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h11._util.RemoteProtocolError: can't handle event type ConnectionClosed when role=SERVER and state=SEND_RESPONSE #96

Closed didip closed 4 years ago

didip commented 5 years ago

I intermittently got this error when load testing uvicorn endpoint.

This error comes from a proxy endpoint where I am also using encode/http3 to perform HTTP client calls.

  File "/project/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/http3/client.py", line 365, in post
  File "/project/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/http3/client.py", line 497, in request
  File "/project/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/http3/client.py", line 112, in send
  File "/project/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/http3/client.py", line 145, in send_handling_redirects
    request, verify=verify, cert=cert, timeout=timeout
  File "/project/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/http3/dispatch/connection_pool.py", line 121, in send
    raise exc
  File "/project/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/http3/dispatch/connection_pool.py", line 116, in send
    request, verify=verify, cert=cert, timeout=timeout
  File "/project/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/http3/dispatch/connection.py", line 59, in send
    response = await self.h11_connection.send(request, timeout=timeout)
  File "/project/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/http3/dispatch/http11.py", line 65, in send
    event = await self._receive_event(timeout)
  File "/project/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/http3/dispatch/http11.py", line 109, in _receive_event
    event = self.h11_state.next_event()
  File "/project/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/h11/_connection.py", line 439, in next_event
  File "/project/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/h11/_util.py", line 72, in _reraise_as_remote_protocol_error
    raise self
  File "/project/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/h11/_connection.py", line 422, in next_event
    self._process_event(self.their_role, event)
  File "/project/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/h11/_connection.py", line 238, in _process_event
    self._cstate.process_event(role, type(event), server_switch_event)
  File "/project/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/h11/_state.py", line 238, in process_event
    self._fire_event_triggered_transitions(role, event_type)
  File "/project/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/h11/_state.py", line 253, in _fire_event_triggered_transitions
    .format(event_type.__name__, role, self.states[role]))
h11._util.RemoteProtocolError: can't handle event type ConnectionClosed when role=SERVER and state=SEND_RESPONSE
tomchristie commented 3 years ago

A bit of a 'Heisenbug', happens less than 10% of the time when requesting (many) JSON files for episode metadata from the BBC's radio schedules.

@lmmx - Could you provide enough information to reproduce this? I'd be happy to spend some time looking into it.

dmig-alarstudios commented 3 years ago

also answering 'yes' to any of these questions means that this is not a httpx problem:

lioncui commented 2 years ago

i have same problem with fastapi + uvicorn. can i use uwsgi replace uvicorn to fix it ?

jouve commented 2 years ago

I could reproduce with this snippet:

import asyncio
async def main():
    async with AsyncClient() as session:
        await asyncio.wait([
           for _ in range(1000)

the ConnectionClosed seems to be generated only in this place in h11:

    def _extract_next_receive_event(self):
        state = self.their_state
        # We don't pause immediately when they enter DONE, because even in
        # DONE state we can still process a ConnectionClosed() event. But
        # if we have data in our buffer, then we definitely aren't getting
        # a ConnectionClosed() immediately and we need to pause.
        if state is DONE and self._receive_buffer:
            return PAUSED
        if state is MIGHT_SWITCH_PROTOCOL or state is SWITCHED_PROTOCOL:
            return PAUSED
        assert self._reader is not None
        event = self._reader(self._receive_buffer)
        if event is None:
            if not self._receive_buffer and self._receive_buffer_closed:
                # In some unusual cases (basically just HTTP/1.0 bodies), EOF
                # triggers an actual protocol event; in that case, we want to
                # return that event, and then the state will change and we'll
                # get called again to generate the actual ConnectionClosed().
                if hasattr(self._reader, "read_eof"):
                    event = self._reader.read_eof()
                    event = ConnectionClosed()
        if event is None:
            event = NEED_DATA
        return event

and _receive_buffer_closed seems to be closed only in

    def receive_data(self, data):
        if data:
            if self._receive_buffer_closed:
                raise RuntimeError("received close, then received more data?")
            self._receive_buffer += data
            self._receive_buffer_closed = True

meaning it was called with an empty data

in turn, this comes from httpcore:

    async def _receive_event(self, timeout: float = None) -> H11Event:
        while True:
            with map_exceptions({h11.RemoteProtocolError: RemoteProtocolError}):
                event = self._h11_state.next_event()

