enasequence / enaBrowserTools

A collection of scripts to assist in the retrieval of data from the ENA Browser
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minor fix to avoid escaping the colon character in the url #47

Closed harryhaemin closed 4 years ago

harryhaemin commented 4 years ago

I ran into a bug while attempting to downloading with Aspera where the command to urlparse.quote(file_url) was escaping the colon (':') in the url and replacing it with "%3A" - for example if the url I was trying to download a file from was fasp.sra.ebi.ac.uk:/vol1/fastq/ERR172/002/ERR1729192/ERR1729192.fastq.gz, after the call to the function, it would change to fasp.sra.ebi.ac.uk%3A/vol1/fastq/ERR172/002/ERR1729192/ERR1729192.fastq.gz, thus resulting in download failures. I think the colon is pretty specific to the Aspera urls, so perhaps this bug wasn't caught before. I just added the colon as a "safe" character as per the Python documentation on the function, and I hope it doesn't break with other potential urls that are beyond my use case.

josieburgin commented 4 years ago

Hi, this bug should be fixed in the most recent release. Thanks!