enb / enb-stylus

Stylus related techs
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Use doesn't work #123

Open adinvadim opened 8 years ago

adinvadim commented 8 years ago

Example from project-stub. Plugin for stylus doesn't work with enb-stylus

            [techs.stylus, {
                target: '?.css',
                sourcemap: false,
                use: [require('rupture')()],
                autoprefixer: {
                    browsers: ['ie >= 10', 'last 2 versions', 'opera 12.1', '> 2%']

        width: 300px

15:56:16.450 - [failed] [desktop.bundles/index/index.css] stylus

tadatuta commented 8 years ago

That's because latest released version still doesn't have this feature. See commits: https://github.com/enb-make/enb-stylus/commits/master (support was introduced after current 2.2.0 release).

So you may install module from github until release: npm i enb-make/enb-stylus#master --save-dev

blond commented 8 years ago

I released v2.3.0.

@adinvadim, сould you try new version?