endangereddataweek / resources

Resources for planning, hosting, and promoting EDW events. All resources are CC-BY unless otherwise noted.
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We need ideas for events/workshops/initiatives. #20

Open hepplerj opened 6 years ago

hepplerj commented 6 years ago

Have ideas for workshops, events, or initiatives Endangered Data Week could help plan? Not sure you have the time or capacity to complete a workshop or event during the global sprint? Share your ideas here.

Describe and/or link to your work by commenting below.

TertiarySources commented 6 years ago

Hello Jason:

Here is a description of the event we hosted last year:

Environmental Justice in Upstate NY.

We also collaborated with our friends at Indiana University to record a video to kick off the panel.

This panel was also built into a course being taught in spring semester, Environmental Studies 232: Environmental Justice.

Finally, the planning + outcome of this event will be a keynote at the spring 2018 ENY/ACRL Conference here at Colgate.


endangered data week

hepplerj commented 6 years ago

This is great, thanks @TertiarySources!

hepplerj commented 6 years ago

Idea for a workshop via @cbgoodman: an introduction to Excel. The workshop might be an hour or hour-and-a-half and include:

manasvil commented 6 years ago

Ideas for a workshop: How to read charts or how to encode data I find http://www.datavizcatalogue.com/ very helpful when it comes to filtering chart types.

svmelton commented 6 years ago

@manasvil We did a version of an info visualization workshop recently—it could definitely be adapted for an Endangered Data audience! https://github.com/tech-at-arl/Digital-Scholarship-Institute/tree/master/January%202018/Information%20Visualization

23koivisto commented 6 years ago

Responding to @hepplerj & @cbgoodman: We took a similar approach to our EDW sessions at UMD (with Adam Kriesberg & David Durden) insomuch as we felt good data stewardship values & practices start at home. We did a 30-minute intro to data management and coupled that with overviews of data initiatives (EDW, EDGI, PEGI, Data Refuge, Climate Mirror) and tool tutorials (Open Refine, Data Accessioner, Fixity).

hepplerj commented 6 years ago

@23koivisto Awesome! Do you happen to have slides or workshop material on Github we could link to or reference?

bleckley commented 6 years ago

In 2018, ICPSR did several things for EDW:

EducationalVideoCenter commented 6 years ago

Have you thought about modifying this presentation to hold an event geared toward youth? We love your framework and are always looking for ways to provide opportunities for youth get involved with these issues.

brandontlocke commented 6 years ago

@EducationalVideoCenter I love the idea! Do you have any ideas about which kinds of activities would be best for youth? Or how we may want to frame/reframe anything we already have?

23koivisto commented 6 years ago

@hepplerj David has said that he will get together his slides for the data management portion of the presentation. Should have it for the group next week. Attached are my slides on data initiatives. Didn't really have any documentation for our tool demos as they were straight up demos. edw_data_initiatives.pdf

EducationalVideoCenter commented 6 years ago

Your workshop on using Endangered Data is a great platform for youth to get involved, work with the material and see how it is relevant in their lives! I really liked the links you used there as resources. The Guardian's project on The Counted would resonate with a large population of the youth we serve. I passed along that link to our film instructors who are working with students on police brutality. Also, any data resources you work with that is relevant to issues around gentrification, homelessness, substance abuse, mental health and bullying would be good. The key is creating hands-on opportunities where youth can provide input, contribute and see the relevance in their lives.