            if event is h11.NEED_DATA:
                data = await self._network_stream.read(
                    self.READ_NUM_BYTES, timeout=timeout
                return event

so _network_stream.read returned empty data

as I'm using asyncio, it's an AsyncIOStream with this code:

    async def read(self, max_bytes: int, timeout: float = None) -> bytes:
        exc_map = {
            TimeoutError: ReadTimeout,
            anyio.BrokenResourceError: ReadError,
        with map_exceptions(exc_map):
            with anyio.fail_after(timeout):
                    return await self._stream.receive(max_bytes=max_bytes)
                except anyio.EndOfStream:  # pragma: nocover
                    return b""

so I guess we reached EndOfStream on the client side then emitted the transition (their_role=SERVER, state=SEND_RESPONSE, event_type=ConnectionClosed) which is not managed.

When programming on the server side, it means client reached ConnectionClosed while the server is the sending the response/client is receiving, I think the bug does not happen since the server would not be calling receive_data while sending the response.

On the client side, it means the server reached ConnectionClosed while it is actually sending/while the client is receiving, and it trigger this bug.

mm-matthias commented 2 years ago

After upgrading from httpx 0.18.2 to 0.21.1 we also suffer from this problem again. As a workaround we pinned httpx to the old version where everything seems to work fine.

fyi @marns93

zyv commented 2 years ago

@tomchristie so can this please be reopened? We can reproduce this again with thousands of connections against HTTP/2 server - Undertow.

tomchristie commented 2 years ago

Can you make sure you've got the latest version of httpcore installed?

lsamper commented 2 years ago

Hi, I have a similar issue with FastAPI and uvicorn. Python 3.8.

It's probably not the best place to post it, I post it here because it is thanks to this thread that I was able to create a toy program that reproduces the bug. Any help would be appreciated.

Thore are the step to reproduce it:

pip install fastapi
pip install uvicorn

server script (from @yeraydiazdiaz )

from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

def index():
    return {"ok": 1, "data": "welcome to test app 11111111111!"}

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn
    uvicorn.run(app, host="", port=8001)

On the client:

$ curl --request POST   --url http://localhost:8001/

I have this Error that happens sometimes. It often happens multiple times in a row and after 3 to 10 queries it starts working.

I think it happens more ofter when the client is remote (through a VPN) but it also happens with the client on localhost.

WARNING:  Invalid HTTP request received.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/lsamper/.local/share/virtualenvs/bug_http-V1yNRNQW/lib/python3.8/site-packages/uvicorn/protocols/http/h11_impl.py", line 129, in handle_events
  File "/home/lsamper/.local/share/virtualenvs/bug_http-V1yNRNQW/lib/python3.8/site-packages/h11/_connection.py", line 443, in next_event
    because the peer has finished their part of the current
  File "/home/lsamper/.local/share/virtualenvs/bug_http-V1yNRNQW/lib/python3.8/site-packages/h11/_util.py", line 76, in _reraise_as_remote_protocol_error
    # in-place modification preserved it and we can just re-raise:
  File "/home/lsamper/.local/share/virtualenvs/bug_http-V1yNRNQW/lib/python3.8/site-packages/h11/_connection.py", line 425, in next_event
    """Parse the next event out of our receive buffer, update our internal
  File "/home/lsamper/.local/share/virtualenvs/bug_http-V1yNRNQW/lib/python3.8/site-packages/h11/_connection.py", line 367, in _extract_next_receive_event
    other failures to read are indicated using other mechanisms
  File "/home/lsamper/.local/share/virtualenvs/bug_http-V1yNRNQW/lib/python3.8/site-packages/h11/_readers.py", line 72, in maybe_read_from_IDLE_client
  File "/home/lsamper/.local/share/virtualenvs/bug_http-V1yNRNQW/lib/python3.8/site-packages/h11/_util.py", line 88, in validate
    if not match:
h11._util.RemoteProtocolError: illegal request line: bytearray(b'HTTP/1.1 302 Found')
(bug_http-V1yNRNQW) lsamper@servername:~/bug_http$ pip freeze
fredi-python commented 10 months ago

For me, updating my libraries fixed the issue : )

lmaddox commented 3 weeks ago

I can reproduce this with uvicorn+fastapi and just two requests (no need for thousands). First request failed due to the remote, second request failed do due this issue.