endangeredoxen / fivecentplots

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pd.read_excel xlrd deprecation #22

Closed ktetz closed 3 years ago

ktetz commented 3 years ago

xlrd has deprecated reading .xlsx filetypes (supporting only .xls moving forward). Pandas 1.2 and later will switch to using openpyxl (which will need to be made a package requirement, likely) - see here, here

At present, to be independent of pandas version, can make the following change in keywords.py:

fcp.version == 0.4.1

Sorry wasn't looking at the 0.5 branch yet - will check out if this is already addressed.

Other option would be to re-save keywords.xlsx as keywords.xls.

endangeredoxen commented 3 years ago

Thanks for pointing this out. I think the cleanest route is to include openpxl as a new dependency if this will be the engine of choice for pandas moving forward. I'll release a patch (0.4.2) and update the next rev as well