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Supabase CI workflow error 🐳 #241

Open camelPhonso opened 3 weeks ago

camelPhonso commented 3 weeks ago

Expected Behaviour

The workflow supabase-ci.yml should check be triggered for any PR merging into the dev branch.

The workflow checks for any changes to the supabase schema and if there are any it will update the schema for the staging environment database so that it can be deployed and previewed with the new behaviour.

Current Behaviour

This workflow will occasionally fail with the following message:

failed to start docker container: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint supabase_inbucket_kindly

This error is not consistent, but should be addressed as it will cause automated checks on our PR's to fail.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Navigate to the Actions tab on the Repo
  2. Select Supabase Continuous Integration from the list of Actions on the left-hand panel
  3. Review previous failed runs - number 52 is a specific case where this error was triggered