enb34 / alice-in-translation

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Project Update 03/14 #12

Open enb34 opened 6 years ago

enb34 commented 6 years ago

Our project goals remain very similar to what they were before break, but our group is continuing to make progress. We've finished marking up the English text (excluding a repetition tag that was added this evening) and I am currently in the process of marking up the Japanese text. One problem I ran into is the use of furigana within the text, which I didn't catch when initially marking up structural elements (it's used rarely in this particular text). If anyone has advice on how to remove this without manually finding and deleting all of it, I would appreciate your input. Dana is continuing to update our HTML wireframe and web pages, and we have placeholders up for all our pages without content. She's currently creating a new format for the menu bar.

brucknerp commented 6 years ago

I tried scrolling through the Japanese text to see examples of furigana--since if they were wrapped in parenthesis or something similar you could maybe use that and regex to remove them--but I couldn't find an example. Is there any pseudo-markup like () for the furigana?

This brought up another question for me. Are there any instances/are you taking into considering any times where katakana are used stylistically?

Idi0teque commented 6 years ago

The site's looking awesome! What kind of things are you going to put into the text once it's on the site? Will you have links back-and-forth between specific chapters of the Alice translations, hover-over sections that discuss the context of the translation (or lack thereof), etc?

enb34 commented 6 years ago

@brucknerp Unfortunately there isn't really any markup that I've found around the furigana--my only clue to go on has been that it immediately follows the kanji it goes over (ex. 鍵かぎ). My strategy thus far is reading carefully and comparing the original text with my XML copy and hoping I don't skip anything. (If you're interested, the HTML used to denote this in the original was かぎ... I plan on looking into this and the CSS a bit more before deciding whether to keep furigana in the displayed text on our site or cutting it out). I am marking up the katakana in some instances-- obviously, I'm not marking up words that are typically used in katakana, nor am I marking up names, but there have been some really interesting instances of this being used in the text. The one that stands out to me right now is the instructions on the drinks/food, (ex. "DRINK ME" as <ノンデ>). I'm marking these up with the emp tag for consistency with the English text.

@Idi0teque Thank you! Dana and I are still determining exactly how the text is going to look up on the site, but one of our main goals is to be able to view both texts side-by-side in a way that makes it easy to see the English and Japanese at the same time. The Japanese is fairly consistent with the English in terms of structural markup, so we're hoping that this will make it easier for us. We aren't certain about how the marked-up content will come into play yet, but we'll be figuring that out in the next week or two and let you know.