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Items that have been marked as 'Reserved' should not allow users to enquire about them 🙅 #255

Open camelPhonso opened 2 weeks ago

camelPhonso commented 2 weeks ago

Expected Behaviour

When an Item has been marked by the Donor as 'Reserved', refugee users should not be able to start new conversations from this Items card.

Current Behaviour

The database schema already includes a value for reserved Items and the seed data includes Items that are marked as reserved but this is not noticeable on the front end.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Visit the Studio Url link for your local database
  2. Find an Item in the items table that has the reserved value set to TRUE
  3. Log into Kindly and visit the Item page for that item (guarantee that you are logged in with a 'refugee' account)
  4. The 'Message' button is visible to you