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Tidier customize categories? #1

Open MLGochnauer opened 2 months ago

MLGochnauer commented 2 months ago

Writing the reorganization back to disk can sometimes be very helpful.

BUT it can also fail to recognize some files - - - e.g. document types .odt, .nb, and .xy; and it places some things in inconvenient categories - - - e.g. .HLP files as "other" rather than combining them with executables.

Maybe I'm just asking whether it is feasible to allow user-created categories in addition to, or as a replacement for, the built-in categories.

drkameleon commented 2 months ago

@MLGochnauer Hi and thanks a lot for your message! :)

What you suggest is actually very interesting.

One issue we could have with that is that Tidier is mainly based on UTI (Uniform Type Identifier), provided by macOS itself.

But, I guess, we could provide the option to the users to forcefully e.g. re-interprete a specific file (by file extension) as some different, or have different categorization settings supersede the default ones, in case e.g. a file ends up in the "Other" folder.

Very interesting! I'm noting it down! 😉