endel / NativeWebSocket

🔌 WebSocket client for Unity - with no external dependencies (WebGL, Native, Android, iOS, UWP)
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Unity Application freezing when network connection is lost. Is there any timeout parameter that can be configured ? #48

Open saikiran469 opened 2 years ago

saikiran469 commented 2 years ago

Hi @endel, when I was testing, I came across this issue.

Context: Messages would be published from my application continuously with a frequency of 20 messages per second. When the application is running and the network connection is stable, and all the messages sent through this function - SendText are being successfully delivered.

Issue: With the above-mentioned context, in such a case when the internet gets disconnected, the Unity Application is getting frozen. When checked with the profiler, below is the information gathered. WebSocketSendMessageFunctionProfiler

The application is coming back to a normal state after ~16 seconds. And when the application comes back to a normal state, the below error is being logged in the console. And only then OnClose callback of WebSocket is getting invoked. WebSocketExceptionInfo.txt

I assume this might happen due to the setting "-1" as a timeout parameter for a task. If that is the case, can you please let me know on how to configure the timeout parameter?

HaSyHieu commented 3 months ago

is there any update on this issue ?