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Upstream image response failed #267

Open YuraPetrovskyi opened 1 week ago

YuraPetrovskyi commented 1 week ago

Expected Behaviour

After adding a new item, the image uploaded by us is expected to be displayed, and a correct link will be created in the database.

Current Behaviour

After creating an item, the image is not displayed: error 400

Receive the following message in the console: error2 400

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a new item and add an image.
  2. Go to your profile page or find your item in the appropriate category
camelPhonso commented 3 days ago

Thank you for creating this issue Yurii.

This is being discussed in #205 and it seems like it might be a supabase issue that we'll have to adapt to in development.

We'll keep the ticket here for the time being for reference but I expect it will be closed with the other issue.