encode / starlette

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Support for HTTP range requests (for FileResponse) #950

Open simonw opened 4 years ago

simonw commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to embed an mp4 file on a page using the following HTML:

<video controls width="600">
    <source src="/media/video.mp4" type="video/mp4">

The video file is being served by a Starlette FileResponse.

I'm getting this error in Safari:


It looks to me like Safari is trying to make an HTTP range request in order to stream the video - but Starlette doesn't support that option.

I tried adding accept-ranges: none as a response header but that didn't seem to fix the problem.

So... it would be great if Starlette could handle range requests so you could use it to serve video files to Safari!


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tomchristie commented 4 years ago

We should certainly support that in the StaticFiles app, yup.

We could also consider supporting it in Uvicorn too, so that if an application doesn’t have built-in support for it, then the server will still receive the entire response bytes from the application, but will only send the relevant subsection over the wire.

abersheeran commented 4 years ago

As a pure ASGI server, uvicorn may not assume this function. I mean this should be implemented in starlette.

jordic commented 4 years ago

Be aware that with uvloop still doesn't exist sendfile API. If using the default python event loop it should work. When sending files it's important to follow that system API.

tombulled commented 3 years ago

I just ran into this issue myself and using this Stack Overflow post was able to produce a simple working example for my needs.

I added my code to a public gist here, hopefully it helps anyone else currently facing this issue :)

Kojiro20 commented 3 years ago

I made a simple fix for this here: https://github.com/encode/starlette/pull/1090 - ping me if anyone wants to revitalize pull request. I also posted some monkey-patch workaround and @kevinastone has a good handle on proper solution + monkey-patch.

abersheeran commented 3 years ago



If someone needs to respond with a file that supports fragmentation, you can try this library. Just replace starlette.responses.FileResponse.

Kludex commented 2 years ago

@abersheeran Your link has expired 😢 Which line were you mentioning? This one?

abersheeran commented 2 years ago



honglei commented 2 years ago

After two years, will starlette support this feature ?

honglei commented 2 years ago

@abersheeran Will you commit a merge request for this ?

Kludex commented 2 years ago

As a less disruptive (and fast...) approach, a PR documenting the usage using baize's FileResponse is welcome. 🙏

Kludex commented 2 years ago

@abersheeran Do you think Starlette should support this? If not, should we add a note on the FileResponse section itself about baize.asgi.FileResponse, and close this as "Won't do"?

abersheeran commented 2 years ago

@abersheeran Do you think Starlette should support this? If not, should we add a note on the FileResponse section itself about baize.asgi.FileResponse, and close this as "Won't do"?

I think Starlette could consider adding this feature. It is not complicated and requires little extra maintenance cost.

Kludex commented 2 years ago

I'm willing to review a PR with it. StaticFiles need to be considered on the PR, I guess.

kevinastone commented 2 years ago

@Kludex The PR was here but was closed as wontfix by Tom: https://github.com/encode/starlette/pull/1013

Kludex commented 2 years ago

Ah! I didn't remember Tom's comment there.

Let's be objective here.

We have three options to close this issue:

  1. Close this issue without taking any further action.
  2. Recommend baize.asgi.Files and baize.asgi.FileResponse as notes (?) on the StaticFiles and FileResponse sections on our docs.
  3. Implement what this issue proposes (reopening #1013 is an option, ofc).

FWIW, I'm fine with (2) and (3). We usually prefer to add documentation whenever possible... The thing is that we also take a lot of decisions based on decisions from other web frameworks, e.g. Django and Flask.

For Django, this feature was accepted 8 years ago (https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/22479), but the feature was not merged... There's a comment on that ticket recommending a middleware approach.

For Flask, this feature is supported.

Given the above, considering the options we have, Tom's comment, Django not prioritizing this feature in 8 years... I think the approach that makes more sense to me is to start with documentation, close this issue, and in the future, if further requested, we can reevaluate this decision.

simonw commented 2 years ago

I'd be disappointed to see this not land in Starlette. I'd understand if it required additional dependencies and a complex implementation, but I feel like the implementation in #1013 is small enough and clean enough that it shouldn't add undue complexity to the project.

And supporting range requests has a whole bunch of applications beyond just getting the HTML <video> tag to work properly:

simonwarchol commented 2 years ago

^^ Agreed -- I work in Biomedical Imaging, and range requests let me serve specific portions of 100GB+ multi-channel TIFF files for on-the-fly rendering.

Kludex commented 2 years ago

I'd be disappointed to see this not land in Starlette. I'd understand if it required additional dependencies and a complex implementation, but I feel like the implementation in #1013 is small enough and clean enough that it shouldn't add undue complexity to the project.

And supporting range requests has a whole bunch of applications beyond just getting the HTML <video> tag to work properly:

  • Support reusable downloads using tools like curl -C and wget --continue - or the download UI in browsers like Chrome and Firefox
  • Enable really neat tricks like the one described in Hosting SQLite databases on Github Pages, where the range header is used to allow queries to be executed against giant SQLite databases without needing to download the entire database first

If I may... This issue has more than two years, would you mind sharing what you did to overcome Starlette's limitation here?

simonwarchol commented 2 years ago

I use from baize.asgi 's FileResponse instead

simonw commented 2 years ago

If I may... This issue has more than two years, would you mind sharing what you did to overcome Starlette's limitation here?

