endeavouros-team / endeavouros-i3wm-setup

The beloved EndeavourOS default i3 (has gaps) theme and setup dotfile repo
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Make numpad keys work similarly for switching workspaces when numlock is on or off #90

Closed nickorlow closed 9 months ago

nickorlow commented 9 months ago

Apologies if this is intended functionality, but I didn't see that stated anywhere.

This change makes it so that switching workspaces with the numpad works the same regardless of the state of numlock.

Previously, if numlock was off then $mod + Numpad 1 would go to workspace 1 and not $ws1 while if numlock was on the $mod + Numpad 1 would go to $ws1. This is confusing as if you cycle between having numlock on/off a lot then you'll go to different workspaces.

Now, it has been updated so that $mod + Numpad 1 goes to $ws1 when numlock is off.

($ws1 was an example, this functionality extends for all default workspace variables)

killajoe commented 9 months ago

i will test this and if o can reproduce it is usefully working i can go merge.