarga wettable wettish westwardmost Westralian Westpolitik houngan houngans houndfish houndfishes beliefful belieffulness belieffulness's beliefless Belgravia Belgravia's Knightsbridge Knightsbridge's wearisomeness underseal underseals undersealing undersealed subshrub subshrubs subshrubby subshell subsexual subservientness subsessile subserviate subserviates subserviating subserviated subserve subserves subserving subserved subserous subserosa subserosal subperitoneal subpersonality subpetiolar subpetiolate subpetiole subpetioled subphotospheric subphyla amphioxus coelom coeloms coelomata coelomate coelomic synsacrum synsacrums synsacra agrammatic prosodical prosodically prosodial prosodeme proslambanomenos prosneusis octanoyl octantal octapeptide octarch octastich octatomic tetratomic monatomic pentatomic penta-atomic seethingly

kevina commented 7 years ago

As always thank you for the list. I have been very busy with other things now and it may be a few months before I go through your lists and create a new release.

biljir commented 6 years ago

Only a general comment on this list. It contains a significant number of names of Chinese cities, all of which I recommend adding if they are indeed not present. I have no interest in nitpicking the list, or researching possible additions. Well, with two exceptions. First, I note that Nanking is an obsolete name, but it should be included anyway because of its historical importance (famous battles and the like). Also, I suggest adding Shenzhen, which is a city that hardly existed 30 years ago, but has become quite the megacity in recent years. It is frequently left off lists of Chinese place names due to how recent its explosive growth has been.

kevina commented 6 years ago

If someone will separate out the Chinese cities I will consider them separately. Right now based on frequency I will include (which includes some general words).

Coyle Finlay Fujian Furman Goode Hummel Hunan Jiangsu Matheson Nanking Schloss Sichuan Xinjiang Xinjiang Zhejiang endotracheal
ethmoid eutrophication hemiplegia histopathology inspiratory schistosomiasis ventilatory

Will also include: Shenzhen

And note that Madeleine is already included.

biljir commented 6 years ago

When I reach the end of my backlog, I will undertake this. My schedule might not allow me to get to it until the weekend.

On Thu, Mar 22, 2018, at 3:46 PM, Kevin Atkinson wrote:

If someone will separate out the Chinese cities I will consider them separately. Right now based on frequency I will include (which includes some general words).> Coyle Finlay Fujian Furman Goode Hummel Hunan Jiangsu Matheson Nanking Schloss Sichuan Xinjiang Xinjiang Zhejiang endotracheal ethmoid eutrophication hemiplegia histopathology inspiratory schistosomiasis ventilatory

Will also include: Shenzhen

And note that Madeleine is already included.

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biljir commented 6 years ago

It turns out, most of the Chinese names are Chinese provinces, not Chinese cities. Which makes it easier, because there are lists of all the Chinese provinces. All the provinces are definitely not on Marco's list, but at least for some names, that may be because they're already present in the current (American) list.

I will add another comment with the province names, and also check if any of the remaining Chinese-looking names are cities of significance.

biljir commented 6 years ago

The following are single-word province name's on Marco's list which are not already on Kevin's accepted list:

Anhui Gansu Guizhou Hainan Hebei Heilongjiang Henan Hubei Liaoning Qinghai Shaanxi Shanxi Xizang

The following are provinces not on Marco's list. Some of them are also the names of famous cities, and are probably already on the list.

Beijing Chongqing Guangdong Jiangxi Shandong Tianjin Yunnan

Four provinces are a special problem, being two word names:

Guangxi Zhuang Nei Mongol Ningxia Hui Xinjiang Uygur

Zhuang, Hui, Mongol and Uygur are the names of nationalities. In the case of Xinjiang Uygur, often just the first word is used in references to the province in English. I suspect this is true for all the rest, except possibly Nei Mongol, where "Nei" is different because it is a monosyllable. At any rate, I've always seen Nei Mongol spelled out, never as Nei by itself. This leads to the question of whether Nei's is really a valid possessive. This is a question I can't answer.

I do note that the possessive Shaanxi's was omitted from Marco's list. If don't know if this omission was substantive or not.

Finally, there are a few other Chinese names on Marco's list which are the capital cities of certain provinces. These are:

Daqing Haikou Hefei Nanning Xining Yinchuan

I recommend that all the names listed here be added.

There are a number of other provincial capitals not listed on Marco's list. Some of those are very well known cities, and are surely already in the American list. But some others are quite obscure (to non-Chinese :) ) and probably worth adding. If there is interest, I can provide this list too.

kevina commented 6 years ago

Thanks @biljir . I am not interested in adding every providence or city for every country, just major/famous ones. I will likely add all the words on your list.

biljir commented 6 years ago

That's very reasonable. Some of the provinces and cities on Marco's and my lists are surely not very renowned, but I'm not an authority on China, so I might be wrong if I started opining about particular ones. (The one I'm most doubtful of is Qinghai, and its capital Xining. Also, Daqing is not even a provincial capital, but a subprovincial one, though I think the province it is in is pretty big and populous- Daqing is clearly a major city, capital or not.)

On Sat, Mar 24, 2018, at 3:21 PM, Kevin Atkinson wrote:

Thanks @biljir[1] . I am not interested in adding every providence or city for every country, just major/famous ones. I will likely add all the words on your list.> — You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub[2], or mute the thread[3].>


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kevina commented 6 years ago

@biljir if you recognize it that is good enough for me, espacally as the list is not very long. If you gave me a list of 100+ names then I would be a little more reserved.