I took the easiest possible route and used a YouTube embed instead.

Kludex commented 1 year ago

An update here: I've implemented https://github.com/encode/starlette/pull/1999, but I'm not satisfied. It follows a similar approach to https://github.com/encode/starlette/pull/1013 i.e. receives a range as a tuple.

I'll try to develop an alternative solution mentioned on the PR, on which I'll take in consideration the request headers.

Kludex commented 1 year ago

Let's release 1.0 first, and come back to this later on. It will not be a breaking change anyway - I think. :eyes:

teddy171 commented 1 year ago

@abersheeran Could you tell me how to use baize.asgi.FileResponse to send file? It seem only can return header.

{"status_code":200,"headers":{"accept-ranges":"bytes","last-modified":"Sat, 08 Apr 2023 06:11:11 GMT","etag":"22f29ae79c1e6389cbde785a591426c3f463b5d7","content-disposition":"attachment; filename=\"demo.md\"; filename*=utf-8''demo.md"},"cookies":[],"filepath":"./demo.md","content_type":"application/octet-stream","download_name":null,"stat_result":[33188,2738687,16777237,1,501,20,19,1680934310,1680934271,1680934271],"chunk_size":262144}

Can you add an example to docs?

abersheeran commented 1 year ago

@teddy171 https://github.com/abersheeran/baize/issues/45

teddy171 commented 1 year ago
import uvicorn
from fastapi import FastAPI, Response
from baize.asgi.responses import FileResponse

class ChunkFileResponse(Response):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
        if len(args) == 1:
            kwargs = args[0]
            [kwargs.pop(k) for k in ['status_code', 'cookies', 'stat_result']]

app = FastAPI()

def file():
    return ChunkFileResponse(filepath="./demo.md")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    uvicorn.run('main:app', port=5555, reload=True)

Could you tell me what's wrong with the code? I still cannot get the file. It still shows json.

septatrix commented 1 year ago

This makes several some WebKit browsers unable to play videos served by starlette. In some forums I saw that iOS was affected, though I am not sure if that is still the case. Otherwise cog (an embedded browser using WPE) and Gnome Web/Epiphany are likely some notable ones. They use gstreamer under the hood which fails to play videos without range request support by the source:

Now playing http://localhost:8000/api/cache/2b05bd47-ce21-4436-a565-953a85b000ad-Comedyspot Vögel.mp4
ERROR Server does not support seeking. for http://localhost:8000/api/cache/2b05bd47-ce21-4436-a565-953a85b000ad-Comedyspot Vögel.mp4
ERROR debug information: ../ext/soup/gstsouphttpsrc.c(1948): gst_soup_http_src_do_request (): /GstPlayBin:playbin/GstURIDecodeBin:uridecodebin0/GstSoupHTTPSrc:source:
Server does not accept Range HTTP header, URL: http://localhost:8000/api/cache/2b05bd47-ce21-4436-a565-953a85b000ad-Comedyspot Vögel.mp4, Redirect to: (NULL)
Reached end of play list.
simonw commented 11 months ago

Found another really compelling use-case for HTTP range headers: PMTiles, which lets you serve a single file with a vector map of the world (107GB for the whole planet to street level) which can then be served to browsers using range requests to get just the data needed for a specific area.

More on that here: https://protomaps.com/

I wrote about my explorations here: https://til.simonwillison.net/gis/pmtiles

septatrix commented 10 months ago

For Django, this feature was accepted 8 years ago (https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/22479), but the feature was not merged... There's a comment on that ticket recommending a middleware approach.

For Flask, this feature is supported.

This is also supported by Quart (async Flask)

ubipo commented 10 months ago


Could you tell me what's wrong with the code? I still cannot get the file. It still shows json.

I had the same issue. I resorted to proxying to the Baize FileResponse class instead of inheriting from it. This worked for me:

from baize.asgi.responses import FileResponse as BaizeFileResponse
from fastapi.responses import Response as FastApiResponse

class FastApiBaizeFileResponse(FastApiResponse):
    _baize_response: BaizeFileResponse

    def __init__(self, path, **kwargs) -> None:
        filepath = str(kwargs.get("filepath", kwargs.get("path", path)))
        kwargs.pop("filepath", None)
        kwargs.pop("path", None)
        self._baize_response = BaizeFileResponse(filepath, **kwargs)

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._baize_response(*args, **kwargs)

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        return getattr(self._baize_response, name)

Use it in the same way you'd use the FastAPI FileResponse:

return FastApiBaizeFileResponse(path.absolute())

I suppose FastAPI does some instanceof(x, fastapi.responses.Response) check somewhere.

mgoltzsche commented 1 day ago

Here's a StreamingResponse-based solution for FastAPI that does not require an additional dependency: https://gist.github.com/mgoltzsche/ec1a5f69c4dbdd00a07151b401cf143c