enb34 / alice-in-translation

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Project Update 04/04 #15

Open danakaufhold opened 6 years ago

danakaufhold commented 6 years ago

Sorry for the slight delay in posting this week!

I unfortunately did not have the most productive week, but that's okay, I'll just make it up this week! If you check our code, you'll see that I've begun a basic XSLT document to begin handling our English text. I'll be updating and continuing to develop that as the week goes on.

Emily is almost finished with markup on the Japanese text - hooray! She plans to finish tonight or tomorrow.

Some other things we discussed at our project meeting last night: visualization, in a big way. How do we plan on making our data clearly accessible and visible to the readers of our project? We came up with a good amount of ideas that we'll explore over the coming weeks as our project comes to a close. We also set a goal of wanting to begin some of our process writing, so we don't have to do it all at once at the end.

JosephDRogers23 commented 6 years ago

I noticed on the course repo you mentioned that your data is mostly qualitative rather than qualitative. What do you mean by that? What visualizations did you guys discuss last night?

gmd29 commented 6 years ago

It looks like you're off to a good start with your XSLT. What kind of things/how do you plan on featuring in-text? Will you be highlighting things like nonsense words etc.?

brucknerp commented 6 years ago

Hey, having a basic XSLT document is further than we were on Wednesday!

Can you elaborate on the "good amount of ideas" for your visualization?

danakaufhold commented 6 years ago

@JosephDRogers23 What I mean is that a lot of what we're analyzing isn't necessarily something tangible that making graphs will clearly illustrate. Our conclusions will probably take a lot more explanation as opposed to visual representation.

@gmd29 Thanks! We do intend to feature all of the "special features" highlighted in our schema, yes.

@brucknerp Haha, thanks! So we talked with @gabikeane at our weekly meeting and she helped us come up with plans, such as markers that will help viewers see exactly how many of each "special feature" is present in the text. We thought of a few different approaches to that, by chapter and by overall text.

Idi0teque commented 6 years ago

Looks good! What kind of visualization, exactly, are you thinking about using? Would a bar graph work best for this, or something like a Box and Whisker plot? The Data Visualization Catalogue on the course page has been really helpful for us, at least!