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Notify users outside the App when there are new conversation updates #250

Open camelPhonso opened 2 weeks ago

camelPhonso commented 2 weeks ago

Expected Behaviour

Users should be prompted to visit Kindly when there are updates to their conversations.


We currently have a notification system via emails that notifies users when a new conversation is started. However, extending this to notify users of unread messages could be too costly and has a large potential to drive bad user experience due to their inbox being flooded. As Kindly is not a mobile app we don't have the option to use push notifications.

Current Behaviour

Users are notified via email when someone else starts a conversation with them but no other actions trigger a notification beyond in-page displays.

Steps to Reproduce

If when logged into Kindly you start a new conversation you can find the email notification in your inbox or in the Inbucket URL link displayed when you enter supabase status onto your terminal.