encode / httpx

A next generation HTTP client for Python. πŸ¦‹
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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HTTP/2 bi-directional streaming. #1150

Open tomchristie opened 3 years ago

tomchristie commented 3 years ago

At some point we ought to consider a low-level Transport API for exposing the functionality offered by the HTTP CONNECT method, the HTTP Upgrade header, and HTTP/2's bi-directional streaming. (Eg. as used by gRPC)

All there of these essentially offer the same thing - a means of obtaining a raw connection over HTTP. The connection itself might either be the actual TCP connection (HTTP/1.1) or just a single stream (HTTP/2), but this should be ~transparent to the user, except for the fact that we might want to expose some functionality such as "now start TLS on this connection" that is only appropriate in the HTTP/1.1 case.

One thing that's potentially a bit fiddly about the API, is that the connect request can either be accepted or rejected, and we've got different kinds of stream interfaces we want to expose in each case. (Ie if it's rejected, then we want to return a regular byte stream representing the HTTP response, otherwise we want to return some kind of Connection interface.)

This issue is related to WebSockets support (which uses the HTTP Upgrade mechanism), but I think we want to provide a dedicated API for that use case, rather than building our websockets support on top of a low level connect mechanism.

Would be useful to hear from any folks with use cases in this area.

Edit, Sept 6 2023: Retitled to reflect the last remaining item here.

nskalis commented 2 years ago

First of all, many thanks for your work on httpx and making it available.

A use case would be to use httpx as a grpc client (based on the document you referenced above) and avoid the grpc client code generation. For example, in IP networks (telecom/datacenter industry) the routers are sharing data through telemetry. Every router (3rd party vendor) acts as a grpc server/stub. Making a HTTP2 POST request is a far simpler and unified method for interacting with a router (for example) than working with (produce and customise) metaclasses the grpc client is based on.

Python dominates the network world, hence this attempt of a low-level transport api in httpx seems to be the best bet Β πŸ˜‰

stale[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

tomchristie commented 2 years ago

Thanks @stale, I think we'd like to keep this open. Soz.

It's probably more of a docs issue at this point than an enhancement, since the "network stream" extension does allow us to support this functionality.

stale[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

nskalis commented 1 year ago

πŸ‘‰ With httpx I can successfully make grpc unary requests to a grpc server. πŸš€

Supporting network_stream for http2 will enable a httpx-based client to do

  1. grpc server-streaming
  2. grpc bidirectional streaming
  3. grpc client-streaming

The latter would be extremely valuable given that http2 is the transport of choice for grpc, and the main use of http2 to my eyes (?!) There is whole industry creating a standard https://www.openconfig.net and various specifications for it https://github.com/openconfig/reference/blob/master/rpc/gnmi/gnmi-specification.md that are all based on grpc. Having support of grpc server-streaming, grpc bidirectional streaming in httpx would make the management of routers a breeze to work with.

If we consider the official example https://grpc.io/docs/languages/python/quickstart/ there is an example of grpc unary (https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/v1.54.0/examples/protos/helloworld.proto) and grpc server-streaming (https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/v1.54.0/examples/protos/hellostreamingworld.proto).

# using curl (based on https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/doc/PROTOCOL-HTTP2.md)
echo -en '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x10{"name": "niko"}' | curl -ss -k --http2 --http2-prior-knowledge -H "Content-Type: application/grpc+json" -H "TE: trailers" --data-binary @- http://localhost:50051/helloworld.Greeter/SayHello
# using grpcurl
grpcurl -import-path ../../protos -proto hellostreamingworld.proto -plaintext -d '{"name": "niko"}' localhost:50051 hellostreamingworld.MultiGreeter/sayHello 

There is another publicly available example of grpc bidirectional-streaming and grpc server-streaming here https://github.com/bufbuild/connect-demo/blob/3a30d4de07d6ac42110acd4ebf64bb4bf8a62579/proto/buf/connect/demo/eliza/v1/eliza.proto#L25

# using curl (based on https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/doc/PROTOCOL-HTTP2.md)
echo -ne '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x1b{"sentence": "I feel good"}' | curl --http2 -H "Content-Type: application/grpc+json" -H "TE: trailers" --data-binary @- --output - https://demo.connect.build:443/buf.connect.demo.eliza.v1.ElizaService/Say
&{"sentence":"Do you often feel good?"}

Note: You can omit the first 5 bytes of the response (when using curl) as it is the same header the request is using. If you pipe the below output to | od -bc, then it becomes obvious.

echo -ne '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x1b{"sentence": "I feel good"}' | curl -ss -k  --http2 -H "Content-Type: application/grpc+json" -H "TE: trailers" --data-binary @- --output - https://demo.connect.build:443/buf.connect.demo.eliza.v1.ElizaService/Say | od -bc
0000000   000 000 000 000 055 173 042 163 145 156 164 145 156 143 145 042
          \0  \0  \0  \0   -   {   "   s   e   n   t   e   n   c   e   "
0000020   072 042 127 150 145 156 040 144 157 040 171 157 165 040 165 163
           :   "   W   h   e   n       d   o       y   o   u       u   s
0000040   165 141 154 154 171 040 146 145 145 154 040 147 157 157 144 077
           u   a   l   l   y       f   e   e   l       g   o   o   d   ?
0000060   042 175                                                        
           "   }                                                        

Referencing https://github.com/encode/httpcore/issues/592 here as well for reasons of completeness, as this feature seems to be important to many users for other protocols too. 🎈

How do you feel about it? Is it a big chunk of work you (and the encode team) have to put in?

tomchristie commented 1 year ago

How do you feel about it?

I like it. Looks niche from my perspective, but also a valuable niche.

nskalis commented 1 year ago

Indeed, because httpx will also be a fully-featured grpc client library (when supporting network_stream for http/2). πŸ₯³

In an effort to save 10min of your time, this is how I construct the byte sequence in question, in other words the data function argument in a POST request.

json_data = json.dumps({"name": "niko"})
compressed_flag = "{:02x}".format(0)
message_length = "{:08x}".format(len(json_data.encode("utf-8")))
message_data = "".join(["{:02x}".format(ord(x)) for x in json_data])
binascii.unhexlify(compressed_flag + message_length + message_data)  # payload

which is the equivalent of

# with open("frame.bin", "wb") as f:
#     f.write(binascii.unhexlify(compressed_flag + message_length + message_data))
# or
# echo -n '00000000107b226e616d65223a20226e696b6f227d' | xxd -r -p - frame.bin
# hexdump -C frame.bin
# echo -en '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x10{"name": "niko"}' | curl -ss -k --http2 --http2-prior-knowledge -H "Content-Type: application/grpc+json" -H "TE: trailers" --data-binary @- http://localhost:50051/helloworld.Greeter/SayHello | od -bc
nskalis commented 1 year ago

is it a good idea to remove the wontfix label from this GitHub issue?